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Israeli rights group admits it helped spread false claims about 7 Oct. rapes

by Ali Abunimah
An Israeli human rights group is walking back its endorsement of Israel’s evidence-free claims of a systematic campaign of sexual violence by Hamas fighters on 7 October.
The “position paper” published by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel in November had served for months as a key talking point for Israeli propagandists.

“It is becoming more apparent that the violence perpetrated against women, men and children also included widespread sexual and gender-based crimes,” the position paper claimed.

But now, the human rights group aims to absolve itself of the damage its irresponsible claims have done, offering justifications and excuses for why it published a report riddled with falsehoods that have been used to justify and fuel Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

“In the extensive investigations conducted in the months following the publication of the position paper in November, some testimonies referenced within it have been disputed or deemed unverifiable, and more may face similar scrutiny in the future,” Physicians for Human Rights-Israel said this month in a “clarification” statement it has also added to the online version of its November report.

“We regret their inclusion in the position paper,” the group states, claiming that “a substantial portion of the information that is now available was not accessible when the document was originally drafted.”

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