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18th Annual Homeless Memorial Dec. 20, 2016
This was a very touching memorial
There was reporting of homeless deaths, songs, testimonials, and Hospice of Santa Cruz provided Grief counseling.
There was reporting of homeless deaths, songs, testimonials, and Hospice of Santa Cruz provided Grief counseling.
This was a very touching memorial
There was reporting of homeless deaths, songs, testimonials, and Hospice of Santa Cruz provided Grief counseling.
Thirty seven people died on the streets of Santa Cruz this past year!
Of those who died twenty seven were males and ten were female
Average age of the homeless deaths is 51.5yrs.much lower of the national average of 78.8!
There was reporting of homeless deaths, songs, testimonials, and Hospice of Santa Cruz provided Grief counseling.
Thirty seven people died on the streets of Santa Cruz this past year!
Of those who died twenty seven were males and ten were female
Average age of the homeless deaths is 51.5yrs.much lower of the national average of 78.8!
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The following was handed out in hard copy to each person at the Memorial on December 20th.
Santa Cruz County
2016 Annual Report on Homeless Deaths
Summary of available data on homeless deaths in Santa Cruz County
For the period December 21, 2015 – December 19, 2016
Homeless Persons’ Health Project (HPHP)
A program of the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency
In keeping with a tradition established in 1999, once again this year on December 20th homeless individuals, community, family members, and homeless service providers will come together to honor the lives of those who died while homeless this year. The 2016 Annual Report on Homeless Deaths and our local homeless memorial event represent our community’s eighteenth year of collecting data and reporting on homeless deaths across the county. Our memorial is one of many occurring across the nation to mark the beginning of winter, a time when the dire consequences of homelessness are most starkly evident.
Discussion of 2016 Homeless Deaths:
Based on all reported deaths, the total number of people who died while homeless this year in Santa Cruz County is 37. The total number of homeless deaths reported in 2015 was 38, and the average number of homeless deaths per year over the preceding ten years (2006-20015) was 34.6. The average age at death for 2016 was 51.5, which is the same as the average age of death for homeless individuals in Santa Cruz County during the previous ten-year period. The average life expectancy for all Americans is 78.8 and this means that people who die while homeless in our community die 27 years earlier than might otherwise be expected.
More than half the deaths reported this year (51%) were directly linked to substance use and addiction. Nearly one third of the deaths (12 of 37) were the result of acute alcohol or drug overdoses. Another 19% were caused by the effects of chronic alcohol addiction including end stage liver disease and GI bleeding. Trauma was another major cause of death (14%) among homeless individuals, including two people killed when struck by motor vehicles, two suicides, and one homicide. Four people (11%) died from heart disease, five more people from infections (three from pneumonia and two from sepsis), and two people from lung cancer. Sixteen people (43%) died outdoors or in a vehicle, and another died in a storage container. Eleven people (30%) died in a hospital or other medical facility. Four people (11%) died in a shelter or transitional housing. At least six of those who died (16%) were U.S. military veterans.
One fact is well documented – Homelessness causes, complicates and exacerbates serious health problems and it leads to the premature deaths of thousands of people in communities across our nation every year. The longer homelessness is endured, the greater the impact on health. Research in the U.S. has shown that homeless persons have up to a threefold increase in mortality when compared to the general population, (Hibbs1994). Studies document an average age of death among homeless populations that ranges from 42 to 52 years, while average life expectancy for most Americans is almost 80 (O’Connell, 2005).
How data on homeless deaths are collected:
Throughout the year, a public health nurse at HPHP maintains a log of deaths that occur among people who are homeless in Santa Cruz County. The log includes information on confirmed deaths of HPHP clients, as well as confirmed reports of deaths received from other homeless service organizations, medical providers, the Coroner’s office, the County Office of Vital Statistics, the County Public Administrator’s office and friends or family members of those who have died.
The data available from this process most likely under-represent the number of homeless deaths in the county. Housing status at the time of death is neither well documented nor always easily determined. Also, information on likely factors leading to death is imprecise, and the cause can be unknown at the time of death. For the sake of summarizing the information, we have assigned a single primary contributing factor to each death, but in many cases, there are multiple, significant factors that have contributed to an individual’s death.
For this reason the data provided in this summary should not be interpreted as a definitive accounting of deaths among the homeless population in our county. Instead, this reflects our best effort at this time to collect and analyze accurate data on homeless deaths in a way that is meaningful to our community, to homeless service providers, and to friends and family of those who have died.
About the Memorial:
Our purpose in preparing and distributing this report at this time of year is three-fold: first, to honor and mark the passing of all those who died while homeless in our community during the last year; second, to document and increase awareness of the serious and negative impact of homelessness on the lives of our fellow community members; and finally, to reflect on and to re-commit ourselves to the work that is left to be done in our community to prevent so many unnecessarily and unjustly early deaths each year.
Our memorial service includes a reading of the names of the 37 people who were homeless at death and are reflected in our annual report. We will also read the names of an additional 15 individuals who were previously homeless and died this year, but who were either out of county, or housed at the time of their death. Many of these individuals were homeless for long periods of time before entering housing. We invite people to add names to our list that we have overlooked. During the memorial we will display the approximately 650 names of all those who have been memorialized since our first memorial in December 1999.
Nearly all of the people who died were personally known to one of us at the River Street Shelter, at the Homeless Services Center, at HPHP or to one of our colleagues at homeless service organizations in Watsonville or in other parts of the county. We are sometimes shocked and always saddened by their deaths. Each person who died will be missed. We hope that this information will serve to honor the memory of each person, to guide us in our ongoing efforts to improve the health and quality of life for all who experience homelessness, and to recommit ourselves as a community to ending homelessness in Santa Cruz County.
DECEMBER 21, 2015 – DECEMBER 19, 2016
Male: 27
Female: 10
3) AGE
Under 21: 0 41-50: 8 over 70: 2
21-30: 4 51-60: 13
31-40: 3 61-70: 7
Average age at death: 51.5
White: 30
Hispanic: 4
Asian: 1
Black: 1
Unknown 1
Outside/Vehicle: 16 Santa Cruz: 22
Hospital: 9 Watsonville: 10
Skilled Nursing Facility: 2 Mid-County: 2
Shelter/Transitional/SLE: 4 San Lorenzo Valley: 1
Motel 3 Scotts Valley: 1
Temporary Residence: 2 Davenport: 1
Storage Container: 1
Acute Intoxication: 12 (Drugs 9; Alcohol 3)
Chronic Alcoholic Liver Disease: 5
GI Bleed (d/t chronic alcoholism): 2
Trauma 5 (2 struck by vehicle; 2 suicide; 1 homicide)
Infections: 5 (3 pneumonia; 2 sepsis)
Heart Disease: 4
Lung Cancer: 2
Diabetes: 1
Santa Cruz County
2016 Annual Report on Homeless Deaths
Summary of available data on homeless deaths in Santa Cruz County
For the period December 21, 2015 – December 19, 2016
Homeless Persons’ Health Project (HPHP)
A program of the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency
In keeping with a tradition established in 1999, once again this year on December 20th homeless individuals, community, family members, and homeless service providers will come together to honor the lives of those who died while homeless this year. The 2016 Annual Report on Homeless Deaths and our local homeless memorial event represent our community’s eighteenth year of collecting data and reporting on homeless deaths across the county. Our memorial is one of many occurring across the nation to mark the beginning of winter, a time when the dire consequences of homelessness are most starkly evident.
