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Scott Turner, Trump's pick to lead HUD works for JPI Construction

by Lynda Carson (newzland2 [at]
Presidential Transition Report from NAHRO to Scott Turner and convicted felon president elect Donald J. Trump:
Presidential Transition Report from NAHRO to Scott Turner and convicted felon president elect Donald J. Trump:
Scott Turner, Trump's pick to lead HUD works for JPI Construction

By Lynda Carson - November 27, 2024

Scott Turner works for JPI Construction LP. - - Scott.Turner [at] .

Recently, the fascist convicted felon Donald J. Trump picked Scott Turner of JPI Construction LP., to lead HUD.

According to the website for JPI Construction, the convicted felon Donald J. Trump's pick to lead HUD, Scott Turner, is the Chief Visionary Officer, for the company.

According to the website for JPI, in part it says, "From a young age, Scott Turner demonstrated exceptional leadership skills both on and off the field. Raised in Richardson, Texas, he consistently excelled in academics and athletics. Scott attended the University of Illinois, where he achieved outstanding success as a dual-sport athlete in track and football. In addition to his athletic accomplishments, Scott pursued academic excellence, earning a degree in Speech Communications from the University of Illinois.

As the Chief Visionary Officer at JPI, Scott is responsible for creating and implementing a comprehensive strategic vision to drive the company's growth and expansion. His role involves working closely with the Executive Leadership Team to devise and execute corporate strategy, establishing and maintaining strong relationships with local, state, and federal entities, reinforcing JPI's position as a thought leader, and promoting a culture of collaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement."

What they failed to mention in the JPI website about Scott Turner, is that Scott Turner is working for a company (JPI Construction) that has been cited as recent as 2021, for alleged wage theft violations of over $1.7 million dollars.

Reportedly, "SAN DIEGO (CNS) – A San Diego-based construction company has been fined more than $1.7 million by the California Labor Commissioner’s Office for allegedly failing to properly pay its workers, resulting in minimum wage and overtime violations, it was announced Monday.

JPI Construction allegedly didn’t properly pay employees working on commercial and residential construction projects, leading to wage theft violations affecting 265 workers, according to the Labor Commissioner’s Office.

The Labor Commissioner’s Office alleges an audit of the company’s payroll showed “illegally modified time sheets that removed record of the overtime hours the workers should have been paid.”

The owners have appealed the citations, which total $1,771,133, with $1,610,527 payable to the workers. Under the appeal procedure, the Labor Commissioner’s Office will hold a hearing before a hearing officer who will affirm, modify or dismiss the citations.

“Paying workers a flat rate is not an excuse to deny them the overtime hours they earned and should be paid,” California Labor Commissioner Lilia Garcia-Brower said in a statement. “The laws in California protect workers. It is critical that workers keep track of their hours and pay so they can defend themselves.”

Click here for more about JPI Construction for allegedly cheating their workers with wage theft, a company that Scott Turner works for.

JPI Construction Was Also Involved In $10.5 Million Settlement:

Additionally, the JPI Construction website blurb for Scott Turner forgot to mention that Scott Turner is working for a company (JPI Construction LP.), that was involved in a landmark $10.5 million settlement to resolve a disability-based housing discrimination lawsuit back in 2012 with the Justice Department.

Reportedly, on June 25, 2012, "The Justice Department today announced its largest-ever disability-based housing discrimination settlement fund to resolve allegations that JPI Construction L.P. and six other JPI entities (collectively “JPI”) based in Irving, Texas, discriminated on the basis of disability in the design and construction of multifamily housing complexes throughout the United States.
Under the settlement, which was approved today by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, JPI will pay $10,250,000 into an accessibility fund to provide retrofits at properties built by JPI and to increase the stock of accessible housing in the communities where these properties are located.  The settlement also requires JPI to pay a $250,000 civil penalty. 

This is the largest civil penalty the Justice Department has obtained in any Fair Housing Act case.

“Today’s historic settlement demonstrates the Justice Department’s commitment to protecting the fair housing rights of persons with disabilities,” said Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division.  “Builders of multifamily housing must consider accessibility at the outset, or they risk significantly greater expense to retrofit properties.  As a result of this settlement, multifamily housing complexes will be retrofitted to comply with the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and persons with physical disabilities will be afforded an equal opportunity to live in and visit these properties.”

