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Indybay Feature

cop watch: Brian Hughes at LRDP Protest

by be aware
UCSC Police Officer Brian Hughes was photographed acting overly violent in yet another UCSC protest. Seen here, in a photo by Phil Carter (City on a Hill Press), Hughes has his arm around the neck of a protester.
Brian Hughes' conduct was called into question most recently by the defense campaign for students arrested at the UC Regents protest. The demand called for, "The immediate resignation of UCPD Officer Brian Hughes, who has a long history of violent and hateful behavior against students and workers." (see:

Brian Hughes' questionable/violent activities include:

April 5, 2005: Brian Hughes, as a 'plain clothed police officer' assaulted at least two students at the first of a series of big counter military recruitment protests at UCSC. A photo of him grabbing a student was on the cover of the next day's Santa Cruz Sentinel. see:

April 14, 2005: Brian Hughes acted as a police infiltrator engaged in surveillance of students and workers participating in a march to support the strike by AFSCME at UCSC. He crossed the line from 'plain clothed officer' to 'infiltrator' by his wearing of a green armband - the same armbands worn by strike supporters. He was confronted for videotaping the crowd as they marched to the base of campus.

April 18, 2005: Brian Hughes, again "plain-clothed", was photographed taking video footage of students brutally arrested at the first night of Tent University at UCSC. It was later admitted by a senior member of the UCSC Faculty Senate that a student had been commissioned by the administration to infiltrate a Tent U. training workshop as well.

October 18, 2006: Brian Hughes, this time in his uniform, brutally assaulted student activist Alette Kendrick at a protest of the UC Regents' visit to UCSC. He was photographed dragging her by the arms. It is believed that he was one of the primary police involved in her targetting.

April 24, 2007: Brian Hughes was seen by a UCSC staffer tearing down an approved display outside the college 9/10 dining hall. The display showed print outs of various laws and policies relating to military recruitment at UCSC. Recruiters were originally scheduled to attend a job fair that day, but backed out after years of counter-recruitment protests. When Hughes was asked by the staffer why he was tearing down the approved display, he responded in a highly abusive manner. Later that day, to the same staffer, he tried to play off that it wasn't him involved.

November 7, 2007: This Wednesday, Brian Hughes violently put his arm around a protester's neck as he arrested him at a protest against the expansion of UCSC.

Hughes has also been seen in his uniform at a anti-Nuclear Weapons protest (primarily by UCSC students) of the UC Regents at UC San Francisco.


§City on a Hill Video Snapshot
by be aware
From the Nov. 7, 2007 LRDP protest.
§Hughes, 2005
by be aware
Left 2 - April 5, 2005 Counter-Recruitment protest.
Middle 2 - April 14, 2005 AFSCME strike.
Right 2 - April 18, 2005 Tent U. arrests.
§Regents Protest - Oct '06
by be aware
Hughes (left) assaulting Alette Kendrick at the protest against the UC Regents visit to UCSC on Oct. 18, 2006.
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by Bert
I hope you realize that you are acting as ugly and despicable as you claim this individual is. There are proper avenues for addressing the concerns that you have. Your rush to judgement only makes what you claim to be a bad situation worse. You are only helping to increase tension and encourage future protesters to escalate their behavior. I hope you can find a more constructive outlet for the angry and hostility you have. Try solving the problem.
by J
Obviously, the poor guy isn't getting the amount of male physical contact he needs to be happy. Maybe we should give him a break and sponsor him to attend a 'Mans Retreat". We need to be a little more sensitive people, cops have to repress their true feelings due to societal pressures to "be a man"!.
Clearly a different person, and you have the wrong month.
by be aware
that was most definitely Brian Hughes at the Regents protest in October of 2006. I made a simple mistake in posting 'nov' in the title, maybe an indybay admin can fix this for me?

police need to be held accountable. they won't do it themselves. that's the public's job.
by see
morning of Nov. 7, 2007 - a press conference by 'Long Range Resistance.' Brian Hughes videotapes the speaker in the background.

