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Operation Campus Flood: A Call for a Week of Autonomous Action

by Leila's Daughters
No more gradualism in the face of a genocide. A new phase of the the #Escalate movement on college campuses has begun. With Berkeley lighting the way. We are calling this OPERATION CAMPUS FLOOD. And it is an open invite for all who are sick of it all to join in displacing the displacers. From the outside in and the inside out, we need to raze the settler-empire academy that provides training, labor, capital, and a steady stream of propaganda and knowledge production for the Israel-Zionist entity.
A Call for a Week of Autonomous Action
on Bay Area College Campuses for Palestine Liberation
and the End of the Genocide Siege on Gaza

Friday June 14th - Wednesday June 19th

Hurry comrade! The acceleration of anti-Palestinian genocide and the Israeli-Zionist war of annihilation against our Palestinian siblings must be put to stop NOW. Immediately. Not one more day. As students, alumnus, faculty, loving educators, and beloved community who are affected by the colonial violence of the college military/prison/university-schooling INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, it is an urgent and historic imperative that we take a fucking stand. Not next week, not next months not next lifetime. But now. We have the numbers and the courage. And we have the resilience to outlast their war of attrition.

For the past two months there has been a movement growing on U.S. college campuses, calling to #Escalate revolutionary action in support of Palestine. The current trajectory of this movement is doomed without a reassessment of every dimension of this movement.

No more gradualism in the face of a genocide. A new phase of the the #Escalate movement on college campuses has begun. With Berkeley lighting the way. We are calling this OPERATION CAMPUS FLOOD. And it is an open invite for all who are sick of it all to join in displacing the displacers. From the outside in and the inside out, we need to raze the settler-empire academy that provides training, labor, capital, and a steady stream of propaganda and knowledge production for the Israel-Zionist entity.

Are we tired yet of asking for permission for the colleges to divest the genocidal occupation of Palestine? All you need is three people and some hammers and ATTACK THE GLASS. What if we popped the locks of the libraries and liberate the books, computers, and printers? Think of all the flyers we could print to further end this genocide. Can we expropriate the infinite supply of resources housed in campus offices? Or, if taking space gets us arrested in nearly every new encampment or demo (exposing us also to massive state surveillance and network mapping) then is direct attack at the point of production on these campuses not the only viable option that remains? Do we fully understand the correlation between the means we choose and the ends we desire? Our words and deeds? What we think in relation to what we do? Are we honestly confronting the disconnect between our dreams and the reality of the genocide situation that Palestine—as well as Black/Native/poor/queer/trans/disabled people here—are confronted by?

There are also other options, much more stealth, quiet, and cost effective for us (and massively debilitating to them). For example, we could simply TORCH the buildings and artificial landscapes that colonize the land these universities occupy. This is Ohlone and Miwok land, and the schools are also the front-lines of gentrifyer real-estate development in every city. In Berkeley, for instance, the University is 100% the sole responsible party in the desecration of People's Park and forced removal of the community who lived there, a community that found refuge from capitalism. They did this to build more student housing. Just like the displacement of Gaza, the houseless community in People's Park was removed by the Zionists/Amerikkkans. Fire is quiet. Fire is quick and easy. And it only takes on spark. These these are already tinderboxes, and there are examples of targets and methods abundant.

Some reasons to destroy the Amerikkkan/Zionist college campuses next week:

1) U.S. college campuses produce the middle managers of global capitalism, white supremacy, antiBlackness, and cis-heteropatriarchy.
2) The administrators are complicit completely in this current gratuitous siege.
3)College campuses in the in the core of Amerikkkan settler-empire are sites of intensive discipline into pure docility, a trained docility that enables the projects of genocide against Palestine.
4) College campuses in the Bay Area also are facilitators of an even more normalized genocide of Black, Indigenous, migrant and refugee communities here.

We owe it to the oppressed, enslaved, and colonized peoples of the Bay Area to actualize social war here.

The U.S. state and the Zionist entity are the same apparatus ya'll. The hegemony of both is mutually-constituting, and either cannot exist without the's support of the settler academy. Not only has Amerikkka been on the ground heavily in occupied Palestine, fighting in tandem with the IOF (Israel Occupation Forces) since October 10th. (these fascist dorks shook hands with Biden before departing to genocide our Palestinian siblings. Google it. It’s fucking disgusting.)

Not only do some of these college campuses (such as UC Berkeley and Stanford) literally design and create the very ingredients of genociders technology and statecraft that are exported to the Israeli-Zionist entity, and vis-versa, they are also centers of Zionist and Amerikkkan white supremacist knowledge production.