“Equal access to housing for persons with disabilities is an important right protected by federal law,” said U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Sarah R. Saldaña.  “This settlement will help eliminate barriers and send a clear message that disability discrimination will not be tolerated.  Disabled residents should know that this district remains committed to protecting their fair housing rights.”

Apparently, if the convicted felon Trump believes that Scott Turner is qualified to be the next HUD Secretary because he works for a company that allegedly ripped off it's workers with wage theft, and works for a company that screwed over people with disabilities at their many rental properties, then this may be of some concern to HUD's employees, and HUD's subsidized housing tenants.

In a release from NAHRO regarding Trump's pick to lead HUD, see the NAHRO release below.

Trump Nominates Scott Turner for HUD Secretary

On Friday, November 22, President-elect Donald Trump nominated Scott Turner for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Turner currently serves as Chair for Education Opportunity at the America First Policy Institute, a think tank aligned with the incoming president. He previously led the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council during President-elect Trump’s first administration, working closely with former HUD Secretary Ben Carson on reinvestment in distressed communities through the Opportunity Zone program. Turner also represented the 33rd District in the Texas House of Representatives from 2013 to 2017 and was a former NFL player.

NAHRO looks forward to collaborating with Mr. Turner and sharing our 2024 Presidential Transition Document with him and his transition team, emphasizing the importance of adequate and responsible funding for housing programs. NAHRO remains committed to partnering with HUD to support the development and preservation of affordable housing, improve federal rental assistance programs, and ensure all families have access to safe, secure homes in thriving communities nationwide.

This article was updated to clarify Mr. Turner served in the Texas House of Representatives and not the U.S. House of Representatives.

NAHRO - Presidential Transition Report

Click below…

National Fair Housing Alliance Issues Statement on Scott Turner’s Nomination for HUD Secretary


November 25, 2024

Contact NFHA [at]

National Fair Housing Alliance Issues Statement on Scott Turner’s Nomination for HUD Secretary
Washington, D.C. – Today, the National Fair Housing Alliance® (NFHA™) released the following statement from Lisa Rice, President and Chief Executive Officer in response to Scott Turner, former Member of Congress (Texas) and former director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council’s nomination for Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):

“Where you live has a big impact on how your life unfolds, and that varies greatly by neighborhood. The next Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has tremendous shoes to fill and must prioritize actions that will achieve HUD’s mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities, provide affordable housing opportunities, and enforce the nation’s premier fair housing statute. Scott Turner has been nominated to lead HUD at a time when the number of housing discrimination complaints is at an all-time high and the nation is facing a fair and affordable housing crisis. Voters are demanding solutions to drive down the cost of housing, mortgage credit, and homeowners insurance, fill the nation’s over 4 million units affordable housing gap, and build viable, resilient communities where everyone can thrive. Voters nationwide are also pushing for increased fair and affordable housing funding—turning to ballot measures from Charlotte to Los Angeles to address the housing shortage, rising homelessness, and increased fair housing challenges.

NFHA™ urges Scott Turner, if confirmed, to fully enforce the Fair Housing Act which provides the blueprint to ensure equal access to the American dream for everyone. HUD’s next Secretary must tackle housing’s outsized role in driving inflation, delivering relief to everyday people and fairly expanding the Housing Choice Voucher Program as well as homeownership opportunities for first-generation homebuyers.

HUD’s new leader should ensure private fair housing centers—which service roughly 75 percent of all fair housing complaints—have the resources they need to provide critical services to consumers in local communities. Moreover, if confirmed, Mr. Turner should build on solutions like the Homeowner Assistance Fund and Emergency Rental Assistance Program, which kept millions of individuals and families housed during the COVID pandemic and helped allay a second foreclosure crisis. Additionally, Mr. Turner should work to curb discrimination, which costs the economy trillions, by focusing on reforming the systemic undervaluation of homes in Black and Latino communities. Inaccurate and biased appraisals were found to have robbed homeowners in predominantly Black neighborhoods of at least $162 billion in 113 metro areas. He should ensure fair pricing for mortgage loans by supporting Special Purpose Credit Programs and the use of positive rental payments and consumer cash flow data in mortgage underwriting since some credit scoring systems can perpetuate bias and/or significantly burden residents of the south. Lastly, if confirmed, Mr. Turner must fight for the necessary resources to effectively lead HUD.