photo #9:
by Tim Rumford (thatoldbookstore [at]
Thanks for starting this post. I have seen this man videoing at another local protest last year. I will look through my pictures. Your right it is our job to watch the cops. I was beat up at 13 years old inside the county building by a desked officer. It was during the troll busting 80's. He was simply to watch me. Instead he brought me in a little room and beat the living hell out of me until they busted down the door, right before he was going to slam a phone upon me head. My crime, possession of marijuana. His crime, beating the homeless. All charges dropped, and despite me pleas I was not allowed to raise the issue in court. Downtown and on Campus cops are not acting properly. The failed Police review board that never used the power they had to subpoena etc. , did nothing to help the community. So, we have to do it. Keep up the Good work! Peace Out!
Tim Rumford
by a
Last night 2 friends and I were walking from Kresge towards the science buildings when we heard screams...LOUD screams coming from the area of the tree sit. We ran as fast as we could towards them. We saw 2 cop cars, about six officers including 1 bike cop and two security guards. A woman was being dragged toward a squad car. We approached slowly, but were asking the cops to take it easy on her, it sounded like she was being hurt. When she kept screaming one friend and I walked closer to the area in which they were holding her. Three cops came toward us and aggressively asked us what we were doing there-then one cop pointed to my friend and yelled "him!" . All of a sudden one cop came from each side of him, and Mr Hughes came from behind and(three cops at once!) violently tackled my friend to the ground, pushing him face down onto the concrete. (my friend is around 5 feet tall and very small) The bike cop and the other cop braced him onto the ground with their knees in the small of his back while he screamed in pain. Officer Hughes approached me, got all up in my comfort bubble then staring right into my eyes with his back to my friend told me that my friend was resisting arrest. This was a gut wrenchingly violent arrest-my friend has no outstanding warrants or any cause whatsoever for arrest other than watching police activity. -this guy is as fascist as they come. Something needs to be done.
by more info
Is your friend the same Dustin Matchett that the Santa Cruz Sentinel is reporting is still being held in custody on felony weapons charges? Doesn't sound like such an innocent situation.
by pocketknife
"felony charge of carrying a knife on campus"

Sounds like homeland security speak for carrying a pocketknife to me
by balancing baloons
to "more info" for all you know it could have been a metal butter knife 2 and a half inches long! what a weapon.
by more info
Yes, it might have been a butter knife. And maybe the cop "got all up in your comfort bubble" for no reason at all, as you were just innocently skipping through the woodlands. Could have happened that way, I guess.
by Anybody seen my rights?
Cops need probable cause to arrest someone. For the time being, don't panic and tell your friend that they have a right to a lawyer before answering any questions, no matter what the police say or do. Also, thank you for posting this for the sake of spreading awareness of arbitrary police violence at the site of a political protest, and now make sure that you and your other friend who were walking up to the police stop put your experiences in writing in as much detail as you remember. Gestapo crap like this can be really intimidating and leave you feeling pretty "shocked and awed" so get that down on the paper and get support so you can support your friend because he will be even more scared than you and he will need your steadfast determination that he is innocent and that he needs to fight this at trial.

Tell him not to plead guilty or no contest or anything... he is innocent unless the pigs can prove every trumped up stupid charge they can come up with to a jury, and in Santa Cruz county any group of 12 people would see that there is indeed reasonable doubt as to why the pigs grabbed him in the first place. Even if they caught him with a knife on campus; even if it is a big stupid honking illegal combat knife with "I hate pigs" stenciled on it, they will still need to prove that they had probable cause to detain and arrest him in the first place and will not be able to introduce it as evidence since he did not give his consent for the search of himself or his belongings. And when the public defender says "you are looking at __x__ years in jail if you go to trial" that is either because the public defender is totally insecure or unconscionably lazy.

Once the court sets bail for your friend, hopefully you will be able to afford it and get them out. If not, the court will have to charge him and either release him on his own recognizance (promise to come back for court dates) or they will have 30 days to bring him to trial while in custody. There is no way they will hold him from what you are describing, but if you can post bond direct to the county (the full amount, should be 10 times what the bail is listed as) you will get the full amount back. Bail bonds companies are parasitic thieves that never give back the bail money, even if you are found innocent, but being out of jail is awful nice so its up to you.

