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Indybay Feature

JVP Bay Area Facilitates "IDF" Fundraiser: A Critique of Obedient Protest

by Anarchist Actions for Intifada
At the November 5 protest against the "Friends of the IDF Gala" in San Carlos, hundreds of people mobilized to shut down this fundraiser for a fascist zionist genocidal army, but the key player preventing the actual disruption of this event was the non-profit that "organized" the protest, Jewish Voices for Peace Bay Area.

JVP Bay Area did the dirty work of the police and the "israeli" occupation forces [IOF]. Through their aggressive peace policing, relentless harassment of anyone who wanted to do something more than stand and shout, and protest marshaling that helped the donors of settler-colonialist genocide drive safely into the gala. They not only allowed but actually facilitated this fundraiser.

We showed up to shut the gala down. If JVP Bay Area was unwilling to do the same (with whatever tactics they choose), the very least they could have done was not prevent other people from doing so.

Not only did they aggressively prevent the crowd from doing anything other than standing and shouting, JVP Bay Area's yellow-vested protest marshals moved the crowd down the road allowing the gala attendees to reach the event and prevented the crowd from knowing where a blockade could be most effective for actually stopping the fundraiser. Whether directly or indirectly, JVP Bay Area collaborated with the kkkops and zionists to help raise money for the "israeli" occupation forces by ensuring the protest did not shut down the fundraiser.

As the attached map shows, protest marshals were stationed behind police lines next to where gala attendees were driving in with giant "israeli" flags on their cars. Skyway Road is a dead-end: a blockade several hundred feet up the street in the direction of the Holly Street viaduct would have actually prevented gala attendees from being able to enter, shutting the entire event down. Alternatively or additionally, a blockade earlier in the day before the gala was being set up would have caused significant material disruption to the event. There were multiple strategies and tactics available for disrupting this gala.

When asked why the crowd wasn't being invited or encouraged to block the entrance IOF donors were using, one of the white protest marshals stationed at the Fairfield Inn driveway literally said, "I'm just following orders." Whose orders were they following? Why was following orders more important to them than spreading the word to stop the zionist cars that they could see driving right past them? It seems the "organizers" of this protest were instructing their security team to prevent protesters from stopping the gala.

JVP Bay Area corralled the crowd into the area directly in front of the Hiller Aviation Museum (the gala venue), stationed security at the alternate attendee entrance at the Fairfield Inn, and actively worked with the police to ensure that genocide funders were able to attend the gala safely. They cannot say they were unaware of what was happening when their protest marshals watched gala attendees drive into the event.

It is clear that JVP Bay Area had no interest in actually stopping the gala from happening. Why not? JVP on the East Coast has done civil disobedience and direct action. This event was a fundraiser for the IOF by an organization that raised almost 90 million dollars last year. If this was not a time and place where disruption was needed, when and where is?


Early in the demonstration, as shown in the attached map, the protest marshals allowed the police to cut through the crowd and form a police line on Skyway Road between the protest and the Fairfield Inn entrance later used as an alternate route by gala attendees. The protest marshals then formed a line with the police and told the crowd to turn their backs on the police, as well as on a small group of zionist counter-protestors that had recently arrived. Despite the protest marshals' efforts, counter-protestors had an "israeli" flag stolen from them, got hit with a stick, and were pepper-sprayed.

The actions of the protest marshals, although disobeyed by some, were unfortunately generally effective in decreasing conflictuality within the crowd and setting a tone of obedient and compliant protest. The most liberal elements of the crowd took this as a signal to deputize themselves as peace police and harass those trying to actually shut down the fundraiser.

When participants of the demonstration attempted to take down barricades separating the crowd from the gala's venue, the peace police filmed and took photos, physically interjected, put the police barricades back together, and yelled at those attempting to push forward for "stirring shit up." Why show up to a fundraiser for an army committing genocide if not to stir things up? The organizers leading chants of "there is only one solution: intifada, revolution" showed themselves to be no more than counter-revolutionaries with zero desire to actually confront the kkkops and zionists right in front of them. The co-optation of this revolutionary language is disrespectful to every Palestinian martyr who has fought for their life, land, and freedom.

Many in the crowd, however, were ready to do more and eager to actually stop the fundraiser from occurring. They raged as donors for the genocide pulled up in their luxury cars. As the people seethed, the "organizers" colluded to channel that anger and readiness for action into nothing but chanting.

The protest was literally corralled to prevent the crowd from disobeying the kkkops or actually stopping the fundraiser from happening. We have to say it again: THEY MOVED THE CROWD TO LET THE IOF DONORS ENTER AND THEY PREVENTED ANYONE FROM PUSHING FORWARD TO DISRUPT THE FUNDRAISER. This kind of liberal symbolic protest is a demoralizing farce...bringing people out to stand in the street while accomplishing absolutely nothing when both the target and objective are so clearly present.

Where were the lessons of the anti-police rebellions of the past fourteen years in the Bay Area, from Oscar Grant to George Floyd? Why were the "organizers" so quick to encourage obedience to the police? Have they forgotten the role of the police within white supremacist capitalism, or are they just eager to capitalize on respectability politics by distancing themselves from the struggle for Black liberation and revolutionary abolition?

If these "organizers" had not engaged in their authoritarian peace policing, this fundraiser would have been shut down. Instead, what was likely hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised for the "israeli" occupation forces and the donors were able to enjoy their gala smugly without any consequence. And the JVP Bay Area security team helped the genocide funders safely drive inside.

A JVP national board member named Lisa Rofel told the news, "the nicest thing we could say is that it's in bad taste." When fascist zionists are actively raising money to fund genocide, you want to say "the nicest thing"? You think it's "in bad taste" to give tens of millions of dollars to the IOF death machine? We call it genocide and we call it complicity.

