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Slut Pride Worldwide: Santa Cruz SlutWalk
On May 15, Santa Cruz SlutWalk took the sidewalks to make a unified statement about sexual assault and victims’ rights, to demand respect for all, and re-appropriate the term slut. The demonstration was one of many around the world sparked by a statement on January 24 from a representative of the Toronto Police to a group of students. The officer shared insight into the police force's view of sexual assault by stating, "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."

Santa Cruz SlutWalk began in San Lorenzo Park at noon on a rainy Sunday. The weather was not ideal for a SlutWalk, but the sun eventually turned out, and layers of clothing were shed. The demonstration traveled from San Lorenzo Park down Pacific Ave, up Laurel St., along Mission to Walnut, and ended with a rally at the clock tower.
For background information on SlutWalk, please visit:
SlutWalk Santa Cruz
From SlutWalk Toronto:
With your help, SlutWalk has become a mechanism for increased dialogue on victim-blaming, slut-shaming, misogynist and oppressive ideas that need to be challenged. These damaging ideas affect all of us and play into racist, ableist, homophobic discussions, discussions about status, class, sex work, indigenous rights and more that need to be challenged.
SW has become an empowering event, and with this in mind, we are proud to announce that…
For background information on SlutWalk, please visit:
SlutWalk Santa Cruz
From SlutWalk Toronto:
What Now?
After some reflection after the first SlutWalkTO, SlutWalk is determined to keep going.With your help, SlutWalk has become a mechanism for increased dialogue on victim-blaming, slut-shaming, misogynist and oppressive ideas that need to be challenged. These damaging ideas affect all of us and play into racist, ableist, homophobic discussions, discussions about status, class, sex work, indigenous rights and more that need to be challenged.
SW has become an empowering event, and with this in mind, we are proud to announce that…
The five folks behind SlutWalkTO organizing, plus some other incredible voices, will be building on what SW did well this year, how to improve, and how to keep going.
For more information:
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Some of us came a day early and missed the parade. Damn.
If anybody wants to talk about the demo, please call my show Thursday 6-8 PM on 101.1 FM (and 831-427-3772.
If anybody wants to talk about the demo, please call my show Thursday 6-8 PM on 101.1 FM (and 831-427-3772.
Great photos, great signs and great idea. I was raised in a very conservative and Catholic family. Went to college in 1976 and, in the eyes of the religious right, became a "slut." I quit going to church, started smoking, got birth control pills, had great consentual sex and became active in the pro-choice movement, all of which my family thought was "slutty." Now, at the ripe old age of 53, I'm still "pro-slut." Power to the sluts!
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