-he is not guilty (he can always plead later if you decide that is better)
-he can fire his public defender with a Marsden motion if the public defender is lazy or a chicken who can't imagine a jury trial

Basically, your friend will be told that satan himself is going to tear his head off eat his brain in front of his mother if he goes to trial and that he is going to be sent to Guantanamo for 5 years and that he should settle for a few days in jail, a fine, and 3 years of probation so he should be admit guilt so he doesn't piss off the judge and hurt his chances of being taken care of by the judge's kindness. In no other relationship in our lives do we try to get someone to take care of us by confessing to their b.s. accusations and begging for their mercy. We would call that an abusive relationship and would advise a friend to stick up for themselves and help them defend themselves.

Now, all you reactionary trolls and pacifist purists who hate knives, take a deep breath and remember how much you love the constitution... there, better?
by ~Bradley
Here is a photo of Officer Brian Hughes taken on January 10th, 2007 in the parking lot on Science Hill.

Security Guard and Police Confiscate a Backpack on Science Hill
by leni
When I went up there to film the tree during the windstorm, two security guards immediately assembled on the far end of the parking lot and looked like they were about to run over to stop me, perceiving that I might have food.

Despite the optimal location of that tree, I would still consider starting different treehouses. At least make it difficult for them to sit in a car or train cameras on it.

Regarding knives - what if an instructor wanted to do a simple science demo in a class which involved chopping an onion or minor cooking (which I have done, and had students do). Can you carry a knife in?
by Dragon Lover
The question is was the young man carrying two knives, yes or no. If the answer is yes then he was violating the law, end of discussion. It is this twisted procedural BS that has made it impossible for the police to do their job in protecting society. As far as police taking someone to the ground if you get in their face well don't get in their face, plain and simple. More officers are injured or killed every year in these innocent sort of confrontations. If an officer can't defuse or control a situation quickly the safest thing for them is to remove the problem and sort it out later. If you are getting in their face and they take you to the ground and immobilize you well maybe you shouldn't have been in their face.
by Dragon Lover
Leni that is a really silly question. Apples and Oranges. Scapels, razors, knives all have legitimate uses on campus. Carrying one around on your person just because you want it is not one of them.
by staffer
Lots of folks carry pocket knives or multi-tools that include knife blades, and usually it is no problem. There are certain well known places where you can't carry one, such as airports and courthouses.

However, UC has a system-wide policy against possession of folding knives with locking blades longer than 2 inches. Under that rule, a lot of ordinary pocket knives, otherwise perfectly legal to own, are illegal to carry on any UC property. I don't think that is widely known.
by karl roenfanz ( rosey )
i almost always carry two knives, a three inch blade i use for shaving sticky doors - removeing gaskets - etc, and a three bladed for whittling - cleaning fingernails - etc. a lot of activities you need a knife for and you can never tell in advance when you are going to need one. if carrying one is criminal then there must be an awlful lot of jobs that must be illegal, but how would society survive without them?
by Another staffer
UC policy is merely policy, not law. If you violate the policy there could be academic or HR consequences, or in extreme cases, they may ask you to leave the campus. But much as UC would like to believe, they are not a nation unto themselves enabling them to make their own laws, print their own money, and hire their own police force. Oh wait, they can do the last one.

So while cheating in classes is against UC policy, they can't throw you in jail for it.

In a topical example, on the fist day of the LRDP protest, the UC police arrested another staff member for failing to show ID. That may be UC policy, but it definitely goes against California constitutional rights to privacy (as determined by the CA supreme court). So while they arrested the staff member, they could not hold or charge them.

And as for the violent take down of the tree protester, a firsthand account on Indymedia said he neither resisted arrest nor was "getting in the face" of the police. They picked him out as a known target and nabbed him with excessive force. This is hardly new, either for UC police, or for police fulfilling their dubious role in society.
by more info
Yes, UC policy is UC policy. The knife charge though, according to the Sentinel, is a felony. And legal advice on the internet is worth what you pay for it, or sometimes less.
by careful
karl, FYI so you can keep out of trouble, in California (and many other states) it's a felony to carry any weapon onto any school campus.