We can seize buildings. We can take up space massively with community support. We can even turn UC Berkeley Sproul plaza into the New People’s Park. Just start your fire on a seperate very far corner of the campus. It is a very big space. We can take over the cafeterias and feed the hungry. On every campus. We can fulfil the demands of the 1968 student movement to liberate the campuses and open them up to the communities around them. We can use our imaginations if we all act together, decentralized, horizontally, and with the shared principles of destroying the campuses until the US withdraws its support for the Israeli-Zionist scum. We can seize the dorm buildings and house the houses. And if those are not viable options then we can light all this shit on fire. 2 parts gasoline, 1 part oil in a beer bottle does the trick. Or just buckets of gasoline.

An example of how long we have already been waiting, wishing, and longing for the closure of the causes to force divestment, sanctions, and the starvation of the Israeli-Zionist war machine.

A local example of how Operation Campus Flood has unfolded in one Bay Area city:

At UC Berkeley campus, for instance, there have been three successive arson attacks within a three weeks span, in retaliation against the UC system for their allowance of police attacks on vulnerable student demonstrators. There has also been a mass robbing of a building. This has been the content of Round 2 of the UCB #Escalate struggle. Round 1 entailed the first encampment, which lasted several weeks and provided a space of care for people of all walks of life. It was a beautiful spiritual atmosphere in the encampment. With prayers, food distro, and peer-to-peer lessons in community accountability and addressing conflict in movements. The liberals in the camp fucked it up. But we also can’t blame them. They are just politically confused, and want the end of genocide also. We need to stand together, and show people that massive community support in the form of materially disruptive direct action against the campuses can force an abrupt decision to be made by the colonizers settler states. The encampment, in round 1, could have actually pressured the UC administration for greater (more radical) demands if people simply stuck around longer to defend it from fascists/zionists and liberals. But it’s all good. Because Round 1 also entailed the takeover of a building, Hines House, which unfortunately resulted in the mass arrest of several people. Yet the building takeover was special and incredibly important. The fact that people seized a building for that long should be celebrated and studied. We can do that to several building all at once, one every campus. There is enough of us. The people outnumber the police 1000 to 1.

Round 2 of the UC Berkeley struggle to end the genocide, began with a targeted break in and theft of thousands of dollars of materials from a building, and a cop car set ablaze a few days later as retaliation against UCPD on the first day of Pride. The Bay Area has set it off Sylvia Rivera style. A few days after that someone lit a hill in the back of the campus on fire. And last night, someone firebombed the backside of a building on the northside of the campus. These actions, if multiplied and done en mass can create a decisive rupture condition, which has the potential to force the withdrawal of Bay Area

This is just one example. Every campus in the Bay Area can be taken over (and resources redistributed) or destroyed if people just show out. This weekend of autonomous insurgent action against the colonizer campuses invites not only students to attack, but also (and tbh most importantly) the communities around them who are affected by their colonizer-gentrifying-displacement tactics. It is important that we show out in mass numbers so we can successfully end this genocide. There is no time left. Thousands and thousands of people are being murdered daily. What are we doing? If we're even around in 20 years, imagine the feeling in your gut when you learned that you could stop this, but chose to do nothing?

People truly underestimate how connected the U.S. settler state and the Israeli-Zionist entity is. If we actualize the social war against Zionism HERE, now, we have the greatest chance of ending the massacres that flit across your timeline and continue to not only kill our spirits (as it feels like we can do "nothing") but also demoralize us.

What people underestimate is not only the military connections, but in fact, the police state connections. The police the bludgeon you are protest demonstrations are the (literal) same apparatus that is oppressing Palestine and attacking South Lebanon as well. When people are in the streets they must be prepared to DEFEND themselves and everyone around them. Ideally, we should promote actions that don’t result in mass arrests. And we need to defend revolt instead of letting liberals who hate uprisings demonize militant protest. Resisters instead should experiment with group-based and lone-wolf attacks on the key infrastructure (buildings, mainframes, technology) of the Universities and their built landscape. Trees, bushes, and dried grass makes quiet and quick attacks easy. Every action should speak for itself as opposed to people sharing communiques and posting claims. We should make the newsreel instead of letting the mainstream and “alternative” social media algorithms shape our consciousness. We need to take a stand NOW. Or else more people will continue to be slaughtered by the Israel occupier state.

Autonomy means there is no leadership or no vanguard group leading these actions. Autonomy means that people are free to do whatever they feel is necessary to force the UC system, CSU system, Community College system, and private college campuses to divest from Israeli-Zionist settler entity that is currently genociding our Palestinian siblings.



Bring the war home!

co-signed by

Leila’s Daughters
Safiye’s Daughters
Marilyn’s Daughters

Thursday 6/13/24 - reporting from occupied Ohlone Land

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