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Indybay Feature

Demonstrators Shout NO to Genocide Joe Outside President's Palo Alto Fundraiser

by Rise and Resist
Biden attended a reception at the Palo Alto home of former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and her husband DCVC Co-founder Zack Bogue today. Heavy police presence kept a large number of Pro-Palestine demonstrators and about a dozen zionists with Israeli flags mostly apart when both sides showed up near the reception.
Israeli flag wielding counter demonstrator tries to block pro Palestine protesters
Stanford students and community members gathered at about mid day today at the intersection of Embarcadero and El Camino Real in Palo Alto in order to march on the location of a nearby Biden fundraiser. Students at Palo Alto High School, directly across the street from the starting location, were told they could not go out for lunch, repressing students right to protest. The campus is normally an open campus meaning students are allowed to leave campus at lunch time or during free periods. Administrators also barricaded campus borders, reported the student paper @palycampanile on instagram. Despite this, some district students did come out, joined in the demonstrating, and were interviewed by The Campanile.

Pro-Palestine demonstrators greatly outnumbered about a dozen zionists at an intersection near the home of tech moguls. Police presence was heavy, with some in SWAT type gear. Zionists attempted to disrupt things but their power was weak; they were small in number and tried to shout from a tiny megaphone. Oddly, and perhaps growing confused in the heat, they let some of their flags lie on the ground.

The Raging Grannies brought ice water for demonstrators and fielded press inquiries. Organizers included Vigil for Gaza @vigil4gaza and Stanford students @sit-in-to-stop-genocide both on instagram.
§Heavy police presence to separate the two sides
by Rise and Resist
§Many Palestinian flags
by Rise and Resist
§Meanwhile Zionists drop their own flags beneath their feet
by Rise and Resist
§Many banners
by Rise and Resist
by Rise and Resist
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