Another staffer, the law also states that it is up to the campus to allow/disallow/define what constitutes a weapon, so in this case the school policy is in fact intertwined with the state law. For example, UC states that pocketknives are fine as long as their blade is shorter than 2.5 inches, and don't lock open or open automatically. They also state that pepper spray, although it is a weapon, is permissable in certain quantities.

A butter or cooking knife being used for something school-related, as well as a knife being used as a tool by an employee can therefore be deemed permissable by the school, while two concealed knives that are not being used for school-related activities, especially when carried in the vicinity of police officers, may not be quite so acceptable in the school's eyes.
by knifey mckniferton
1. as a woman who refuses to be afraid of walking alone at night, and as a woman who has been followed by strange men more than a few times and blatantly harrassed in tight spaces twice while walking and cycling alone at night in santa cruz, and as a woman who knows that rapes and other physical assaults happen at ucsc and everywhere else, and as a woman who regularly uses a knife to cut an apple or some smoked tofu for lunch... carrying a knife around on my person just because i want to, uc policy or not, is what i have done for the last ten years as a UCSC undergrad, grad student and now employee, and it is what i will continue to do.

2. while i can see ways that my own philosophies diverge from those of the tree sitters, i certainly have experienced a serious overreaction on the part of the rent-a-cops at the tree sit. just the other night, i walked up to one of the trees and hollered up, "hello! is anyone up there tonight?" my intention was simple: to say hello and to VOICE support, maybe engage in a dialog about our differences and hopefully share a laugh or two. i had no intention of sending up food or supplies. i had no backpack and nothing in my hands.
i was immediately approached by two so called "security guards" who told me that it wasn't legal to be where i was. "are you telling me that it is not legal for me to stand at the base of a tree right here?" i asked, feeling decidely less secure in their presence. i was confused that there was a sign warning me that i had entered the area at my own risk and that i might be injurred by tree sitters' falling objects, but there was no sign warning me that i might be breaking a law or even a UC policy by enterring the area.
"do you want us to call the cops?" was the only reply.
"i'm serious," i persisted, "you're telling me that it is illegal for me to stand here and yell up a tree?" they avoided eye contact and there was a brief muttering about calling the cops.
i then said no, i didn't want to meet their cop friends and walked away astonished.
as i left, i noticed a bicycle cop approaching.

i am absolutely appalled to think that had i stayed to argue my totally legitimate case, i too might have been thrown to the ground, arrested and charged with a fucking felony for having a conceled knife on my person while in the vicinity of a person voicing dissent.

you know what i wish? i wish i didn't need to go out with a knife. i wish that those two security guards and that cop would have been employed to somehow prevent violence against women, rather than using my tuition and tax dollars to guard a parking lot.
by careful
knifey, whatever you want to do is your business, I'm just interested in helping people not get arrested and charged with felonies for breaking a law that many people on this site clearly don't know exists. A non-illegal alternative would be a swiss army knife for your apples and tofu and a can of pepper spray for your protection, if you were interested in chatting with the treesitters without the remote possibility of being charged with a felony. I'd also suggest doing it in the daytime. At night, which is when you said the incident with the rent-a-cop occurred, the university has far more leeway in telling you where it is legal for you to be standing due to the fact that the campus is closed. Did the incident happen before or after 8PM?
by however
'i wish that those two security guards and that cop would have been employed to somehow prevent violence against women'

Regarding the young security guards, my first priority would be that they were in a university, instead of employed to keep watch at a protest against the corporatization of the UC.
by jdub
I can't believe there is even a policy re pocket knives. What an utter crock! I carry a leatherman everyday. Everyone should be allowed to carry guns. That's the way to keep criminals guessing. The way it is, people that want to do harm to us pretty much know that we are defenseless. And, school shootings. Cho would've gotten maybe one round off if his peers had weapons. An armed populace is a safe populace if you ask me, just like the forefathers of our country intended. We should be armed and trained on how to use those weapons. We shouldn't rely on the pigs to protect us, they are pretty much incapable anyway. They're too busy harassing people sitting in trees, drumming in parking lots, and smoking grass. It should be obvious that the pigs don't work for us, their primary function is revenue generation. I say can 90% of the police force and protect yourself by learning how to use a firearm. I think I'll propose that at the next city council meeting.
by friend of dustin
I am a friend of Dustin who was arrested on Wednesday and would like to say that the knife he was charged with possessing was a leatherman multitool. This obviously has many uses and is mostly used as a TOOL not a weapon. Also, the felony charge against him was dropped and he is just being charged with Resisting, Delaying, or Obstructing an Officer (Penal Code 148 a). This is a misdemeanor I believe. The cops piled on a bunch of charges mostly to indimidate. He was held for nearly two days in jail with a bail of $5,000 until he was released today on O.R. (own recognizance, a promise to appear for a court date). He couldn't get out on O.R. until his arraignment today because of the felony charge, which wasn't even what he was originally arrested for. Okay.
by nr5667
" he is innocent unless the pigs can prove every trumped up stupid charge they can come up with to a jury, and in Santa Cruz county any group of 12 people would see that there is indeed reasonable doubt as to why the pigs grabbed him in the first place. "