Shouting "shame on you" means nothing to the gala donors. They are proud of their donations. Shutting down the gala was a bare minimum of the consequences they need to experience.


JVP Bay Area, what is your strategy for actually disrupting the genocide in Gaza? When you look at historical and current struggles for liberation, do you think people win by being law-abiding, staying obedient, and allowing business as usual? Why are you aggressively preventing protesters from "stirring shit up" while doing literally nothing to prevent rich zionists from giving money to "israeli" occupying forces? What did you accomplish JVP Bay Area? You aggressively policed and corralled protesters while actively helping the donors get safely to this fundraiser, the IOF thanks you for your service.

To those of you who showed up and wanted to actually shut down this fundraiser for genocide, we have heard many of you express feelings of grief that protesting this gala "did nothing." We agree: nothing was done to stop the Palestinian genocide on Sunday. Our hearts are with you in this grief. We ask you to remember the rage you felt as you were forced to stand peacefully while funders of genocide drove by you in Teslas and the yellow-vests blocked you from reaching them. Do not let this demoralize you. We ask you also to remember that no one and no organization has the right to tell you how to respond in the face of unspeakable evil. Just because they slapped their logo on an announcement does not mean they are entitled to control you or any other protester.

This gala could have been shut down, but JVP Bay Area made sure that did not happen. JVP Bay Area, to you and your peace police we say: never again, fuck the police, and long live the intifada!

Let us all remember the words of revolutionary martyr Bassel al-Araj in Dismantle It And Let Them Fall:

"It is no secret that there is a comprador class directly benefiting from the existence of the occupation, and the current situation gives great privileges to that small fraction of society. Let us avoid taking up arms against one another. Let us dismantle it and let them fall . . . Is it any wonder that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas insists he does not want to undermine Israel’s legitimacy? What I find most strange is Abbas’ constant apologies for our people’s struggles. So dismantle it and let them fall."
§Captured zionist flag
by Anarchist Actions for Intifada
From mainstream media: "As emotions continued to rise, one protester took an Israeli flag, ripped it, and stomped on it."
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by Cindy Milstein
So sad, though not surprising, that the NGO-ally complex is shutting down possibilities for systemic change. But thx for sharing yet another example! It would be great if you turned this into a zine (I would love to table with it), to educate another generation of folks who may not yet have learned these lessons. 🖤❤️🪬
by B
Thank you so much for this; it's a very accurate and I still believe we need to be sure this doesn't happen again. I'm wondering how to get in touch with you (we spoke about this at the event while it was going down)
by Laura
This event was billed as a protest, not a shut down. Shut downs mean people who attend accept they could be arrested. What is the purpose of this rant? The crowd was bigger than the small 'security' vest contingent would have been able to handle if this had been shut down effort. They were there for the safety of the crowd which included elderly, disabled & children. This was a narrow space where the crowd was between barricades, buildings & the freeway fence, with only one direction not blocked by cops. NOT a place you want to provoke cops in riot gear. Why weren't YOU there early to block off the access street? I never heard or saw a peep of anyone making any shutdown effort, or any 'relentless harrassment'. Your diagram totally minimizes the police presence; cops in riot gear. Why is that? And why target JVP alone as this was a coalition effort? Your misdirection here is suspect to say the least.

I don't know what this complaint of yours is meant to do, but if you want more direct confrontational action I am all for it. Go for it, do it.
All over the country efforts are multiplying, & opportunities for shut down actions are being planned for Nov 9 - 10. TOMORROW. You could be spreading the word on any planned actions you know of.
by Yellow Vest
As an anarchist, I do not believe that anarchism means having no regard for the well-being of the people around you, including Palestinian, Arab and ally families with children, elders, people with disabilities, and others who came to what was billed as a rally and who could not risk injury or arrest.

Community security team members were there to keep our people safe at a rally, which in this case did include deescalation of both adversaries (cops, zionists, random hostile white men) and our own people when we could tell that adversaries were about to inflict potentially severe violence upon them.

It also includes community security jumping between a much-larger white good ol' boy type and one of our people who he was repeatedly punching in the head, despite having just been pepper sprayed by the person being punched. (Not only zionists were hit.) Funny how there is no mention of a "yellow vest" doing that, nor of yellow vests not stopping the israeli flag from being ripped away (because, um, why would we stop that?) Selective memory, I suppose?
by Not enough
Suppose there were enough disrupters/people willing to get arrested and beaten up by the police. nothing security could've done. You don't need more than 20 to do so. But, there were not enough people to do so.

Also, the donations would be the same, if not even more if we were successful in blocking cars to get there.

I counted more than 110 cops in riot gear. Of course, there were more hiding near by.
by Fact check
What "coalition effort?" The only organizations on the flyer were JVP Bay Area and International Jewish Anti-zionist Network.

It's true that the JVP Bay Area/IJAN did not call for a shut down, but that does not mean that they own the street and can feel entitled to try to police people who show up to actually shut down the gala. Furthermore, they claimed on their social media that "this gala is shut down" and "we didn't let them." Anyone who was there knows that neither of those things was true.
by Maroon Vest
Classic Cindy Milstein, jumping on an opportunity to amplify a narrative that's full of inaccuracies, half truths, and inflammatory us versus them rhetoric that has far more critique of protest organizers than it does of, you know, zionists, the state, etc. What lessons, exactly, are you even wanting to lift up?
by Shay
So you all think that people getting arrested would of stopped the fundraiser? Lol I was there and no one would of stopped you if you wanted to get in front of cars except one of the 30 cops there. It's really easy to put out anonymous critiques of someone else's work but not so easy to put time and energy into organizing multiple protests or direct actions. No one is stopping you for organizing efforts that you deem more effective. It would behoove you to get off your high horse and practice some solidarity.
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