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Scientology Cult Fraudulently Claims "Medal of Valor" from New York Fire Department

by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
The Scientology cult loudly boasts that after 9/11, its "Volunteer Ministers" were awarded the Fire Department of New York's highest honor, the "Medal of Valor." This is not only a lie, but an insult to the memory all the brave firefighters who died in the line of duty and were awarded this Medal posthumously. Dozens of Scientology web site and blogs brazenly make this claim, in a continuing effort to legitimize their cult.
Scientology's "Volunteer Ministers," or more accurately, "Vulture Ministers," are a special corps of opportunists who, presenting themselves as mental health counselors, flock to the scene of major tragedies, natural disasters, school shootings, etc., in order to prevent and obstruct legitimate mental health professionals from reaching victims and others who may have been affected. (See recent article here: In the days after September 11, Vulture Ministers were ordered to converge on the ruins of the World Trade Center not only to "block the psychs," but to administer "touch assists," a rather creepy, inappropriate and completely useless sort of light massage, accompanied by Scientology jargon.

In the weeks that followed, when concerns were raised about the effect on rescue workers of Ground Zero's toxic air quality, the Vulture Ministers steered them to a Scientology-owned business franchise called Narconon. This company uses a variety of simplistic and ineffective approaches to "detoxify" people, mostly drug addicts, with the goal of making them into Scientologists. The Vulture Ministers and Narconon took this opportunity to recruit rescue workers into the cult by offering them free treatments at Narconon facilities. According to the New York times, more than 140 fire-fighters took them up on this.

Three years later in 2004, on the occasion of the Scientology cult opening a new headquarters in New York City, a Scientologist named Stephan Hittman made the following "proclamation":

+ + +
"In recognition of the humanitarian efforts of the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology, and the help they provided to members of the Fire Department of the City of New York, in keeping with the principles developed by L. Ron Hubbard; and
"WHEREAS: FDNY and the 911 PROGRAM recognize this unwavering commitment to firefighters, to paramedics, to other rescue workers, in keeping with our proudest traditions; and be it known,
"THEREFORE: That FDNY and the 911 PROGRAM officially recognize this dedicated service to the citizens of the City of New York, and hereby bestow upon L. Ron Hubbard and the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology, the FDNY and the 911 PROGRAM's Medal of Valor and 9–11 Service Award — on the occasion of the Grand Opening of the New York Church of Scientology."
+ + +

Not only is it preposterous that the Vulture Ministers would be honored in this way, and not the many agencies and organizations that actually helped people, but Hittman was not authorized to make such an award, or even any award, on behalf of the Fire Department of New York. He had a little administrative job. Hittman claimed to be an "Honorary Commissioner" of the Fire Department. This was a lie.

Who is Stephan Hittman? He is a guy who grew up in Brooklyn, went to college and became the manager of the Division of Special Education for the New York City Board of Education. He had that job for a long time. Evidence shows that he worked in that office from at least as early as 1984 until 1998, and possibly later. At some point between 1998 and 2001 he took a job with the New York Fire Department, managing the Department's program for distance learning, which helps firefighters to take online courses with various colleges across the country. This educational division is called the "Office of Fire and Life Safety," which sound rather more exciting than it actually is. Hittman would work out arrangements with these colleges so that the firemen could take courses that were relevant to their professional interests. It was a nice, safe, desk job, with very little adventure or heroics involved.

Then came 9/11. It has been suggested that Hittman was instrumental in arranging the Narconon sessions for the rescue workers. It is not clear at this point what happened after that, but evidence suggests that Hittman was asked to resign from his position. It seems that he may have been giving speeches and presentations on the pretext that he was an emergency services expert and a true hero of the Fire Department. Here is an account from New York's Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA):