An obviously impartial observer...

If people don't want to be tackled by cops, and be "abused", they should not break the law and resist arrest -- which I have seen protestors do at UCSC on numerous occasions. The definition of what constitutes police brutality on this website appears to be any use of force whatsoever.
by ally
the point is he wasn't arrested because he broke the law, all he was doing was observing an arrest.
by curious
So if the cops piled on unneccessary charges to intimidate him that were then dropped, why was the "Resisting, Delaying, or Obstructing an Officer" charge not dropped? The accounts make it seem like he was just strolling by and tackled out of nowhere. If they felt they couldn't bust him on the leatherman, why are they confident enough to charge him with resisting/delaying/obstructing--especially if there were at least two witnesses to say he didn't? Something about this story seems fishy.

Also was this guy ever up in the trees or is that kid who commented on his myspace page last week smoking crack?
by also a witness
I was also present when the cops attacked my friend. I was slightly behind my two friends when we heard the screaming. It sounded like someone being seriously injured so we all ran as quick as we could up the hill to see what was going on on. My two friends and I got there and the there was a woman undergoing an unnessesarily forceful arrest. We asked the cops to please stop hurting her when before we could even blink twice two big cops grabbed my friend pushed him down into the cement parking lot, grinding there knees into his backside. Two huge cops! they each probably weigh twice what he does! Another cop came over to where my other friend was and started to get both in her face and my face. Once again we insisted that the cops were using very unecessary force on these people and to please stop doing so. We also asked why our friend was being arrested. We recieved no answer and the cops continued to intimidate up until we left.

My friend was arrested for no reason.
by friend of the arrestee
Just so everyone knows, the felony knife charge have already been dropped by the DA. The charges were trumped up by the UC police to intimidate protesters, supporters, and witnesses to arrests, AND WERE DROPPED by the DA because there is no legal basis for them. The UC police have a history of overreaction, unnecessary violence, and carelessness toward the student population as well as towards political demonstrations on campus.

The 'knife' in question was a multi-tool, and was in no way related to the arrest, it was only added when the police needed to justify their actions (tackling and abusing an innocent bystander). These 'justification' charges were dropped by the DA's office because they were groundless.
by local
I sometimes have to go to that part of campus at night, and it is quiet and scary enough without these squatters from who knows where camping out and creeping through the bushes. I don't think these are students in the trees and being arrested with their knives. Something is pretty fishy about this whole story. The "comfort bubble" thing sounds paranoid and aggressive.
by your rights... on drugs
This whole discussions about whether or not people can have small knives is absurd! You could very well sharpen a damn stick on the pavement and it would be a whole lot more lethal than a 2-in. pocket knife. The fact is that the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees your right to own weapons. Sure, you might give up this right temporarily while in an airport or a prison and this is makes sense. The hilarious thing is that those cops could easily blow anyone else away with their fire arms and training in a split second. Trying to ban knives all over campus is ridiculous! True perpetrators are not going to NOT carry knives because of this prohibition and the campus is FULL of all sorts of far deadlier paraphernalia that creative minds could put to good use. The ban on knives does NOTHING to actually keep people safe.

In a nutshell... the ban on pocket knives is just one more way that the school tries to undermine people's rights and keep people in check. It provides just one more reason for them to be able to pat search you, treat you like a subhuman and exert their control over you.

