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Newsitem List

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imageCalifornia Senate Committee Blocks Governor's Plan to Gut Environmental Law
by Dan Bacher
Representatives of environmental groups spoke out against the legislation at the hearing, supporting the staff recommendations to move the trailer bills to the regular policy process and to reject the flood and drought trailer bill language....
Posted: Sun, May 28, 2023 10:02pm PDT
imageGovernor guts landmark environmental law to expedite the salmon-killing Delta Tunnel
by Dan Bacher
Advocates for fish, water and environmental justice are outraged over Governor Gavin Newsom's plan to gut the California Environmental Quality Act in order to construct the Delta Tunnel, Sites Reservoir and other destructive infrastructure projects....
Posted: Mon, May 22, 2023 4:52pm PDT
textSF City Politicians Outsource Police Oversight To Non-profit HealthRight 360 by repost
The murders by police and recently by the Walgreen's security guard Banko Brown have exposed the role of Mayor London Breed and the rest of the Democratic Party politicians to allow the police and company police to have free hand. Diana Aroche started with Coleman Advocates, then worked for Maria Su at the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Families, then for Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - who outsourced Violence Intervention and Prevention to HealthRight 360 - and now works at the SF Police De...
Posted: Mon, May 8, 2023 1:56pm PDT
imageThe Population of Santa Cruz Declined, According to State Report
by Santa Cruz News
The population of Santa Cruz County shrank in 2022, according to a report released by the State of California Department of Finance on Monday. The total population of the county dropped to an estimated 262,051 at the beginning of 2023, down from 264,912 at the beginning of 2022, which is a loss of 2,861 people, or a 1.1% decline. County by county, Santa Cruz experienced the fourth largest population decrease in the state in 2022. The report also included housing stock data. In 2022, Santa Cru...
Posted: Wed, May 3, 2023 8:27am PDT
imageBig Oil sponsors dinners and awards for CA journalists as part of greenwashing campaign
by Dan Bacher
Big Oil’s campaign to influence the political system and the journalists that cover it has real world consequences in California, where oil drilling permits have skyrocketed in recent weeks....
Posted: Sun, Apr 9, 2023 1:53pm PDT
imageCA Climate activists protest approval of hundreds of neighborhood oil permits this year
by Dan Bacher
A total of 14,374 new and reworked oil drilling permits have been approved by CalGEM under Governor Newsom since Jan. 2019.  ...
Posted: Wed, Apr 5, 2023 1:06pm PDT
imageThe Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton
by Labor Video Project
PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy....
Posted: Mon, Mar 20, 2023 7:56pm PDT
imageState Water Board Reverses Emergency Order As Feds Cancel Salmon Season Openers
by Dan Bacher
Fish advocates note that because of the poor management of Sacramento and Klamath rivers by the state and federal governments during the recent drought, fall-run Chinook, spring-run Chinook and Sacramento River winter-run Chinook populations have collapsed, prompting the closure of ocean and river salmon fisheries this year....
Posted: Tue, Mar 14, 2023 9:41am PDT
imageNearly 200 oil drilling permits approved in CA since Jan. 1, bringing total to over 13,900
by Dan Bacher
"CalGEM issuing hundreds of permits to negligent oil companies so they can continue drilling in our communities just months after they released an emergency rule to block neighborhood drilling is exactly why we don't trust them,” said Cesar Aguirre, organizer with Central California Environmental Justice Network. “This is exactly the free-for-all that California's oil industry wanted when they bought their way onto the ballot and forced the stay of SB 1137."...
Posted: Tue, Mar 14, 2023 9:18am PDT
imageDelta group files opposition to TUCP waiving environmental laws protecting the Bay-Delta Estuary
by Dan Bacher
“The TUCP is not in the public interest because it stampedes the State Water Board for water that is meant rightly to serve public trust resources of aquatic estuarine food webs and species in the Delta that further support migratory salmon and steelhead runs that benefits Northern California Indian Tribes (whose cultures are salmon-dependent), commercial and sport fishing interests, and the community of subsistence anglers residing in communities adjacent to Delta rivers and sloughs where th...