+ + +
"After the events of 09/11/01, this former civilian employee of the Fire Department has masqueraded in the uniform of the FDNY. He was so bold as to wear the insignia of the Chief of Department and numerous decorations for valor. Conduct of this nature is absolutely offensive to the members of the FDNY and cannot be tolerated. During several speaking engagements in which he participated, he characterized his career in the FDNY as being a leader who helped rebuild the FDNY after 09/11/01. The facts could not be further from the truth. When we learned of his activities, the UFOA was able to provide information to a company that was in the process of hiring him for a management position and others contracting with him for future lectures. Needless to say, job offers and his ability to lecture have stopped. This past week there have been several newspaper articles that criticized his fund raising and the use of the FDNY uniform. The Department has also notified DOI and provided documentation regarding Mr. Hittman's activities."
+ + +

Indeed, Hittman had been running around the USA giving speeches, and collecting money for the non-existent "9/11 Foundation," of which he claimed to be the CEO. After the UFOA blew the whistle on him and his speaking gigs started drying up, Hittman took his act to Latin America, where he gave talks and collected donations from audiences in Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Peru, and other countries, until the director of Peru's firefighter training organization started spreading the word that Hittman had no idea what he was talking about and that he was a fraud. Hittman's present activities are not known, but he is almost certainly somewhere in the New York City metropolitan area, possibly even at the Scientology offices he helped to dedicate.

But Hittman's masquerade party is not the only reason that the Medal of Valor could not possibly have been given to Scientology's Vulture Ministers. According to the Fire Department,

+ + +
The Fire Department Medal of Valor was first issued by the FDNY in 1911 and is engraved with the City seal. Shortly after World War II, the Department began issuing this medal to the next of kin of members who had died in the line-of-duty. Since 1960, the medal has been awarded posthumously and exclusively for line of duty death.
+ + +

The medal has been awarded POSTHUMOUSLY and EXCLUSIVELY for line of duty death.

Scientology leaders were well aware that Stephan Hittman was not authorized to award the New York City Fire Department's Medal of Honor. They knew it then, and they know it now. Why, then, does Scientology brag at every possible opportunity that the Fire Department of New York awarded them this Medal? Will Scientology return the Medal to the Fire Department, if it is an actual Medal that was misappropriated? Will they apologize to the Fire Department, and take down the offensive boasting from their countless web sites?

Not unless they are forced to do so. Someone should force them.


See Also:

Scientology at Ground Zero

Uniformed Fire Officers Association

EL ESCÁNDALO HITTMANN - Muestra de cómo se fabrica el éxito aparente de Cienciología

Hittman el Cienciologo

Nadie Renuncia por Caso Hittman

Stephan Hittmann Sería Fraude

Scientologist's Treatments Lure Firefighters
New York Times, October 4, 2003

Help us stop the Scientology cult and criminal racket:
§The Big Day
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§Where Hittman learned about fireman stuff
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§What real NY firefighters think about Hittman
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§Scientology bragging
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§More Scientology bragging
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§More Scientology bragging
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§More Scientology bragging
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§Hittman's phony bio
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§Hittman's job in 1984
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§Hittman's job in 1996
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
§Hittman's job in 1998
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
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by Steve Drasche
Dr. Lilly,
Were you there? At Ground Zero? Immediately after 9/11/2001? I was. I am proud to say I was one of the many Scientology Volunteer Ministers who risked their lives to assist the brave firefighters, police and EMS workers in keeping the supply lines organized, administering assists to the guys at the site and, in some of our cases (myself included) assisting in digging through the rubble. It was a horrible place to be and yet we knew it was the right thing to do and we were acknowledged constantly by the brave men and women who were searching for possible survivors and the public waiting at Canal Street, applauding us as we exited the site. Please stop degrading our good deeds. We have a technology that helps. It would be wrong for us to not use it to benefit mankind in anyway possible and so we will continue to do so.
by Anonomalous
Lying on September 19

Originally Posted by Sep 19 2001
From: (TravisSargent)
Date: 19 Sep 2001 05:15:05 GMT
Local: Wed, Sep 19 2001 1:15 am
Subject: Church of Scientology Help at "Ground Zero" Gets Much Praise!

A sample incident among so many:

One NY fireman received a counseling session from one of our Volunteer Ministers. He had been awarded the Medal of Valor by the city. When the Volunteer minister finished the session the fireman was so moved that he took the medal off and said that he wanted the VM to have it!
Very moving and gratifying!
Just a little sample of the "awful," "rotten," "nasty" work we do.

by FTT
$cientologist: 'ZOMG, It's TRUE, Zombie fireman gave me his posthumous valor medal on 9/11, no really he did'
by blatant
Hey Steve.

