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Indybay Feature

Bay Area Region 3 of Student Senate for the Ca. Community Colleges(SF City College/Phone)

Friday, May 30, 2008
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
SF City College And by Phone

Student Senate for the California Community Colleges
> Region III
> Regular Meeting
> City College of San Francisco
> Student Union Room 208
> 50 Phelan Ave
> San Francisco, CA 94112
> Friday, 30 May, 2008
> NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Student Senate for
> the California Community Colleges (SSCCC) Region III
> will hold a regular in-person meeting on Friday, 30
> May 2008 at City College of San Francisco. In
> compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
> of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), if you need and wish
> to request appropriate alternate formats to
> accommodate a person with a disability, please
> contact Region Chair, Chris Eden at edenc@smccd. edu.
> The SSCCC Region III will make efforts to meet all
> requests, if possible. Note: It shall be at the
> discretion of the SSCCC Region III Council to
> address agenda items out of the order presented as
> deemed necessary during the meeting.
> A teleconference option offered through the
> California Community Colleges Conference (C.C.C.
> Confer) service shall be provided as an effort to
> provide all inclusion for full participation of the
> region colleges and college student government
> representatives who may have travel difficulties.
> Access and participation of the general public shall
> also be provided through this teleconference option
> in addition to access to the in-person meeting
> location.
> Teleconference Dial-in Number
> (888) 886-3951
> Pass Code # 793240
> For operator assistance during the conference, press
> *0
> Friday, 30 May 2008 1:00PM-3:00PM
> I.Call to Order and Introductions
> At this time, the regular meeting of the SSCCC
> Region III Council shall be called to order to begin
> official public business of the region.
> II.Roll Call/Establishment of Quorum (5 minutes)
> At this time, the verification of local college
> student government representatives from those
> colleges included within Region III shall be made to
> confirm if a majority of colleges within the region
> is present in order to conduct official regional
> actions at this meeting. A minimum of eight (8) out
> of the thirteen (13) is required (SSCCC Constitution
> Article V, Section 2.). If quorum is not made then
> the meeting will continue with all action items to
> be treated as discussion only by all participants
> with all other normal parliamentary rules applying.
> Quorum can be made at any time during this meeting.
> Minutes will be taken in either case.
> A. College Delegates
> 1. Alameda, College of
> 2. Berkeley City (Vista)
> 3. Cañada
> 4. Contra Costa
> 5. Diablo Valley
> 6. Laney
> 7. Los Medanos
> 8. Marin, College of
> 9. Merritt
> 10. San Francisco, City College of
> 11. San Mateo, College of
> 12. Santa Rosa
> 13. Skyline
> III.Adoption of the Agenda
> At this time, the current agenda shall be reviewed.
> Only changes in the order of the agenda or removal
> of items from the agenda are allowed to ensure
> compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.
> IV.Public Comment
> At this time, any member of the public who is not a
> voting college delegate or SSCCC Region III Senator
> may address the SSCCC Region III Council regarding
> any issue not on the agenda The length of public
> comment for each speaker shall not exceed three (3)
> minutes, unless otherwise decided by the SSCCC
> Region III Council. Responses from the SSCCC Region
> III Council are strictly limited during this time.
> V.Approval of Minutes
> At this time, the minutes of the April 13th, October
> 12th, and November 10th meetings of the Region will
> be reviewed and considered for approval.
> VI.SSCCC Region III Officers and Senators Reports
> At this time, the current SSCCC Region III Chair,
> Vice Chair, Secretary, and Regional Senators shall
> provide a verbal and/or written report on matters
> related to their positions and respective duties.
> A.Chris Eden (College of San Mateo), SSCCC Region
> III Chair
> B.SSCCC Region III Vice Chair (vacant)
> C.Mathew Kaidor (College of San Mateo), SSCCC Region
> III Secretary
> D.,SSCCC Region III Treasurer
> E.Justine Armes (College of San Mateo), SSCCC Region
> III Senator
> F.SSCCC Region III Senator (Vacant)
> VII.Region III Senator Elections
> At this time the SSCCC Region III will discuss and
> take action on the election of the two (2) Region
> III senators for the 2008-2009 fiscal year. The
> region will hold nominations and interview
> candidates prior to voting.
> VIII.Region III Constitution
> At this time the SSCCC Region III shall conduct a
> 2nd reading of the current and standing Region III
> Constitution. Discussion on next steps. The region
> may take action on rewriting, updating, revising and
> amending the constitution.
> IX.Communications with Region III Campus Student
> Newspapers
> At this time, Laney College will present their
> issues on communication in the region. They will be
> given 15 minutes to present.
> X.Disabilities Awareness Groups For Students
> At this time, there will be a 15 minute discussion
> on: "Building Bridges through Diversity and Unity".
> New group approved at the Student Senate May 2008
> Spring General Assembly. Providing and update.
> XI.Black Caucus of CalSACC: Region III Update
> At this time, the Black Caucus will have 15 minutes
> to give an update to the Region.
> XII.Local College Issues Forum
> At this time, the region shall act as a support
> network for students addressing local district
> and/or college issues. Those local district and/or
> college issues brought before the SSCCC Region III
> will be discussed. No action will be taken at this
> time, though they may be brought back on a future
> SSCCC Region III agenda as an individual item
> requiring discussion and/or action.
> XIII.Adjournment
> At this time, the SSCCC Region III Chair shall
> conclude the official public business of the SSCCC
> Region III.
> Legal Compliances
> NOTE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act
> (California Government Code 54950-54963) this
> meeting shall be publicly open to all members of the
> public, press/media, audio and/or video recording,
> still or motion picture camera filming, without
> requiring a sign-in or identification of themselves.
> NOTE: In compliance with the Americans with
> Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), if
> you need and wish to request appropriate alternate
> formats to accommodate a person with a disability,
> please contact Chris Eden at edenc@smccd. edu.
> NOTE: In compliance with the California Public
> Records Act aka CPRA (California Government Code
> 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials
> distributed during this public meeting shall be made
> available upon request and if requested in an
> appropriate alternate formats to accommodate a
> person with a disability, please contact Chris Eden
> at edenc@smccd. edu.
> --
=== message truncated ===

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Added to the calendar on Thu, May 29, 2008 3:43PM
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