BTW, people often disparage country people, but "hicks" tend to hold onto their 2nd Amendment rights a lot more aggressively than we urbanites. While I'm totally opposed to gun (and other forms of) violence, I also understand that our founding fathers instituted the 2nd Amendment so the populace couldn't be bullied by monarchy. Even though we failed on that, it could be a lot worse if our government DIDN'T fear the hicks in the woods with guns.

Thank god for those hicks in the woods....
by your rights... on drugs
Good eyes, B. or whoever posted these pictures. Hughes has been assaulting people for a long time, apparently. And it seems like he singles out people of color, too. When are they going to retire his racist ass???

Wow... when you look at 2005 compared to now, you can see that he is really aging poorly, eh? Those roids really drag the skin and shrink the family nuggets according to what I'm seeing. Even if it is small, sometimes there is poetic justice. (You know I'm only saying what we are all thinking!)
by careful
"You could very well sharpen a damn stick on the pavement and it would be a whole lot more lethal than a 2-in. pocket knife."

"Trying to ban knives all over campus is ridiculous!"

"In a nutshell... the ban on pocket knives is just one more way that the school tries to undermine people's rights and keep people in check."

2 inch pocket knives ARE ALLOWED on campus. The knife ban is on knives that can and have been used as weapons, such as daggers and switchblades. As I stated earlier, the university considers any pocket knife up to 2.5 inches is allowed. This is the blade length of most standard pocketknives, which is where they got the damn number from. Pocketknives are allowed on campus. Pocketknives are not illegal on campus, nor are they banned from campus. They dropped the charges on the guy because the type of knife he was carrying is allowed and therefore not illegal.
Here is a photo of Officer Brian Hughes taken on January 12th, 2007 on Science Hill.

Police Officers Pepper Spray People on Science Hill

* As far as I know, Officer Hughes did not pepper spray anyone on January 12th, however two other UC police officers did.

** A slightly humorous point of the day came when Officer Brian Hughes said to me, just before this photo was taken, "Bradley, I will arrest you if you get in my comfort bubble." Of course this was only humorous because Officer Hughes quoted funny words from the eyewitness account posted in an earlier comment here on SC-IMC about his unjustified violence on the night of January 9th.
by your rights... on drugs
Yes, I stand corrected. When I made comment, the story that said the knife had to be under 2.5 was not visible when I was posting my comment. I recognize that the knife lengths of pocket knives need to be under 2.5 inches, which you, "careful" claim is common for pocketknives to be no bigger than this.

However, the problem with the case is that law enforcement was searching the guy in the first place and that they arrested him when they knew (meaning that any officer worth his/her salt) the knife was within the 2.5 inch range. When you work in a job where you are always estimating size, you get to be really good at it. Therefore, you, "careful," damn yourself with your own words. You say that most pocketknives are under 2.5 inches. Wouldn't any decent officer be able to eyeball that and see that it was a standard pocketknife? Obviously, the guy was arrested as a form of harassment, not because they really thought he was carrying a prohibited knife.

And, yeah, I'm sorry if my comments were harsh about Hughes aging poorly, but sometimes I calls em like I sees em. Sometimes I really wish people -- especially law enforcement -- would start thinking beyond the here and now and begin to look at what the big picture holds for all of us. Like what is going to happen in our community when they start doing "bioresearch." There is so much evidence from other areas doing bioresearch that shows that it can do irreversible damage to all kinds of life forms, but especially to humans. The incidence of "rogue viruses" has increased exponentially and there is no logical explanation for it -- not even Global Warming can be blamed for it. I knew someone who worked at Lawrence Livermore and he got a virus that lead to cancer. His dog caught a similar virus around the same time and died, and his wife got a viral infection which required her to go on intravenous antiviral drugs for over a year! Coincidence?? I realize that this evidence is anecdotal, but at some point you wake up and realize that this stuff is not safe.