Discussion of 2016 Homeless Deaths:
Based on all reported deaths, the total number of people who died while homeless this year in Santa Cruz County is 37. The total number of homeless deaths reported in 2015 was 38, and the average number of homeless deaths per year over the preceding ten years (2006-20015) was 34.6. The average age at death for 2016 was 51.5, which is the same as the average age of death for homeless individuals in Santa Cruz County during the previous ten-year period. The average life expectancy for all Americans is 78.8 and this means that people who die while homeless in our community die 27 years earlier than might otherwise be expected.
More than half the deaths reported this year (51%) were directly linked to substance use and addiction. Nearly one third of the deaths (12 of 37) were the result of acute alcohol or drug overdoses. Another 19% were caused by the effects of chronic alcohol addiction including end stage liver disease and GI bleeding. Trauma was another major cause of death (14%) among homeless individuals, including two people killed when struck by motor vehicles, two suicides, and one homicide. Four people (11%) died from heart disease, five more people from infections (three from pneumonia and two from sepsis), and two people from lung cancer. Sixteen people (43%) died outdoors or in a vehicle, and another died in a storage container. Eleven people (30%) died in a hospital or other medical facility. Four people (11%) died in a shelter or transitional housing. At least six of those who died (16%) were U.S. military veterans.
One fact is well documented – Homelessness causes, complicates and exacerbates serious health problems and it leads to the premature deaths of thousands of people in communities across our nation every year. The longer homelessness is endured, the greater the impact on health. Research in the U.S. has shown that homeless persons have up to a threefold increase in mortality when compared to the general population, (Hibbs1994). Studies document an average age of death among homeless populations that ranges from 42 to 52 years, while average life expectancy for most Americans is almost 80 (O’Connell, 2005).
How data on homeless deaths are collected:
Throughout the year, a public health nurse at HPHP maintains a log of deaths that occur among people who are homeless in Santa Cruz County. The log includes information on confirmed deaths of HPHP clients, as well as confirmed reports of deaths received from other homeless service organizations, medical providers, the Coroner’s office, the County Office of Vital Statistics, the County Public Administrator’s office and friends or family members of those who have died.
The data available from this process most likely under-represent the number of homeless deaths in the county. Housing status at the time of death is neither well documented nor always easily determined. Also, information on likely factors leading to death is imprecise, and the cause can be unknown at the time of death. For the sake of summarizing the information, we have assigned a single primary contributing factor to each death, but in many cases, there are multiple, significant factors that have contributed to an individual’s death.
For this reason the data provided in this summary should not be interpreted as a definitive accounting of deaths among the homeless population in our county. Instead, this reflects our best effort at this time to collect and analyze accurate data on homeless deaths in a way that is meaningful to our community, to homeless service providers, and to friends and family of those who have died.
About the Memorial:
Our purpose in preparing and distributing this report at this time of year is three-fold: first, to honor and mark the passing of all those who died while homeless in our community during the last year; second, to document and increase awareness of the serious and negative impact of homelessness on the lives of our fellow community members; and finally, to reflect on and to re-commit ourselves to the work that is left to be done in our community to prevent so many unnecessarily and unjustly early deaths each year.
Our memorial service includes a reading of the names of the 37 people who were homeless at death and are reflected in our annual report. We will also read the names of an additional 15 individuals who were previously homeless and died this year, but who were either out of county, or housed at the time of their death. Many of these individuals were homeless for long periods of time before entering housing. We invite people to add names to our list that we have overlooked. During the memorial we will display the approximately 650 names of all those who have been memorialized since our first memorial in December 1999.
Nearly all of the people who died were personally known to one of us at the River Street Shelter, at the Homeless Services Center, at HPHP or to one of our colleagues at homeless service organizations in Watsonville or in other parts of the county. We are sometimes shocked and always saddened by their deaths. Each person who died will be missed. We hope that this information will serve to honor the memory of each person, to guide us in our ongoing efforts to improve the health and quality of life for all who experience homelessness, and to recommit ourselves as a community to ending homelessness in Santa Cruz County.