I'll start this off with a fact: TOUCH ASSISTS DO NOT WORK. At BEST they achieve a psychosomatic result. At WORST, they give the impression that proper medical diagnosis and care are not needed. Second, are you trained and qualified (by a reputable institution of learning) as someone who can effectively administer emergency assistance? No? I didn't think so.

Now that we have those two points cleared up, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, something you may not have realized while playing in the rubble at "ground zero": YOU WERE IN THE WAY.

One thing you didn't mention in your comment were the pats on the back your organization gave you for BARRING trained grief counselors and other disaster relief teams from the victims of the attacks...because you believe them to be affiliated with the "evil psychs"... but that crazy stuff is another story for another day, isn't it?

All that said, 9/11 was 6 years ago. What have you done for me LATELY (that isn't a thinly veiled recruitment drive in a third world country)?

I'll be waiting for your response.
by Dr. Lilly von Marcab
<b>Posing here with Hollywood Scientologist Jenna Elfman, more than a year before the fraudulent award.</b>
by Enguerrand de Marigny (enguerrandm [at]
This is a classic example of "those who can't do, teach" or better yet, "critics will criticize those who can do and at least try, when in fact they themselves can't and won't help. Only criticize those who can." Get a life Marcab, get out on the streets and help seomone, help a drug addict, volunteer at a church. You don't do that or anything. Sad. I bet you haven't even helped a little old lady cross the street. Shame. Truly the worse thing than standing by and watching the world go up in flames is to sit and carp on those trying to put the fire out. Shame!
That's an incredible story. Who would have the gall to make light out of those who died? Perhaps an opportunist who believed that death wasn't a special event in a lifetime that is infinitely long would pull that.
by D. Hamster
'Mental health' hotline a blind lead September 15, 2001, Deborah O'Neil, St. Petersburg Times Beware Scientologists Claiming To Be Mental Health Professionals September 17, 2001, National Mental Health Association Exclusive: Weird Science July 22, 2005, Laurie Hanna, Mind Games: Scientology vs. Psychiatry July 2, 2006, Five Live Report, BBC Radio Scientologists Descend on Minneapolis Collapse Site August 3, 2007, Marcus Baram, ABC News Scientologists visiting Va. Tech to help April 26, 2007, Pamela J. Podger, Roanoke Times Scientologist 'assisted' from CFA recovery area December 19, 2006, Daniel Ziffer, The Age Here's a tip: The next time you show up at a major disaster site, make sure you bring your own tents and supplies rather than mooching off the victims: Recruitment time in Aceh January 29, 2005, Did you miss?, The Guardian
by WTF
Seems kind of presumptuous to claim that because someone exposes the lies and abuses of the Cult of Scientology online they can't possibly have helped an old lady cross the street, doesn't it?

Your "ATTACK NEVER DEFEND" tech will not serve you anymore. How about trying to address the blatant misinformation being produced by the Corporation of Scientology instead of attacking the author of this informative piece?

Frankly, your comments, in light of the things that have be uncovered here, look very silly.

by Plups
I'm sure most of you believed you were helping and some of you did some useful things. The fact remains: Stephen Hittman is a liar and the "Medal of Valor" is a fake. Why does Scientology need to rely on lies to support its Volunteer Minister program?
by Frank G
The article against VMs contains lies that I am aware of.
1st- The article said that assists don't work. I have given several assist and I can guarantee that they do work. You can go to any church of Scientology and ask to read "success stories" of people who have received assists.
Some years ago I received assists because I had pain in the back and after one hour of assist the pain was gone. I have given an assist to a person who had toothacke and after about half hour of assist he told me that the pain was much relieved!
2nd- I have met with a several of the VMs that went to NY from Clearwater, FL, and that went to help after hurracanes in Florida and New Orleans. They are people who like to help and they DO help by doing what is necessary to help people. They don't do this for money as they are not paid for their time and efforts.
So if you know what the VMs really do speak with them and don't believe to the internet crap against them.
by D. Hamster
If your faith healing works, then it should be easy to prove it with objective results rather than subjective accounts.
by Anonomalous
Dear Scientologists, please address the problem of Stephan Hittman (a Scientologist fraudster) giving you guys a FDNY Medal of Valor, while Miscavige and the others were well aware of the fraud?

