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Indybay Feature
Sat Nov 17 2007
UC Santa Barbara Students Drive Out CIA
CIA Recruiters Expelled from UCSB Campus
On November 14, a routine CIA information and recruitment session was suddenly disrupted on the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara when a small group of student protesters walked in and lead a man with bound hands to the front of the room, where he was laid on a table and (voluntarily*) tortured with a CIA-approved technique used to simulate drowning, known as water-boarding. The CIA speakers were struggling to speak over the "torture victim's" coughs and cries for help, while potential CIA recruits looked on with bewilderment at the grotesquely real portrayal of torture.

As the torture victim screamed in terror, a large group of students, with a faction of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) at the lead, stormed the room. CIRCA members untied the bound man and pushed his torturers aside to chants of 'NO TORTURE AT UCSB!' and 'CIA, GO AWAY!'. One of the rebel clowns even took advantage of a CIA operative's vacant chair at the head of the room to begin a new, and interactive, information session with the crowd to discuss the true history of the CIA and why they must be resisted. Meanwhile, clowns and students mingled with the potential recruits to discuss the truth of the organization, and other options for those who had attended the meeting. People got on tables, chairs were overturned, and the projector screen was rolled up. imc_photo.gif imc_video.gif Read More with Photos and Video
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