DECEMBER 21, 2015 – DECEMBER 19, 2016
Male: 27
Female: 10
3) AGE
Under 21: 0 41-50: 8 over 70: 2
21-30: 4 51-60: 13
31-40: 3 61-70: 7
Average age at death: 51.5
White: 30
Hispanic: 4
Asian: 1
Black: 1
Unknown 1
Outside/Vehicle: 16 Santa Cruz: 22
Hospital: 9 Watsonville: 10
Skilled Nursing Facility: 2 Mid-County: 2
Shelter/Transitional/SLE: 4 San Lorenzo Valley: 1
Motel 3 Scotts Valley: 1
Temporary Residence: 2 Davenport: 1
Storage Container: 1
Acute Intoxication: 12 (Drugs 9; Alcohol 3)
Chronic Alcoholic Liver Disease: 5
GI Bleed (d/t chronic alcoholism): 2
Trauma 5 (2 struck by vehicle; 2 suicide; 1 homicide)
Infections: 5 (3 pneumonia; 2 sepsis)
Heart Disease: 4
Lung Cancer: 2
Diabetes: 1
First Name Last Name Age
Rigoberto Fernandez 32
Donald Rosenbaum 56
Brian Smalley 42
Timothy Randall 61
Ricardo Vasquez 63
Kelly Carmella 58
Tina Threet 53
Jennifer Wright 41
Christopher Lange 67
Miles Welter 55
Daniel Hendrickson 48
Timothy Foster 57
Eleuterio Bernal 40
Christian Bezore 50
Debra Topete 56
Valerie Pippin 55
Mason Womack 25
Adam Adams 41
William Shannon Jr. 62
Curtis Craver 40
Raul Rivera 55
Tynan Graham 22
Jeffrey Sisco 57
Jennie Roberts 54
Rachel Bell 50
Steven Kennedy 30
Joseph Shuemaker 24
Rigel Flaherty 45
Elaine Kulp 69
Robert Ferrell 78
Joy Takahashi 49
Francis Smith 71
John Ducharme 63
Brad Hamilton 58
Ronald Collins 69
Spencer Cobb 56
Navid Sadrzadeh 53
Pauline Baker 72
Mark Walsh 58
Mark Crawford 57
John Dowden 55
Ermest Pizzutello Jr. 71
Joseph Moore 69
Guillermo Aguilar 57
Victor Velasquez 27
Freddie Stites Jr 61
Thomas Payne 67
Erik Hansen 69
Allen Colegrove 68
Roberto Ibanez 53
Remie Casillas 51
Charles Joseph Stock 63
Rigoberto Fernandez 32
Donald Rosenbaum 56
Brian Smalley 42
Timothy Randall 61
Ricardo Vasquez 63
Kelly Carmella 58
Tina Threet 53
Jennifer Wright 41
Christopher Lange 67
Miles Welter 55
Daniel Hendrickson 48
Timothy Foster 57
Eleuterio Bernal 40
Christian Bezore 50
Debra Topete 56
Valerie Pippin 55
Mason Womack 25
Adam Adams 41
William Shannon Jr. 62
Curtis Craver 40
Raul Rivera 55
Tynan Graham 22
Jeffrey Sisco 57
Jennie Roberts 54
Rachel Bell 50
Steven Kennedy 30
Joseph Shuemaker 24
Rigel Flaherty 45
Elaine Kulp 69
Robert Ferrell 78
Joy Takahashi 49
Francis Smith 71
John Ducharme 63
Brad Hamilton 58
Ronald Collins 69
Spencer Cobb 56
Navid Sadrzadeh 53
Pauline Baker 72
Mark Walsh 58
Mark Crawford 57
John Dowden 55
Ermest Pizzutello Jr. 71
Joseph Moore 69
Guillermo Aguilar 57
Victor Velasquez 27
Freddie Stites Jr 61
Thomas Payne 67
Erik Hansen 69
Allen Colegrove 68
Roberto Ibanez 53
Remie Casillas 51
Charles Joseph Stock 63
First Name Last Name Other Name Age
Ivan Avila Garcia 24
James Horne 43
David Avants 38
Mary Kristina Zahm 59
Pamela Austin 48
Robert Vandenheuvel 61
Frank Avila Sr. 69
Reynaldo Reyes 50
Elizabeth Todis 35
Jeffrey Scofield 55
Sharene Sars 62
Mary Burick 50
Michael Todd 60
John Jarecki 55
Edwin Wayne Moore 65
Dene Shaw 59
Carlos Vasquez 27
Melvin Anthony 78
Irene Verner 60
Kenneth Harris 50
Joseph Satterwhite 67
Scott Durigano 49
Robert Longley 51
Nicholas O'Donnell 45
Randal Harper 30
Francis Shea 78
Kiv Martensen 55
Thomas Rolfe 65
George Hall 76
Armando Carrillo 49
Connie Martinez 54
Susan Shaw 80
Michael David Rivera 46
Charlene Clanton 71
Joseph Rivas 67
Rickey Murphy 58
David Siegel 67
Sandra Boyd 58
Petrina Shaw Salazar 54
Jennifer Peall 32
Harry Hubing 63
Shawn Buce 38
Steven Walton 45
John Shepperd 62
Cynthia Dawson 51
David Eason 52
Mary Kezel 92
Morris Serrano 67
Michael Zais 73
Christopher Schlitter 50
Lowell Wayne Fletcher 64
Tiki Randle 46
Penny Green 60
Kathryn Phillips 62
Robert Hardy 54
Brian Agnone 34
Jose De Jesus Alvarez 68
Pedro Aquino Martinez 50
Lorenzo Avalos Colimote 51
Dale Barnett 36
Buz Bezore 68
John Boyanton 61
Susan Cheney 66
Michael Churchill 60
Cynthia Colley 56
Stephen Collins 62
Richard Cresswell 68
Tiannna Croghan 15
Ronald Cutler 65
Warren Dam 51
Amy DeVos 34
Michael Engstrom 45
Alberto Flores-Loscano 45
Michael Fluty 48
Donald Freeland 55
Susanna Garate 51
Diane Gordon 59
Victor Green 53
Edward Groves "Baltimore" 45
Alison Hanson 54
Mary Ann Heine 61
Frank Lomeli 43
Janet Lothian 55
Darlene Lowman 62
Aaliyah Luna Perez 16
Kenneth Maffei 54
John Marques 74
Alfonza Martin 56
Robert Matthew 60
Ruben Daniel Medina 53
Oscar Monrroy 43
Raymond Moreno 56
Michael Nason 52
David Oliver 54
Robin Jay Payne 53
Aaron Powers 43
Jaime Quiroga Orozco "Rambo" 52
John Ramies 58
Dusty Regier 34
Anthony Reynolds 32
Robert Reynolds "Bobbie McGee" 60
John Rhude 71
Kathleen Robinson 54
James Rook 71
Alicia Sanchez Andrade 42
Thomas Sousa 40
William Stayton 30
Monica Tejada 38
Kim Trunk 64
Guillermo Utrera 63
Sammy Vangalder 61
Brian Warner 61
Timothy Warren "Barefoot Timmy" 61
Gregory Wells 63
Patrick Zentner 60
Josip Zizak 63
James Zook 52
Donald Howard Armstrong 75
Arnett Austin 66
Maria Guadalupe Avila 50
Ronald Beller 51
Robert Bordulis 62
Leo Brown 66
Jack Burkett 64
Dennis Butler 54
Charles Edward Clarke 33
Genaro Corpus 56
Candelario Carlo Duran 57
Joel Eatinger 57
Jose Espino 78
Wanda Teak Fowler 54
David Goodson 67
Jesus Guzman 56
Norman Hughes 48
Gerald Hunt 47
Jeff Johnson 49
Roger Jouron 57
Deborah Sheridan Kennedy 56
Zachary Kirby 44
Kathy Kopeczy 66