Posted: Mon, Feb 27, 2023 8:33am PST
imageState Senator David Min Introduces Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling in California Waters
by Dan Bacher
Senator Dave Min announced the introduction of SB 559, legislation that would end offshore oil drilling under existing leases in California state waters....
Posted: Thu, Feb 16, 2023 12:05pm PST
imageBig Ag Newsom authorizes salmon-killing measures in executive order
by Dan Bacher
"The past several years have been horrible for California's native salmon runs and this spring we were hoping for a reprieve when we might finally see the river flows needed to move baby salmon to the ocean," said John McManus, President of the Golden State Salmon Association (GSSA). "Now Newsom is stepping in to kill our salmon runs, as well as other wildlife that were hoping to catch a break."...
Posted: Tue, Feb 14, 2023 5:12pm PST
imageRep. Josh Harder Reintroduces the Stop the Delta Tunnel Act in Congress
by Dan Bacher
Critics and independent scientists say the tunnel would have a devastating impact on family farms in San Joaquin, Sacramento and other Delta counties, as well as on imperiled fish populations and the ecology of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary....
Posted: Sun, Feb 12, 2023 10:48am PST
imageCalifornia Tribes, E.J. group file comments on voluntary water agreements with the State Water Board
by Dan Bacher
“As long as the state upholds historic water rights, that we all know to be racist and unfair, we will continue to have first- and second-class California communities,” said Dillon Delvo, Executive Director, Little Manila....
Posted: Sun, Feb 12, 2023 8:18am PST
imageDemo Says "No to Israeli Dictatorship" on Crissy Field
by No to Israeli Dictatorship
The Golden Gate Bridge at their back, demonstrators on San Francisco’s Crissy Field posed for photos as wind blew around banners, flags and signs reading "No to Israeli Dictatorship" and calling the current leadership corrupt....
Posted: Fri, Feb 10, 2023 3:11am PST
imageOil industry referendum to overturn setbacks law becomes eligible for Nov. 2024 ballot
by Dan Bacher
The announcement of the referendum's eligibility for the ballot came just three days after Jan. 31 filings with the Secretary of State revealed that the oil and gas industry in California spent over $34.2 million in the 2021-22 Legislative Session against SB 1137 and other bills the oil industry was opposed to, including legislation to ban offshore drilling in state waters and to divest California retirement pensions from oil and gas companies....
Posted: Tue, Feb 7, 2023 10:36am PST
imageChevron doubles last year's profits as consumers are gouged at the gas pumps
by Dan Bacher
The news of Chevron’s record profits and record oil and gas production in the U.S. comes as data from the Bureau of Land Management reveals that President Biden approved more oil and gas drilling permits in his first two years in office than former President Donald Trump....
Posted: Sun, Feb 5, 2023 10:27am PST
imageBig Oil spent over $34.2 million lobbying California officials in the 2021-22 session
by Dan Bacher
WSPA and Big Oil wield their power in 8 major ways: through (1) lobbying; (2) campaign spending; (3) serving on and putting shills on regulatory panels; (4) creating Astroturf groups; (5) working in collaboration with media; (6) creating alliances with labor unions; (7) contributing to non profit organizations; and (8) sponsoring awards ceremonies, including those for legislators and journalists.    ...
Posted: Sun, Feb 5, 2023 10:01am PST
imageLand Development Lawyer And SF Supervisor Mandelman Wants To Shutdown Remote Dial In
by repost
Corrupt land development lawyer and SF Supervisor Raphael Mandelman wants to shut down remote public comment at the rules committee meetings at the SF Board of Supervisors. He has supported privatization of Balboa reservoir and supports the sale off of all public services and privatization of education....
Posted: Fri, Feb 3, 2023 1:51pm PST
imageThe strange case of the 2022 Oakland mayor’s race
by Lynda carson
Oakland City Hall:...
Posted: Thu, Jan 26, 2023 3:56am PST
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