Also, regarding volunteer ministers: I'm sure that most of you mean well, but the fact is the "touch assist" doesn't do anything substantive. A human touch may feel nice to some people, and perhaps just relaxing and being touched makes people feel better, but in most cases it is just the placebo effect (get out the dictionary and look that up right now). It is clear that most of you believe in what you are doing and are genuinely trying to help. That's fine and really beautiful. Unfortunately, you are being exploited by the big shots and Scientology management. Really, you are. Why am I telling you this? Run a doubt formula on Anonymous. Despite what you may have been told, we care about you as people. It is Scientology's management and its evil practices (most of which you may know nothing about) that must be stopped. I hope you will consider leaving Scientology as quickly as possible. There is lots of help and support available should you choose to do this.
by Enguerrand de Marigny
My Dear WTF,

What really makes me laugh, (otherwise I would cry), is the fact that grown adults, and I use the term loosely, would waste the time and energy to research, publish and post things about a CHURCH when in fact there are other enemies of mankind that REALLY need our attention and energy.

Ever heard of drug cartels? What about mass genocide in Africa? The energy crisis? Kids graduating school not being able to read? Children addicted to drugs? Millions going hungry in the world? The threat of terrorism? What, do you live under a rock????

Throw stones dear WTF, your skills are clearly wasted when you could be doing something USEFUL with your time. Do assists work or not? Irrelevant dear WTF!! The fact is that PEOPLE CARING ENOUGH TO TRY AND HELP put aside their lives and schedules to help OTHERS!

I simply ask, dear WTF, what have "Dr. Marcab", or any of the Anonynuts done to really help Mankind? (Oh, and a hint, whining, griping and bitching is not "Help" )

Either step up to the plate, or shut up. That goes for all the ANONYNUTS.
You don't know what any of the Anonymous people, as individuals, have done or are doing in regard to the other issues you mention, so you can't say "they have done nothing." Perhaps that formulation would work in a Scientologist's "logic," but it's nonsensical.

All you are doing here is attempting to divert attention from the issue at hand: Since it is quite evident that Scientology was awarded this "Medal of Valor" under fraudulent -- and, it seems, knowingly fraudulent circumstances, should the Church return the Medal and take down all its web pages trumpeting how wonderful they are to have been awarded this Medal?
by TubedYou
Frank G, whether you like it or not, VM's have time and time again been exposed as vultures sent in by your cult to interfere with real trained professionals. Maybe you should visit the BBC Five Live report on the VM's at the London bombings.
Maybe you should also arm yourself with the fact of Scientology masquerading itself to get FoxNews to run a ticker and phone number to a freshly created front group by the cult on 9/11

You may then also want to confront VM's being assisted out of a bushfire area in Australia, because they are onkly ever on site for PR purposes.

In fact, for the benefit of the casual reader, here is a great site exposing what the true nature of VM's truly is

As for your testimonial about 'assists', why arent scientologists helping all the sick and injured. After all, according to hubbard, you can even bring back the dead with a 'bring back to life assist'. Thank you for confirming what many people know. That is, that should scientology ever gain control, it wont just stop at obliterating all fields of mental health, it will then start attacking medicine because hubbard teaches all illness can generally be traced back to the psychosomatic, whether in this life or a previous life.
by Fredric L. Rice (frice [at]
These Scientology scumbags are such fucking criminals. It should be against the law to make claims like this since it's ultimately a financial fraud -- the remaning Scientology customers who still purchase the Scientology bait-and-switch scams will probably believe this bullshit and continue to give the insane crime syndicate their money.

That web site covers what these insane criminals were really up to in the aftermath of the September 11'th terrorist attacks against New York. The violently insane Scientology criminals went to New York to deliberately attempt to disrupt the relief efforts -- according to their own intercepted internal mailing list mailouts these insane criminals were there solely to assist the terrorists!