During his previous administration, President-elect Trump gutted HUD’s staff and budget, including cuts to the Community Development Block Grant program, Fair Housing Initiatives Program, and HOME grant program, which jeopardized HUD’s ability to address the nation’s fair and affordable housing crisis or effectively handle thousands of housing discrimination complaints. Ensuring critical support for HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and local fair lending enforcement agencies is crucial to HUD’s important mission.

The HUD Secretary also provides key oversight to ensure the Government Sponsored Enterprises comply with the Fair Housing Act and must help implement HUD and the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s “Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Fair Housing and Fair Lending Coordination.” NFHA™ has worked with HUD under both Republican and Democratic administrations to assist HUD in facilitating this important function. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, via implementation of their Equitable Housing Finance Plans, are delivering on their statutory obligations to ensure credit liquidity for underserved consumers and communities. NFHA™ will take every step to ensure any discussions to privatize these housing giants will center their fair housing and duty-to-serve responsibilities.

NFHA™ is ready to work with the next administration and HUD’s leadership to develop a comprehensive national housing strategy, including tackling local exclusionary zoning ordinances that block fair and affordable housing for millions of individuals and families. Our obligation is to hold every presidential administration accountable for ensuring the promise of fair housing for all is upheld. We stand ready to defend any attempt to weaken existing fair housing and civil rights protections. Now is the time to advance fair housing opportunities for everyone, not just some.”

The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) is the country’s only national civil rights organization dedicated solely to eliminating all forms of housing and lending discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities for all people. As the trade association for over 170 fair housing and justice-centered organizations and individuals throughout the U.S. and its territories, NFHA works to dismantle longstanding barriers to equity and build diverse, inclusive, well-resourced communities.

For more about JPI Construction, who Scott Turner works for, see a few links below...

Lynda Carson may be reached at newzland2 [at]

For more about JPI Construction, who Scott Turner works for, see a few links below...

Scott Turner works for JPI Construction LP. - Scott.Turner [at]

JPI - Jefferson Properties, Inc., a subsidiary of Southland Financial, a business founded by the Carpenter family of Dallas.

Carpenter family of Dallas, lawsuits

Click below...

JPI Multifamily Housing was acquired by Sumitomo Forestry America Inc.

JPI finalizes partnership with Sumitomo Forestry

Sumitomo Forestry

Sumitomo Forestry America Inc., lawsuits

Click below...

Jefferson Cenza is owned by JPI, click below to see comments…

JPI Construction:

9001 Cypress Waters Blvd.,
Suite 2A,
Dallas, TX 75019

3040 Post Oak Blvd
Suite 1800
Houston, TX 77056

Corporate Office


11988 El Camino Real
 Suite 200
 San Diego, CA 92130 

400 Spectrum Center Drive
Suite 1540
Irvine, CA 92618

California Region


Initial Filing Date
Standing - SOS
Standing - FTB
Standing - Agent
Standing - VCFCF
Formed In
Entity Type
Stock Corporation - CA - General
Principal Address
Mailing Address
Statement of Info Due Date

Justice Department Sues Large Multi-Family Housing Developer Alleging Disability-Based Housing Discrimination

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

WASHINGTON– The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against JPI Construction L.P. (JPI) and six JPI-affiliated companies in U.S. District Court in Dallas for failing to provide accessible features required by the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act at multi-family housing developments in Texas and other states.

Since 1991, when the Fair Housing Act first required most new multi-family housing to contain accessible features, JPI and its affiliates have built more than 200 apartment, condominium and other housing complexes in 26 states and the District of Columbia.

"Persons with physical disabilities should have the same housing choices as other persons," said Loretta King, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division. "We will continue to pursue vigorously those who still have not gotten the message that failing to design and construct multi-family housing with basic features of accessibility violates the law."