Brent Leavitt 43
Martin Lettunich 52
Edward Lundberg 25
Marcos Matta 49
Gary McFarland 47
Anthony Messer 28
Wesley Mijares 60
William Frederick Miller 70
Lee Nash 52
Richard O'Connelly 71
Jordan Parker 43
Stuart Petitt 52
Todd Phillips 46
Thomas Preston 59
Gary Prior 56
Jimmie Lee Robinson 65
Frank Sabala 58
Ronald Skinner 64
Brian Taylor 27
Jeffrey Teremy 41
Calvin Vlad 65
Robert Walsh 48
Carl White 60
Richard Womack 62
Prairie Steven Yearsley 44
Charlotte Hunter 60
Michael Ellis 43
Joseph Lopez 61
Rudy Cobos 54
John Payne 53
Vicki Adams 51
Mardessa Burnes Fierro 32
William Fields 49
Antone John Souza 43
Ethan Somedy 47
Eden Bresnahan 35
Michael Gaffey 59
Sherrie Roza 50
Wallace Klock 59
Peter Birmingham 55
Christopher Collins 29
Francisco Flores 54
Denise Davie 58
Michael Beard 54
Christy Sanders 27
Jose Saavedra 80
William Jones 67
Steven Machado 58
Valerie Fielding 57
David Rogers 51
Hugh Clayton Montgomery 60
Warren Moore, Jr. 66
James Logan 54
Raymond Pribula 52
Roger Golden 51
Charles Powers 51
Brant Monnett 47
Christaan Deward 47
Paul Doering 55
Gail Arbuckle 63
Lev Pogrebinsky 43
Michael Tomasi 63
Thomas Swanson 49
Mary Laurence 61
William Morris 79
Debbie Wilson 57
Frank Burt 60
William Reid 60
Lester Kazmierczak 61
Roy Hughes 50
Zenia Zenon 65
Chris Kienitz 48
Stephen Parrish 54
Nicholas Foster 37
Nancy Von Dippe 49
Michael Cunningham 58
Paul Robertshaw 64
Richard Ortiz 66
Connie Brown 52
Philip Giacoma 59
Mark Adams 52
Heather Stearns 30
Peter Kouza 57
Gerald Pintaric 63
Jeanine Fontecchio 40
Kevin McKenna 54
Charles Backus 50
David Allen Meyers 58
Salvador Aguilar 24
Justin Anderson 33
Michael Hilgers 55
Nancy Torgerson 44
Michael Britvec 46
Paula Woodruff 51
Paul Sprague 43
Walter Gorham 72
Edward Lovell 47
Thomas Miller 54
Charles Jensen 68
Isabel Ruben Chaparro 71
Timothy Cates 58
Mike Scofield 57
Niklas Fosselius 54
Lisa Sokolow 55
Hoyt Shepherd 50
Steven Hodgert 64
Robert Sanders 58
Stephen Kerner 56
Robert Carter 43
Susan McMillen 57
Lorraine Price 48
David Scott Scotty Stewart 44
Ernesto Diaz 77
John Hudson 61
Linda Romero 62
Rodney Avery 58
Ralph Packebush 51
Louis Matthew Tarantino Jr. 63
Timothy Abreu 58
Jessie Tillie Wiseman 54
David Hickman 52
Maureen Selditz 49
Robert McAfee 69
Stephen Barclay 56
Steven Chioloero 50
Norman Matthews 57
Michael Barker 46
Frank Cruz 69
William Robenalt 49
Linda Auble 61
James Fuller 47
Eric Kinman 52
Jon Forsyth 27
Karen Cook 59
Michael DiVerde 34
Randolph Randy Greenwald 62
Abraham Abe Kelly 40
Frank Enarson 79
Ted Fleming 59
Michael Dolezal 64
Jack Danford 77
Suzanna Farkas 40
Manuel Rocha 59
Diane Hauser 53
Rosalie Lopez 60
William Belyea 53
John Greene 62
Pamela Spires Lee 49
Gary Wall 62
Laura Garcia 44
Sandra Vasseur 26
James Kampsnider 47
Thomas Goodwin 48
John Doe
Robert Curd 47
Dino Miller 48
George Sarawich 49
Elena Cortez 30
Jesse Ballard J.J. 44
Juan Toluca Antonio Juan Nava 37
Larry Nelson 57
Archidene Barber 61
James Tolosano 65
Raymond Douglas Brownson 55
Frederick Carl 51
Craig Maddox 52
Steven Meagher 43
Jeffrey Willis 47
David Nixon 52
Justin Danchick 40
Jose Magana 43
Thomas Kinney 26
Wayne Cable 65
Brad Bolling 47
Sherry Farias 39
Jose Barajas 44
David Ruth 44
Michael Zeh Michael Crouteau 60
Scott Nicolet 59
Carol Floyd Sarah Grimm 62
Douglas Evans 60
Enrique Garcia Cervantes Anastacio Noriega 49
Filigonio Jimenez 58
Jacquelyn Gibbons 64
Delia Billings 55
Jack Gillespie 56
George DeFazio 56
Ronald Carter 62
Patrick McDonald 49
Roy Samudio 46
Brian Ebneter 25
Alejandro Navarro Alex Villegas 72
Billy Ferguson 42
Edward Petrenik 59
Sarah Marrison 46
Troy Hamilton 41
William Matthews 57
Penny Hudespeth 52
Patsy Rider Patricia Carpentier 78
Dansk Morgan Dane 54
Larry Lee 59
Kenneth Tinker 51
Kenneth Perry 77
Dennis Udell 63
Michael Telega 58
Annie Shapero 45
Thomas Beaver 50
Ken Retemeyer 44
Cheryl Lenard 57
David Leguillon 57
Kenneth Sawyer 79
Juan Delgado 57
Linda Gieske 64
Stacey Merry 43
Michael O'Neil 61
Tonia Cole 52
Mickey Allen Mickey Joseph 43
Patrick Ball 54
Richard Barrett 56
Colt Behles 39
Dean Drew 58
Kenneth Edwards Curly 67
Andrew John Fitts 48
Jeremy French aka Jeremy Ward 44
Crystal Goble 51
Terry Grennan 52
Roberto Hernandez 51
Christopher Hutchison 35
James Leonard Boston 44
Thomas Vernon Lewis 50
Timothy Maguire 49
William Manns 42
Roger McGary 43
John Neisler 52
Daniel Oas Dain 57
Trinidad Perez Miguel 61
Anthony Perez 52
Margarita Peters 54
Gilbert Ramirez Gabby 46
Salvador Ramirez 49
Michael Eugene Rinaldi 51
Bradley Robinson 40
Linda Sentenn 49
Michael Trantham Stoney 53
Suzanne Turner 62
John Widell aka John Earth 64
Joel Wood 37
Kelly Rae Stepp 46
John Nowicki 37
Yvonne Curtis 55
Thomas D. Chrysler 35
Edward Ibarra 54
Yvonne Ann Ageno 68
Brian McKenzie 52
James Scott Stephens 28
Karalynn (Skye) Winterburn-Gross 26
Thomas Allan Crooks 50
David Duane Jones-Harris 53
Marielena Ruiz 30
Candace Harris 38
Adalberto Carlon Cota 78
Andrew Albert Newton Jr 58
James Ray Philliber 56
Debra Whiting 52
Robert (Mike) Seymour 57
Daniel Scott Ramsey 47
Timothy Scott Leidy 47
James Scott Sanford 53
Lou Ann Cordich 46
Richard Adam Rodriguez 43
Paul Andrew Blick 21
Ricky Pinkham 53
David Mashtare 56
Miguel Rangel 72
Jose Hernandez Pena 25
Ricardo Madrid 59
Matthew Charles Adams 37
Efrain A. Arreola 47
Leopoldo Magana 69
Jose Alfredo Coronel 50
Walter Pilgrim 69