I call that treason.
by barbara graham
I remember the day the towers fell. I remember "Lieutenant" O'hare's emails being leaked to us. I remember how, suddenly, there were happy shiny pictures of VMs in clean yellow shirts posing for pictures as if working at Ground Zero, surrounded by filthy, dust-covered and exhausted rescue workers.

I remember reading O'Hare's boastful accounts of VMs sneaking under barricades, disrupting legitimate mental health professionals, and trying to sell books to stunned, vulnerable New Yorkers.

I remember Scientology's email flood, soliciting donations to have leatherbound copies of The Way to Happiness printed up to present to rescue workers, and other copies to distribute to people who needed a little something more than Hubbard's homilies for healing. I remember noting that the amount of money requested would turn a profit for the cult of tens of thousands of dollars if the target goal was reached.

Where people need aid, you send in people who don't even bring their own supplies.
Where people need food, you bring magical pokes and strokes called 'touch assists.'
Where people lack toilet paper, you bring copies of Hubbard's books.
Okay, that last almost qualifies as aid.
When the country was fearful and uncertain, you put up billboards and changed your brochures to include the name of Osama bin Laden.

You people prey on fear and vulnerability. I do not doubt that some of you really believe you are helping, but if you paid attention, you'd see that the Volunteer Ministers are mainly a PR tool for the "church" of Scientology.

VMs were kicked out of Beslan after the horrific terrorist attack that left 300 school children dead. Authorities correctly observed that they were preying on grief-stricken parents.

VMs were removed from Virginia Tech following the terrible shooting tragedy a couple of years ago. They'd arrogantly set up their bright yellow tent right in the middle of activity, yet never once got the media coverage they so clearly craved.

As a writer I admire greatly so aptly observed,

"$cientology sees the world this way: One man with a picket sign: terrorism. Five thousand people dead in a deliberate inferno: business opportunity.

$cientology oozes _under_ terrorists to hide."

-Chris Leithiser
by Fredric L. Rice (frice [at]
: I am proud to say I was one of the many Scientology
: Volunteer Ministers who risked their lives to assist the
: brave firefighters, police and EMS workers

Bullshit! The Scientology criminals had to constantly be captured, rounded up, and physically escorted out of Ground Zero by the authorities. The insane criminals were behind police lines trying to get themselves photographed and in real newspapers and television news, and the relief workers had to contend not only with the disaster but also these insane crooks who kept sneaking under the police lines.

Not only did these insane Scientology criminals deliberately attempt to disrupt relief efforts, not only did these crooks cause fire fighters, medical workers, rescue teams to waste their time capturing these insane morons, but by sneaking in and having to be thrown out so many times, these insane Scientology crooks were putting themselves in danger -- all on orders of their crime bosses back in Gilman Hot Springs and Los Angeles.

Some of these remaining Scientology customers and ringleaders actually do seem to believe that they are "the authorities" and they pull insane shit like this, right up until some cop or some fire fighter or someone from the American Red Cross gets a belly full of these insane criminals and puts a stop to it -- at times a violent stop sonce Scientology kooks don't seem to understand polite reason.

But don't believe me or anyone else about any of this -- check out for yourself and get a good look at the intercepted mailing list emails that human rights activists got by infiltrating the Scientology crime syndicate. All this is my own opinions, as usual, and the truth about what Scientology is and what it does can be retrieved from their own one-time secret emails back and forth among themselves.

Incidentally, the American red Cross was forced to issue a nation-wide alert about frauds, crooks, and scammers after these insane Scientology cultists were repeatedly captured and thrown out of Ground Zero. Copies of the Red Cross' warnings can be found at the web site as well.

What utter and complete scumbags. It's good that the crime syndicate is being dismantled thanks to human rights activists from the ARSCC and now, thank Xenu, the body of Anonymous.

My opinions only and only my opinions, as always.
by Quentin Hubbard
Scientology is evidently of no real social benefit, but rather it is a series of frauds within a big scam.
by David Freehug
I help legitimate humanitarian organisations with both money and time. Scientology is not such an organisation - whatever it's members are told. It is an organisation which wants people and their money - and nothing else.

