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Indybay Feature
Wed Feb 20 2019 (Updated 03/10/19)
Oakland Teachers Shut It Down
Teachers Strike and Picket City-Wide to Demand Better for Oakland Schools
UPDATE 3/3: Oakland Education Association members vote to ratify new contract with OUSD, return to work on 3/4.

Oakland teachers are the lowest paid teachers in Alameda County. Every year, 1-in-5 teachers leave the district. On top of high teacher turnover, students are already under-resourced with only one academic counselor per 600 students, and only 21 nurses for all 37,000 students. Oakland teachers held a one-day wildcat strike on January 18 as a warning, yet the Oakland Unified School District still refuses to approve an adequate contract with the Oakland Education Association or resolve the ongoing student resourcing issues.

Teachers are demanding smaller class sizes, more student support, a moratorium on charters, no more school closures, and a living wage. To fight for those goals, teachers went on strike city-wide on Thursday, February 21. There are morning and afternoon picket lines at all 86 school sites, 19 of which are considered priority locations and five high priority. Teachers and allies request folks to join them on the line and show solidarity at mid-day rallies. You can show your support by donating food and supplies to the teachers, parents, students and community allies on the picket lines or turnout for picket line help from 7-10am and 2-4pm at targeted locations.

March 4: photo Oakland, California school board passes devastating budget cut following union sellout | photo DSA and Jacobin cover for union sellout of Oakland teachers strike | Oakland students oppose sellout of teachers strike, plan to continue fight

March 3: photo Oakland OEA Teachers & Supporters At TA Contract Vote Speakout | photo Amid widespread opposition, union declares end to Oakland teachers strike | photo Oakland Education Association members voted to ratify our contract

March 2: photo OEA Rep Delegates & Members Speak Out on Tentative Agreement — Nurses Furious

Day 7: Friday, March 1 — 11am, picket the the OUSD school board meeting, La Escuelita Elementary, 1050 2nd Ave. (clusters 2, 3, 5, 6) OR regional actions (clusters 1, 4, 7)
video photo OUSD board member Jumoke Hinton chokes Oakland teacher while Ronald Muhammad shoves others | video photo Day Seven of Oakland Teachers' Strike: Pickets at Central Kitchen, Skyline High, and OUSD Board Meeting | photo OEA Reaches Tentative Agreement – Ratification Vote on Sunday March 3

Day 6: Thursday, Feb 28 — 11:30am city-wide rally at Frank Ogawa Plaza
photo It's Our Fight Too! Bay Area Teachers Join Striking OEA Teachers Strike On Day 6 | video photo Day Six of Oakland Teachers' Strike: State Building Takeover and Mistah FAB on the Line

Day 5: Wednesday, Feb 27 — 11:30am, regional actions (check with local picket captain). 3pm, shut down the OUSD school board meeting, La Escuelita Elementary, 1050 2nd Ave.
video photo Day Five of Oakland Teachers' Strike: OUSD School Board Budgeting Meeting Shut Down

Day 4: Tuesday, Feb 26 — 11:30am, march from Verdese Park (9600 Sunnyside) to rally at Roots International Academy.
video Day Four of Oakland Teachers' Strike: Rain or Shine, Boots Riley, and March for Better Schools

Day 3: Monday, Feb 25 — 12:30pm, rally at Oakland City Hall and march to State Building to support the bargaining team. Later, the OUSD school board meeting was shut down.
video Day Three of Oakland Teachers' Strike: Keith Brown, Minister Perkins, and Oakland High Teacher | video photo Day Three of Oakland Teachers' Strike: Lincoln Elementary Teacher and Message from OEA

Day 2: Friday, Feb 22 — 11:30am, rally and march from DeFremery Rec Center (1651 Adeline St)
ILWU Members & ILWU Local 34 Have Backed Striking OEA Oakland Teachers at Rally & March | video photo Day Two of Oakland Teachers' Strike: Picket Lines, Bargaining Update, Messages of Solidarity | video photo Day Two of Oakland Teachers' Strike: Morning Picket and Rally at DeFremery Park | photo Fighting Privatization & Union Busting Charters In Oakland OEA Strike On Day 2

Day 1: Thursday, Feb 21 — 11:30am, rally at Oakland City Hall and march to OUSD central office
audio Oakland Teachers on Strike: Stakeholder Voices on the Struggle | video Day One of Oakland Teachers' Strike: School Picket Lines & Message from Keith Brown | video photo Day One of Oakland Teachers' Strike: Rally at City Hall | photo "When We Fight We Win!" Thousands Of Oakland OEA Teachers With SEIU 1021 Workers Strike | photo 2019 Oakland OEA Strike Rally: Day One "We Shut It Down"!

Strike Support Info:
calendar Strike Announcement with Picket Locations | OEA Strike Map | Oakland Education Association strike schedule | OEA Twitter updates | Bay Resistance solidarity | Donate to Bread for Ed

See Also: Union pushes contract in effort to shutdown Oakland teachers’ strike | Unions, Democrats rush to end strike | Growing calls for nation-wide struggle | Why is there no strike pay for Oakland teachers? | photo Teachers press for expansion of strike as union seeks to contain struggle | Support Oakland Teachers! For a General Strike to Defend Education! | Powerful Support for Oakland Teachers’ Strike | photo Oakland, California teachers walk out as unions sabotage West Virginia strike | calendar Rally to Call on Oakland City Council to Support Oakland Teachers (Feb 5) | photo Stop OUSD from voting to close "Roots" Middle School | calendar Stop OUSD from voting to close "Roots" Middle School | photo Oakland OEA Teachers, Students and Parents Protest Closure Of Roots International Academy

Related Feature: Teachers Striking in LA and Promising to Strike in Oakland If Funding Needs Not Met
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