McKayla Marie Cheney 21
Thomas Landry Dubbs 31
Susan Virginia Turner 64
William Cox 78
Tammy Singh Estellita 47
James Lester Woodlief 43
Patricia Gardella 49
Dolores (Desiree) Burtnett 47
Benjamin Caplin 37
Marvin Beatty 56
Catherine (C.E.) Angel 53
Rhonda Threet 45
Jessica Kerry Culver 57
Rodney Dunlap Andres 49
Nicolas Arellano 50
Bridgette Ann Bradley 25
Ramon Ceras 50
Kathi Clarke 47
David Anthony Collins 50
Lynn DeLong 56
David DeLong 64
Norman Eldridge 52
Timothy Erickson 61
Berle Feliciano 54
Lilith Franco 25
Peter Galera 60
Arthur Grady 71
Kenneth Hall 54
Peggy Hall 49
Michael Hamm 29
Upsie Davis Hannon 39
Ency Cervantes Hay 40
James Henegen 71
Vicky Hetmer 35
Patricia Howard 60
John Jacobson 35
Alphonse Johnson 52
Allen Knight 61
Peter Kulski 54
Francisco Zamora Lopez 42
Gary Martinez 44
Richard McKeon 42
Robert K. Meyer 56
Daniel Morris 60
Tami Peppers 42
Paula Plourde 48
Jesse Rodriguez 47
Lorencia Rodriguez 58
Belinda Rogers 60
Juliet Rounce 50
Charles Sabatino 51
David Lee Sample 57
Sean Scuderi 36
Robert A. Sehl 65
Charles Squires 50
George Stackhouse 51
Michael Trotts 54
Larry Turnell 53
Michael Wheeler 40
Justin White 52
Sandar Zsombok 64
Rhonda Hite 47
Pablo Rubacalva Meja 57
Danny Joe Fitzpatrick 50
Jack Thomas Sherbourne 49
Frank Sabala 69
Ruben Lopez Medina Sr. 54
Gordon Bagley 50
Terrance Bish 47
Bert Radin 50
John Leiendecker 40
Jeffrey "Marlboro" Warren 50
Rebecca Hoelter 56
Silvia Cardenas Ramirez 29
Ruben Hernandez 46
Lea Ann Louise Bronson 49
Desmond Goto 33
Richard Delisi 61
Ian Ratcliff 55
Christopher Reynolds 45
Wayne Logsdon 25
James "Don" Edwards 55
Kelly Jo Hamm 54
Richard Epperson 67
Guadalupe Lopez Marquez 49
Kari Ray 30
Juan Jose Ramos 27
Arunkumar Patel 61
Sabas "Chico" Rivera 59
Refugio Rosales 54
John Spaulding-Helson 59
Art Regehr 85
William Pickel 58
Maximino Barron Ramirez 54
Robert Travis 67
Eva Dickson 68
Jim Moran 56
James Valdez 45
Michael Martella 50
Jeff Jacobi 41
Timothy Agnew 43
Brad "Duey" Strickland 41
Antonio "Tony" Olivares 52
Linda Clark-Morris 47
Richard Bigbee 54
Dennis Allen Cox 56
Richard Miller 79
Jennifer Deane 44
Francisco Ruiz 39
Ronald Bradley 61
John Alfred Signer 55
Michael William Holliday 39
Bud Armento 71
Charles Nicolini 46
John Ranconi 74
Joseph Bader III 47
Hemsted James 57
Allen Keller Jr. 63
Larry Gourley 53
James Kelly 57
Michael Bonita 48
Gus Lekas 42
Robert Todd 50
Larry Sidebottom 54
Keith Crow 47
Dean Lawson 43
William Scott Simmons 46
Stephanie Montes 27
Ronald Lipscomb 54
Karl Eric Hoyt 45
Shawn Fairless 24
Jon Brayton 65
Robert Wagner 58
Lynne Klein 49
Victor Omeir 70
Edgar Miller 56
Roy Lovato 49
Robert Harrison 71
Joseph Blair 55
Roger Ransom 54
John Middlekauf 37
Robin Basich 43
Robert Edward Medley 28
Charlie Faustino Machado 53
Lillian Kaulani Amber Breeden 7 wks.
Michael Simonton 74
Debra Leong 51
Venette Kominos 53
Timothy Crow 43
Tommy Ball 47
Erick Scott Beard 37
Juan Ramirez 47
Edward Leiby 39
Jody Hunter 32
Mark Foster 54
Thomas Alton Love 53
Hughes Kieran 43
Gloria Ramirez 34
Robert Bridgette 46
Thomas Patrick Page 51
Carlee Miller Jr. 53
Richard Crump 56
Melinda Ann Neilson (Patches) 54
Allan James Immel 39
Henry Kanuha Mendoza 64
Eddie Gwen Norman 62
Darrell Chisolm 44
Dennis Davis 51
Brian Evans 42
Bert Hill 63
Linda Sipos 52
Roger Longbrake 35
James Cline (Jimmy) 57
Pascual Bramasco 43
Lillian Rose Castro 46
Richard Manes 27
Cricket Ross 55
Brian Robbins 27
Dennis Rehm 57
Roberto Rios 64
John Hamilton (Hambone) 51
Kirk Page 60
Guillermina Rodrigues (Guille) 43
Cynthia Martinez 39
Julia Frase 41
Lorna Mayer 49
Eduardo Martinez 37
Linda Pereira 52
Moises Jimenez 49
Michael Todd Blanton 52
Humberto Ibarra (aka Silverio Anguiano) 63
Charles Haines 52
Lisa LeBar 31
Colin McClure 38
John Dalkin 55
Richard Carney 60
Lance Shearon 58
Sam Goodwin 23
Howard Vasquez 44
Michael McFarlane 46
Gary Smitley 53
Raymond Martinez 58
David Allen Smithson 52
Kevin Morley 36
Jeffrey Wilkes 50
Gary Brevig 57
Thomas Daniel Harmon 35
Jerry Lee Morley 44
Robert Bailey 41
Billy Madison 39
Rbecca Batista 42
Carol Cranston 46
William Hall 62
Daniel Thatcher 38
Curtis Parker 40
Richard Labella 54
Robert Cox 61
Errol Turner 47
Armando Sanchez-Rivas 53
Cathleen Chandler 32
Manuel Maes 46
Sherry Whittaker/James 52
Lawrence Hart 49
Gregory John Piasecki 48
Steve Lyons 50
Ronald Shinn 52
Eduardo Urbina 29
Michael Huff 42
Patricia Doering 53
Anil Singh 47
Scott Stevenson 38
Bridgette Wilson 54
Daniel Bean 54
William Haynes 54
James Dildine 58
Juanita Carranco 36
Leila Pedersen 86
William Rush 49
Stephan Cimini (Stefano) 51
Robert Sullivan 51
Sandra Russell 55
Jon Damkoehler 51
Tim McGrath 53
John Doe #1
William Maartense 50
Steve Bowers 41
Marie Suzie Castro 47
Damien Carter 21
Chris Wichman 48
Jack Richards 50
Robert Trask 68
Stephen Ellis 43
Jeremy Michael Dodd 26
Scott Crane 43
Ralph Svendsen (Sarge) 64
Calen Frith (Spacey) 23
Walter Phelps 30
Stephen Chase 50
William Reardon 45
Brian Giertz 41
Christopher Gauthier 39
Larry Gieski (Levi) 50
Richard Longfellow 78
Donald Schwab 31
James Greenbaum 45
Steven Owensby 44
Mike Cassidy (Geo) 31
William Denson (Boxcar Billy) 54
Ken Mason 47
Claude Gisriel 49
Christine Walls (Wendy) 49
Jason Vose (Scarecrow) 25
Michael Richards 44
James Small 48
Brian Loveland 35
Gary Chester 47
Ivan Avila Garcia 24
James Horne 43
David Avants 38