Scientologists always believe they are helping - sadly, they are not. The organisation preys on it's member's good intentions in order to extract money from them. NarCONon doesn't help drug addicts, Criminon doesn't rehabilitate. Vulture Ministers get in the way and prevent actual help in the form of qualified medical practitioners from doing their job.

Sadly, those enclosed in the pretend world of the cult are continually bombarded with lies to make them believe that recruiting more members and selling them progressively more expensive courses is, in some way, actually helping society.

Rather than wasting the money and lives of well-intentioned, good people in a wild goose chase with impossible powers as the goal.

To those who are "in" who have written here - you NEED to do a "doubt formula" on Anonymous.

Shall we begin ?

1. Inform oneself honestly of the actual intentions and activities of that group, project or organization, brushing aside all bias and rumor...
by Nawlins Ray
In the aftermath of Katrina we got caught by these so called volunteers. When we saw the yellow tent and something that looked a little organized we approached them hoping to maybe get a couple of bottles of water and a maybe a sandwich. Instead we got offered hand waving voodoo and a booklet. Oh they had food and water, but we were told it was reserved for their 'ministers'. Thank god some REAL relief workers happened by, the American Red Cross workers gave me and my family what they had without question, without trying to sell us a book or get us into their church for spiritual counseling.

These people only help themselves.
by Anononymous
I just followed the link to the "The Age" article - about Vulture Ministers being ejected from the Heyfield staging-grounds in the bushfire-ravaged Gippsland region - and all I can say is, is there an OT Level that helps you develop a sense of DECENCY or even GOOD TASTE for that matter?!
These Vulture Minister a$$holes set a up a goddam BARBEQUE in the middle of a bushfire area! Now, I don't how many of you who are reading this live in fire-prone areas, but here in Australia everyone understands the phrase TOTAL FIRE BAN (which applies to everything from a lit match, to a barbeque, to a bonfire)! Many places in rural Australia, including the Gippsland, spend most of the Summer under a TOTAL FIRE BAN order... and in the middle of a bushfire, it's a given.
by Fredric L. Rice (frice [at]
That's insane. Scientology's "NarCONon" quack medical fraud doesn't work. It's _dangerous_ and at times the insane Scientology criminals have _killed_ its victims with their insane "Purification Rundown" frauds committed under their "NarCONon" fake front.

That web site covers this insane fraud, a quack medical scam dreamed upo by the drug addled, alcoholic, sexually insane mad man L. Ron Hubbard.
by Terryeo
The FDNY (Fire Department of New York) does, on rare occasion, award its medal of valor. It is always a posthumous award, it is not awarded to living persons. The award was not the FDNY award. Dr. Lilly von Marcab is confused and says so in the article and yes, the two separate organizations make their own awards. In fact, quite a number of organizations made similar awards for the brave men and woman involved in 9/11, and deservedly so.

How foolish to confuse one organization with another. How foolish to confuse the awards of one with the awards of the other.

The FDNY's Medal of Valor award is usually accompanied by cash given to the family of the honored deceased. While I have no idea how Dr. Lilly von Marcab became so confused, her article is but an expression of confusion.
by General Public AYS
terryeo, ?! Clarify something please: what was the award given to your volunteer ministers, regarding their actions around 9/11, and who gave it to them?
What distinguishes it from the award given postumously by the FDNY? Are there two types of Medals Of Valour?

You say Dr Lilly von Marcab is confused and your attitude is to mock and gloat rather than gently correct her . But she backs her story up with facts, and those facts I can verify by my own research.
Where can I look to verify your facts? Independant sources please. I don't think you can or intend to supply any. I think you are being a naughty disruptive boy again.
by Anne R. Caspersen
Terryeo, are you suggesting that the Medal of Valor claimed by the Volunteer Ministers after 9/11 is a Scientology medal, an IAS Medal of Valor, instead of a FDNY Medal of Valor?
In that case, the "confusion" isn't Lily von Marcab's but on the part of all those Scientology sites who claim the medal. Are you going to have them correct that information?
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