Click below for more…

USA v. JPI Construction.LP, et,al…


A. Background 1. This action is brought by the United States to enforce the provisions of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair I-lousing Amendments Act of 1988,42 U.S.C §§ 3601-3619 (the "Fair Housing Act" or "FHA"), and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12181-12189 ("ADA"). Specifically, the United States' Complaint alleges that the Defendants have engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination against persons with disabilities and denied rights to a group of persons because of disability by failing to design and construct some or all of the 210 multifamily dwellings (hereinafter the "Subject Properties"), as set forth on Appendix A, with the features of accessible and adaptable design and construction required by subsections 804(£)(1),804(£)(2) and 804(£)(3)(C) of the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C § 3604(£)(1), (2) & (3)(C), and in a manner required by the ADA, 42 U.S.C §12183(a)(I). The United States alleges that various Subject Properties do not comply with the Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines, 56 Fed. Reg. 9472 (1991) ("Guidelines"), or another recognized, comparable, objective measure of accessibility, and do not comply with the ADA Standards.

Click below for more…

Justice Department Obtains Landmark $10.5 Million Settlement to Resolve Disability-Based Housing Discrimination Lawsuit

Monday, June 25, 2012

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department today announced its largest-ever disability-based housing discrimination settlement fund to resolve allegations that JPI Construction L.P. and six other JPI entities (collectively “JPI”) based in Irving, Texas, discriminated on the basis of disability in the design and construction of multifamily housing complexes throughout the United States. 

Under the settlement, which was approved today by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, JPI will pay $10,250,000 into an accessibility fund to provide retrofits at properties built by JPI and to increase the stock of accessible housing in the communities where these properties are located.  The settlement also requires JPI to pay a $250,000 civil penalty. 
This is the largest civil penalty the Justice Department has obtained in any Fair Housing Act case.

“Today’s historic settlement demonstrates the Justice Department’s commitment to protecting the fair housing rights of persons with disabilities,” said Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division.  “Builders of multifamily housing must consider accessibility at the outset, or they risk significantly greater expense to retrofit properties.  As a result of this settlement, multifamily housing complexes will be retrofitted to comply with the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and persons with physical disabilities will be afforded an equal opportunity to live in and visit these properties.”

“Equal access to housing for persons with disabilities is an important right protected by federal law,” said U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Sarah R. Saldaña.  “This settlement will help eliminate barriers and send a clear message that disability discrimination will not be tolerated.  Disabled residents should know that this district remains committed to protecting their fair housing rights.”

Click below for more….

Builder To Pay Millions For Disability Housing Violations

by Michelle Diament | June 26, 2012

In the federal government’s largest-ever settlement related to disability housing discrimination, a builder that’s operated in over two dozen states is set to pay more than $10 million.

The deal comes in a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Justice against Texas-based JPI Construction L.P. in which federal officials alleged that the company failed to design and construct several multifamily housing complexes to accommodate people with disabilities.

Under the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, builders are required to make multifamily housing accessible to those with disabilities. The Justice Department alleged that JPI did not meet those requirements at 32 of its properties.
Click below for more…

Construction company cited over $1.7 million for alleged wage theft violations

by: City News Service

Posted: Oct 18, 2021 / 11:54 AM PDT
Updated: Oct 18, 2021 / 11:54 AM PDT

SAN DIEGO (CNS) – A San Diego-based construction company has been fined more than $1.7 million by the California Labor Commissioner’s Office for allegedly failing to properly pay its workers, resulting in minimum wage and overtime violations, it was announced Monday.

JPI Construction allegedly didn’t properly pay employees working on commercial and residential construction projects, leading to wage theft violations affecting 265 workers, according to the Labor Commissioner’s Office.

The Labor Commissioner’s Office alleges an audit of the company’s payroll showed “illegally modified time sheets that removed record of the overtime hours the workers should have been paid.”

The owners have appealed the citations, which total $1,771,133, with $1,610,527 payable to the workers. Under the appeal procedure, the Labor Commissioner’s Office will hold a hearing before a hearing officer who will affirm, modify or dismiss the citations.

“Paying workers a flat rate is not an excuse to deny them the overtime hours they earned and should be paid,” California Labor Commissioner Lilia Garcia-Brower said in a statement. “The laws in California protect workers. It is critical that workers keep track of their hours and pay so they can defend themselves.”

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