Mary Kristina Zahm 59
Pamela Austin 48
Robert Vandenheuvel 61
Frank Avila Sr. 69
Reynaldo Reyes 50
Elizabeth Todis 35
Jeffrey Scofield 55
Sharene Sars 62
Mary Burick 50
Michael Todd 60
John Jarecki 55
Edwin Wayne Moore 65
Dene Shaw 59
Carlos Vasquez 27
Melvin Anthony 78
Irene Verner 60
Kenneth Harris 50
Joseph Satterwhite 67
Scott Durigano 49
Robert Longley 51
Nicholas O'Donnell 45
Randal Harper 30
Francis Shea 78
Kiv Martensen 55
Thomas Rolfe 65
George Hall 76
Armando Carrillo 49
Connie Martinez 54
Susan Shaw 80
Michael David Rivera 46
Charlene Clanton 71
Joseph Rivas 67
Rickey Murphy 58
David Siegel 67
Sandra Boyd 58
Petrina Shaw Salazar 54
Jennifer Peall 32
Harry Hubing 63
Shawn Buce 38
Steven Walton 45
John Shepperd 62
Cynthia Dawson 51
David Eason 52
Mary Kezel 92
Morris Serrano 67
Michael Zais 73
Christopher Schlitter 50
Lowell Wayne Fletcher 64
Tiki Randle 46
Penny Green 60
Kathryn Phillips 62
Robert Hardy 54
Brian Agnone 34
Jose De Jesus Alvarez 68
Pedro Aquino Martinez 50
Lorenzo Avalos Colimote 51
Dale Barnett 36
Buz Bezore 68
John Boyanton 61
Susan Cheney 66
Michael Churchill 60
Cynthia Colley 56
Stephen Collins 62
Richard Cresswell 68
Tiannna Croghan 15
Ronald Cutler 65
Warren Dam 51
Amy DeVos 34
Michael Engstrom 45
Alberto Flores-Loscano 45
Michael Fluty 48
Donald Freeland 55
Susanna Garate 51
Diane Gordon 59
Victor Green 53
Edward Groves "Baltimore" 45
Alison Hanson 54
Mary Ann Heine 61
Frank Lomeli 43
Janet Lothian 55
Darlene Lowman 62
Aaliyah Luna Perez 16
Kenneth Maffei 54
John Marques 74
Alfonza Martin 56
Robert Matthew 60
Ruben Daniel Medina 53
Oscar Monrroy 43
Raymond Moreno 56
Michael Nason 52
David Oliver 54
Robin Jay Payne 53
Aaron Powers 43
Jaime Quiroga Orozco "Rambo" 52
John Ramies 58
Dusty Regier 34
Anthony Reynolds 32
Robert Reynolds "Bobbie McGee" 60
John Rhude 71
Kathleen Robinson 54
James Rook 71
Alicia Sanchez Andrade 42
Thomas Sousa 40
William Stayton 30
Monica Tejada 38
Kim Trunk 64
Guillermo Utrera 63
Sammy Vangalder 61
Brian Warner 61
Timothy Warren "Barefoot Timmy" 61
Gregory Wells 63
Patrick Zentner 60
Josip Zizak 63
James Zook 52
Donald Howard Armstrong 75
Arnett Austin 66
Maria Guadalupe Avila 50
Ronald Beller 51
Robert Bordulis 62
Leo Brown 66
Jack Burkett 64
Dennis Butler 54
Charles Edward Clarke 33
Genaro Corpus 56
Candelario Carlo Duran 57
Joel Eatinger 57
Jose Espino 78
Wanda Teak Fowler 54
David Goodson 67
Jesus Guzman 56
Norman Hughes 48
Gerald Hunt 47
Jeff Johnson 49
Roger Jouron 57
Deborah Sheridan Kennedy 56
Zachary Kirby 44
Kathy Kopeczy 66
Brent Leavitt 43
Martin Lettunich 52
Edward Lundberg 25
Marcos Matta 49
Gary McFarland 47
Anthony Messer 28
Wesley Mijares 60
William Frederick Miller 70
Lee Nash 52
Richard O'Connelly 71
Jordan Parker 43
Stuart Petitt 52
Todd Phillips 46
Thomas Preston 59
Gary Prior 56
Jimmie Lee Robinson 65
Frank Sabala 58
Ronald Skinner 64
Brian Taylor 27
Jeffrey Teremy 41
Calvin Vlad 65
Robert Walsh 48
Carl White 60
Richard Womack 62
Prairie Steven Yearsley 44
Charlotte Hunter 60
Michael Ellis 43
Joseph Lopez 61
Rudy Cobos 54
John Payne 53
Vicki Adams 51
Mardessa Burnes Fierro 32
William Fields 49
Antone John Souza 43
Ethan Somedy 47
Eden Bresnahan 35
Michael Gaffey 59
Sherrie Roza 50
Wallace Klock 59
Peter Birmingham 55
Christopher Collins 29
Francisco Flores 54
Denise Davie 58
Michael Beard 54
Christy Sanders 27
Jose Saavedra 80
William Jones 67
Steven Machado 58
Valerie Fielding 57
David Rogers 51
Hugh Clayton Montgomery 60
Warren Moore, Jr. 66
James Logan 54
Raymond Pribula 52
Roger Golden 51
Charles Powers 51
Brant Monnett 47
Christaan Deward 47
Paul Doering 55
Gail Arbuckle 63
Lev Pogrebinsky 43
Michael Tomasi 63
Thomas Swanson 49
Mary Laurence 61
William Morris 79
Debbie Wilson 57
Frank Burt 60
William Reid 60
Lester Kazmierczak 61
Roy Hughes 50
Zenia Zenon 65
Chris Kienitz 48
Stephen Parrish 54
Nicholas Foster 37
Nancy Von Dippe 49
Michael Cunningham 58
Paul Robertshaw 64
Richard Ortiz 66
Connie Brown 52
Philip Giacoma 59
Mark Adams 52
Heather Stearns 30
Peter Kouza 57
Gerald Pintaric 63
Jeanine Fontecchio 40
Kevin McKenna 54
Charles Backus 50
David Allen Meyers 58
Salvador Aguilar 24
Justin Anderson 33
Michael Hilgers 55
Nancy Torgerson 44
Michael Britvec 46
Paula Woodruff 51
Paul Sprague 43
Walter Gorham 72
Edward Lovell 47
Thomas Miller 54
Charles Jensen 68
Isabel Ruben Chaparro 71
Timothy Cates 58
Mike Scofield 57
Niklas Fosselius 54
Lisa Sokolow 55
Hoyt Shepherd 50
Steven Hodgert 64
Robert Sanders 58
Stephen Kerner 56
Robert Carter 43
Susan McMillen 57
Lorraine Price 48
David Scott Scotty Stewart 44
Ernesto Diaz 77
John Hudson 61
Linda Romero 62
Rodney Avery 58
Ralph Packebush 51
Louis Matthew Tarantino Jr. 63
Timothy Abreu 58
Jessie Tillie Wiseman 54
David Hickman 52
Maureen Selditz 49
Robert McAfee 69
Stephen Barclay 56
Steven Chioloero 50
Norman Matthews 57
Michael Barker 46
Frank Cruz 69
William Robenalt 49
Linda Auble 61
James Fuller 47
Eric Kinman 52
Jon Forsyth 27
Karen Cook 59
Michael DiVerde 34
Randolph Randy Greenwald 62
Abraham Abe Kelly 40
Frank Enarson 79
Ted Fleming 59
Michael Dolezal 64
Jack Danford 77
Suzanna Farkas 40
Manuel Rocha 59
Diane Hauser 53
Rosalie Lopez 60
William Belyea 53
John Greene 62
Pamela Spires Lee 49
Gary Wall 62
Laura Garcia 44
Sandra Vasseur 26
James Kampsnider 47
Thomas Goodwin 48
John Doe
Robert Curd 47
Dino Miller 48