I'm sure you will probably laugh this off, thinking I'm a paranoid whacko, but when one of your loved ones gets sick someday with a virus that the doctor's can't figure out, I hope you'll seek someone like me out.... because, ultimately, myself, the treesitters and the antiwar protesters are all here because we support life.
by careful
I'm not sure how I damn myself with my own words. Never did I defend the police nor their actions. Every comment I've made has been an attempt to clear up the obvious confusion as to whether knives are allowed on campus and whether pocket knives are considered weapons. Police detaining people for b.s. charges is nothing new, and nothing that I appreciate. It happens all the time, every day, for things a lot less egregious than pocketknives. If you want to complain about that, go ahead and do so, and I'll likely agree with you.

However, being detained on a b.s. charge (which does of course suck) sucks a lot less than being charged and tried and potentially convicted for a felony. So it's quite good, in my opinion, to know how you can prevent the latter from happening. I offer no solutions for preventing the former from happening, but as far as I can tell, neither do you.
Even if a police officer arrests you for something you did not do, you do not have the right to physically resist or ignore those officer's orders.

It is decided in the court room, you may be outraged, but that's the way our legal system is set up. As such, even if you are innocent of the reason the police officer arrested you, you are not innocent of resisting the arrest.

It's just like arguing a cop about a speeding ticket -- you appear on your court date, arguing with a cop won't get you jack shit -- except maybe to ensure he'll show up at court on your day to earn his overtime and make sure the ticket stands.
by John
I think that peckerhead Brian Hughes races mountain bikes for Trailhead Cyclery in San Jose I'm pretty sure it's the same guy I used to race against, but not 100%.

He races "EXPERT MEN 45-54: Brian Hughes (Trail Head Cyclery)" according to

Might be good to file that tidbit away somewhere.
by Same Name
It is a different Brian Hughes
by Gary
I see many people on here get all bent out of shape because the police, or UCSC, might use the internet to find out more about the tree sitters and those that support them. What about the other way around? Using "google" to look up someone so that you can "file away tidbits" about someone, possibly even the wrong someone, is the same tactic.
It looks like, in the above case, that a wrong person has been profiled and it is quite possible that someone would call the bike club and say something untrue about one of it's members. That's not cool at all.
by Relative
I am in the family of someone who was arrested at UC on a charge which was not true. Thanks to all from all sides and backgrounds who support rights and withhold judgement before we know all the facts, even if you were there and think you saw everything and have all info. Many of us have checked out the situation at the UCs to gather info, support, or educate ourselves. We are not guilty. We still have freedom of speech and freedom of movement. Kids under 21 who are under 5'5'' are not guilty either, unless proven so. If these kids are guilty, then we can talk about sentences, not voilence. Even if kids are guilty, police must suffer consequences for injuries they give when not provoked physically. As someone who does know of the police abuse involved here, I urge you all to attend the court hearing, keep open minds, and watch police. Many students following police instructions were later hurt, and if they had been killed or injured more seriously we would have even more to lament. Thanks to both sides for stepping back and breathing and thinking about what is going on here.
by up north
The comfort bubble is a real phenomena! COPS STAND THE FUCK BACK.

All you cop-apologists, get hip to this: part of their training is to get up in people's faces! Right close. Most people would acknowledge that this is a way to start a fight and a sick fuck such as that will do it. CASTRATE THE BASTARDS!

All the police I've ever met on the street do it.

Check this out - the people in the trees are your friends. The cops might be your friends, but they certainly are asshole.

Start a campus organization called the Kop Killer Kollective and publicize the faces and names of these people, addresses and phone numbers as well. Keep them awake at night.

I'm glad the charges against you got dropped but remember that the messed with your head and knocked your friend down! Get back at them by any means necessary, civil suit or slander campaign. Fucking flat the dude's bike tires or better yet just take his bike.... if he is indeed a bike racer he wins a slight redemption of character but the dude is obviously worthless, as most people are when they put on a uniform and drop their free will.
Posts like that make claims of police brutality at UCSC ring a bit hollow...
by fight back

IS THIS AMERICA OR north korea.

dirty cop terrorists with "police powers" acting with impunity, contempt for the law.
America is going down the sewer, led by unionized dirty cop terrorists with
"police powers."
Skill: lying, falsifying, fabricating..................................

God help this country. 2008. JAN. 25, FRIDAY..........................................
by The cool Brian Hughes
I'm the MTB racer for Trail Head Cycles (Team THC) and I am NOT a cop or security gaurd or whatever.

Please don't hunt me down.


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