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Indybay Feature

Jan 19: Defend Abortion & Rent Control; Sign for Singlepayer; Labor for MLK

by $
January 19 is a busy day in San Francisco and we hope everyone can attend as many events as possible. Our march for abortion at 11 a.m., the tenant convention to save rent control at 1 p.m., circulating the single payer healthcare peitition and attending the labor festival this Martin Luther King weekend are all equally important.
January 19 is a busy day in San Francisco and we hope everyone can attend as many events as possible. Our march for abortion at 11 a.m., the tenant convention to save rent control at 1 p.m., circulating the single payer healthcare peitition and attending the labor festival this Martin Luther King weekend are all equally important.

Women's right to abortion guaranteed by Roe v Wade 35 years ago has already been curtalied by the anti-abortion Supreme Court when they cirminalized late term abortions on April 18, 2007 in Gonzales v. Carhart. The anti-abortion majority is Chief Justice Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Scalia and Thomas; the pro-abortion minority is Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter and Stephens. Women's right to abortion is all about women defending their ability to control their own body and saving women's lives. We need everyone at Justin Herman Plaza, Market and Embarcadero, SF, January 19 at 11 a.m. For more information, see:

The need for a roof of our head should be obvious and the repeal of rent control that will be on the June ballot will only increase homelessness. Please attend the tenant's convention at 1 p.m. at 474 Valencia at 16th Street, San Francisco. For more information, see the SF Tenants Union website at

The 22nd annual Western Workers' Labor Heritage Festival, held every year during Martin Luther King Weekend in honor of MLK, who was assassinated by the US government while supporting a sanitation workers' strike in Memphis, Tennessee, takes place at SEIU 1021 union hall, 350 Kansas Street at 16th, San Francisco, starting 6 p.m., January 18, all day Saturday and Sunday, January 19 and 20. For more information, see:

At all events, you can circulate the Single Payer healthcare initiative that will be on the November ballot. To download the petition, which you can sign yourself, sign the cirulator's declaration at the bottom and mail if you do not have time to circulate, is at:
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