George Sarawich 49
Elena Cortez 30
Jesse Ballard J.J. 44
Juan Toluca Antonio Juan Nava 37
Larry Nelson 57
Archidene Barber 61
James Tolosano 65
Raymond Douglas Brownson 55
Frederick Carl 51
Craig Maddox 52
Steven Meagher 43
Jeffrey Willis 47
David Nixon 52
Justin Danchick 40
Jose Magana 43
Thomas Kinney 26
Wayne Cable 65
Brad Bolling 47
Sherry Farias 39
Jose Barajas 44
David Ruth 44
Michael Zeh Michael Crouteau 60
Scott Nicolet 59
Carol Floyd Sarah Grimm 62
Douglas Evans 60
Enrique Garcia Cervantes Anastacio Noriega 49
Filigonio Jimenez 58
Jacquelyn Gibbons 64
Delia Billings 55
Jack Gillespie 56
George DeFazio 56
Ronald Carter 62
Patrick McDonald 49
Roy Samudio 46
Brian Ebneter 25
Alejandro Navarro Alex Villegas 72
Billy Ferguson 42
Edward Petrenik 59
Sarah Marrison 46
Troy Hamilton 41
William Matthews 57
Penny Hudespeth 52
Patsy Rider Patricia Carpentier 78
Dansk Morgan Dane 54
Larry Lee 59
Kenneth Tinker 51
Kenneth Perry 77
Dennis Udell 63
Michael Telega 58
Annie Shapero 45
Thomas Beaver 50
Ken Retemeyer 44
Cheryl Lenard 57
David Leguillon 57
Kenneth Sawyer 79
Juan Delgado 57
Linda Gieske 64
Stacey Merry 43
Michael O'Neil 61
Tonia Cole 52
Mickey Allen Mickey Joseph 43
Patrick Ball 54
Richard Barrett 56
Colt Behles 39
Dean Drew 58
Kenneth Edwards Curly 67
Andrew John Fitts 48
Jeremy French aka Jeremy Ward 44
Crystal Goble 51
Terry Grennan 52
Roberto Hernandez 51
Christopher Hutchison 35
James Leonard Boston 44
Thomas Vernon Lewis 50
Timothy Maguire 49
William Manns 42
Roger McGary 43
John Neisler 52
Daniel Oas Dain 57
Trinidad Perez Miguel 61
Anthony Perez 52
Margarita Peters 54
Gilbert Ramirez Gabby 46
Salvador Ramirez 49
Michael Eugene Rinaldi 51
Bradley Robinson 40
Linda Sentenn 49
Michael Trantham Stoney 53
Suzanne Turner 62
John Widell aka John Earth 64
Joel Wood 37
Kelly Rae Stepp 46
John Nowicki 37
Yvonne Curtis 55
Thomas D. Chrysler 35
Edward Ibarra 54
Yvonne Ann Ageno 68
Brian McKenzie 52
James Scott Stephens 28
Karalynn (Skye) Winterburn-Gross 26
Thomas Allan Crooks 50
David Duane Jones-Harris 53
Marielena Ruiz 30
Candace Harris 38
Adalberto Carlon Cota 78
Andrew Albert Newton Jr 58
James Ray Philliber 56
Debra Whiting 52
Robert (Mike) Seymour 57
Daniel Scott Ramsey 47
Timothy Scott Leidy 47
James Scott Sanford 53
Lou Ann Cordich 46
Richard Adam Rodriguez 43
Paul Andrew Blick 21
Ricky Pinkham 53
David Mashtare 56
Miguel Rangel 72
Jose Hernandez Pena 25
Ricardo Madrid 59
Matthew Charles Adams 37
Efrain A. Arreola 47
Leopoldo Magana 69
Jose Alfredo Coronel 50
Walter Pilgrim 69
McKayla Marie Cheney 21
Thomas Landry Dubbs 31
Susan Virginia Turner 64
William Cox 78
Tammy Singh Estellita 47
James Lester Woodlief 43
Patricia Gardella 49
Dolores (Desiree) Burtnett 47
Benjamin Caplin 37
Marvin Beatty 56
Catherine (C.E.) Angel 53
Rhonda Threet 45
Jessica Kerry Culver 57
Rodney Dunlap Andres 49
Nicolas Arellano 50
Bridgette Ann Bradley 25
Ramon Ceras 50
Kathi Clarke 47
David Anthony Collins 50
Lynn DeLong 56
David DeLong 64
Norman Eldridge 52
Timothy Erickson 61
Berle Feliciano 54
Lilith Franco 25
Peter Galera 60
Arthur Grady 71
Kenneth Hall 54
Peggy Hall 49
Michael Hamm 29
Upsie Davis Hannon 39
Ency Cervantes Hay 40
James Henegen 71
Vicky Hetmer 35
Patricia Howard 60
John Jacobson 35
Alphonse Johnson 52
Allen Knight 61
Peter Kulski 54
Francisco Zamora Lopez 42
Gary Martinez 44
Richard McKeon 42
Robert K. Meyer 56
Daniel Morris 60
Tami Peppers 42
Paula Plourde 48
Jesse Rodriguez 47
Lorencia Rodriguez 58
Belinda Rogers 60
Juliet Rounce 50
Charles Sabatino 51
David Lee Sample 57
Sean Scuderi 36
Robert A. Sehl 65
Charles Squires 50
George Stackhouse 51
Michael Trotts 54
Larry Turnell 53
Michael Wheeler 40
Justin White 52
Sandar Zsombok 64
Rhonda Hite 47
Pablo Rubacalva Meja 57
Danny Joe Fitzpatrick 50
Jack Thomas Sherbourne 49
Frank Sabala 69
Ruben Lopez Medina Sr. 54
Gordon Bagley 50
Terrance Bish 47
Bert Radin 50
John Leiendecker 40
Jeffrey "Marlboro" Warren 50
Rebecca Hoelter 56
Silvia Cardenas Ramirez 29
Ruben Hernandez 46
Lea Ann Louise Bronson 49
Desmond Goto 33
Richard Delisi 61
Ian Ratcliff 55
Christopher Reynolds 45
Wayne Logsdon 25
James "Don" Edwards 55
Kelly Jo Hamm 54
Richard Epperson 67
Guadalupe Lopez Marquez 49
Kari Ray 30
Juan Jose Ramos 27
Arunkumar Patel 61
Sabas "Chico" Rivera 59
Refugio Rosales 54
John Spaulding-Helson 59
Art Regehr 85
William Pickel 58
Maximino Barron Ramirez 54
Robert Travis 67
Eva Dickson 68
Jim Moran 56
James Valdez 45
Michael Martella 50
Jeff Jacobi 41
Timothy Agnew 43
Brad "Duey" Strickland 41
Antonio "Tony" Olivares 52
Linda Clark-Morris 47
Richard Bigbee 54
Dennis Allen Cox 56
Richard Miller 79
Jennifer Deane 44
Francisco Ruiz 39
Ronald Bradley 61
John Alfred Signer 55
Michael William Holliday 39
Bud Armento 71
Charles Nicolini 46
John Ranconi 74
Joseph Bader III 47
Hemsted James 57
Allen Keller Jr. 63
Larry Gourley 53
James Kelly 57
Michael Bonita 48
Gus Lekas 42
Robert Todd 50
Larry Sidebottom 54
Keith Crow 47
Dean Lawson 43
William Scott Simmons 46
Stephanie Montes 27
Ronald Lipscomb 54
Karl Eric Hoyt 45
Shawn Fairless 24
Jon Brayton 65
Robert Wagner 58
Lynne Klein 49
Victor Omeir 70
Edgar Miller 56
Roy Lovato 49
Robert Harrison 71
Joseph Blair 55
Roger Ransom 54
John Middlekauf 37
Robin Basich 43
Robert Edward Medley 28
Charlie Faustino Machado 53
Lillian Kaulani Amber Breeden 7 wks.
