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Stop Sept 14, 2021 Recall by Nazi Republicans

by Stop the Recall
September 14, 2021 is the date set for the Nazi Republican Recall of Governor Newsom. It will take a high voter turnout to stop it. Otherwise, California will have a Republican governor immediately who opposes raising the minimum wage, opposes the right to abortion, supports the death penalty, and of course, was a proud Nazi Trump supporter. All you have to do is vote No on the Recall, but you do have to vote. See
Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party are not running any candidate so you will only have Republican Party candidates to choose from if you vote for this utterly reactionary and money-wasting recall. The Department of Finance estimates this outrage will cost the taxpayers $215 million. That figure is sure to increase. That money is desperately needed to revive the economy.

The Public Policy Institute of California states in their July 2, 2021 press release that it will take a high voter turnout to stop this recall. See

They also state in the above article and in their comprehensive May 2021 survey that 40% of California voters support the recall! See

Let us remember that out of the 17 million people who voted in November 2020, the highest voter turnout in California history, 6 million voted for Nazi Trump to sit in office for a second term! See, then go to Statement of the Vote, President by County at

As with all elections, Republicans always vote. The fact that there are more Democrats in California than Republicans does not guarantee a defeat of the recall. You can and should always vote by mail so you can vote in the comfort of your home within 30 days of an election and never forget to vote. You can sign up to be a permanent vote by mail voter. See
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