Michael Simonton 74
Debra Leong 51
Venette Kominos 53
Timothy Crow 43
Tommy Ball 47
Erick Scott Beard 37
Juan Ramirez 47
Edward Leiby 39
Jody Hunter 32
Mark Foster 54
Thomas Alton Love 53
Hughes Kieran 43
Gloria Ramirez 34
Robert Bridgette 46
Thomas Patrick Page 51
Carlee Miller Jr. 53
Richard Crump 56
Melinda Ann Neilson (Patches) 54
Allan James Immel 39
Henry Kanuha Mendoza 64
Eddie Gwen Norman 62
Darrell Chisolm 44
Dennis Davis 51
Brian Evans 42
Bert Hill 63
Linda Sipos 52
Roger Longbrake 35
James Cline (Jimmy) 57
Pascual Bramasco 43
Lillian Rose Castro 46
Richard Manes 27
Cricket Ross 55
Brian Robbins 27
Dennis Rehm 57
Roberto Rios 64
John Hamilton (Hambone) 51
Kirk Page 60
Guillermina Rodrigues (Guille) 43
Cynthia Martinez 39
Julia Frase 41
Lorna Mayer 49
Eduardo Martinez 37
Linda Pereira 52
Moises Jimenez 49
Michael Todd Blanton 52
Humberto Ibarra (aka Silverio Anguiano) 63
Charles Haines 52
Lisa LeBar 31
Colin McClure 38
John Dalkin 55
Richard Carney 60
Lance Shearon 58
Sam Goodwin 23
Howard Vasquez 44
Michael McFarlane 46
Gary Smitley 53
Raymond Martinez 58
David Allen Smithson 52
Kevin Morley 36
Jeffrey Wilkes 50
Gary Brevig 57
Thomas Daniel Harmon 35
Jerry Lee Morley 44
Robert Bailey 41
Billy Madison 39
Rbecca Batista 42
Carol Cranston 46
William Hall 62
Daniel Thatcher 38
Curtis Parker 40
Richard Labella 54
Robert Cox 61
Errol Turner 47
Armando Sanchez-Rivas 53
Cathleen Chandler 32
Manuel Maes 46
Sherry Whittaker/James 52
Lawrence Hart 49
Gregory John Piasecki 48
Steve Lyons 50
Ronald Shinn 52
Eduardo Urbina 29
Michael Huff 42
Patricia Doering 53
Anil Singh 47
Scott Stevenson 38
Bridgette Wilson 54
Daniel Bean 54
William Haynes 54
James Dildine 58
Juanita Carranco 36
Leila Pedersen 86
William Rush 49
Stephan Cimini (Stefano) 51
Robert Sullivan 51
Sandra Russell 55
Jon Damkoehler 51
Tim McGrath 53
John Doe #1
William Maartense 50
Steve Bowers 41
Marie Suzie Castro 47
Damien Carter 21
Chris Wichman 48
Jack Richards 50
Robert Trask 68
Stephen Ellis 43
Jeremy Michael Dodd 26
Scott Crane 43
Ralph Svendsen (Sarge) 64
Calen Frith (Spacey) 23
Walter Phelps 30
Stephen Chase 50
William Reardon 45
Brian Giertz 41
Christopher Gauthier 39
Larry Gieski (Levi) 50
Richard Longfellow 78
Donald Schwab 31
James Greenbaum 45
Steven Owensby 44
Mike Cassidy (Geo) 31
William Denson (Boxcar Billy) 54
Ken Mason 47
Claude Gisriel 49
Christine Walls (Wendy) 49
Jason Vose (Scarecrow) 25
Michael Richards 44
James Small 48
Brian Loveland 35
Gary Chester 47
Dear Homeless Memorial Project,
Thank you for doing this and having a website. I am sorry to see that Charles Joseph Stock passed away. I knew him from when I lived in Santa Cruz. I always made it a point to talk with him when I was in the downtown area and I did what I could do for him. He was a good guy and it's unfortunate that he passed away. I was always hoping to get back to Santa Cruz and be able to talk with him again. He might be gone but I definitely won't forget him and he definitely made my experiences in the downtown area that much better.
Also, can maybe someone from this project contact me. I would really appreciate it too. Thanks.
Thank you for doing this and having a website. I am sorry to see that Charles Joseph Stock passed away. I knew him from when I lived in Santa Cruz. I always made it a point to talk with him when I was in the downtown area and I did what I could do for him. He was a good guy and it's unfortunate that he passed away. I was always hoping to get back to Santa Cruz and be able to talk with him again. He might be gone but I definitely won't forget him and he definitely made my experiences in the downtown area that much better.
Also, can maybe someone from this project contact me. I would really appreciate it too. Thanks.
10-24-1975-Nov 26 2015
10-24-1975-Nov 26 2015
Can someone from here contact me about my brothers death? He is listed on here as passing away in 2000. Jason Eric Vose (Scarecrow). I have so many questions. Thank you.
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