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Just the Environmental Greenwash Facts

by NWC Rose
We need to stop destroying the planet.
(in actual printed version, "Environmental" in the title is crossed out.

Have you noticed that every TV show created today is based in a city? It seems that our disappearing countrysides (rural life) is too insipid. Or, more accurately, Hollywood is grooming us for a world without nature. A world without wildlife, except those in zoos--city zoos. Remember: “they took all the trees and put them in a tree museum?

Before he died, Stephen Hawking warned that we must find a habitable planet within 100 years …

Chris Hedges wrote: We are bound by fragile ecosystems that make life possible. We can exploit and destroy these ecosystems, as we are, but we cannot master them. If we destroy these ecosystems then we kill ourselves. Those who seek to transform and mutilate our environment in the name of progress are engaged in an act of self-annihilation.

Unfettered Development

Have you noticed an increase in the number of wildlife dead by the roads? Have you noticed that the number of bulldozers, in areas that once had been farms or wildlife habitats, have increased? Animal rights groups protest deer hunts, which occur 2 weeks a year, but they never protest construction (more correctly: destruction) of natural habitats which occur year-round. More wildlife is lost due to overdevelopment than from a couple weeks of hunting.

Hunters should be up-in-arms over loss of these habitats. The ruling elite in conjunction with politicians and bankers are taking away the right for men and women to affordably feed their children. This in turn supports the factory farming industry, which comes with even more environmental issues.

Overdevelopment in the U.S.A. is never mentioned when global warming is discussed. Unfettered overdevelopment is deforestation the very thing that exacerbates global warming. Deforestation is occurring in American neighborhoods countrywide—but no one talks about it nor its impact to future life on this planet. Why did you have children if you don’t care about the health of their future?

Mainstream media in league with politicians talk about global warming and the continued use of fossil fuels only to placate those who care (a prime example of greenwash), yet no one speaks against the loss of our natural resources and habitats--the very thing that causes climate change. Concrete and asphalt absorb and retain heat which fuels global warming. This is why cities have historically been hotter than rural areas. Any discussion on global warming that does not include deforestation or overdevelopment is worthless. We are experiencing more and more tornadoes, wildfires, floods, and hurricanes today which is a direct result of climate change.

A caring government…?

Although Obama promised to support environmental issues and climate change; he failed miserably. He did not intervene in DAPL and allowed the Water Protectors to be cruelly and morally abused by an American corporation, Energy Transfer Partners (ETP). The Dakota river was not protected by the Obama administration, the U.S. Corp of Engineers, nor the EPA, and ETP succeeded in placing a pipeline under the river!

And let us not forget how Obama handled the BP Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill:

BP got off with a slap on the wrist.

Furthermore, ETP (Chevron, Exxon Mobile, and corporations like them) claim they are environmentally responsible through TV, podcasts, and printed advertisements. Greenwash once again.

Not one word was mentioned at the political debates regarding climate change. One would expect more from Democrats, as the Republicans do not hide the fact that they care not for the health of the planet and future generations. Democrats are no better than Republicans when it comes to the environment. Even the Green Party is useless. They are ‘green’ in name only…I found them to be just as elite as those who are destroying the planet.

When Senators Warren and Sanders were contacted regarding global warming and over development, only Mr. Sanders replied with a post card, stating the he could not intervene in a state outside Vermont. This is a man who at that time was running for President of the United States!

I have not found one politician who will honestly fight for the health of the planet and your descendant’s futures. Just look at Delaware, our current President did a fine job in destroying as much wildlife and natural woodland in the state of Delaware as possible.

Politicians throughout the U.S. overtax long-time landowners, forcing them to either subdivide and/or sell their land or move. Politicians then rezone residential to commercial land regardless of the outrage that emanates from local communities. Often single-home residences are converted to small businesses, then overpriced row homes (with totalitarian Home Owners’ Associations) are built around them. It is hard to believe that this is still the U.S.A.; it seems to be more of what Aldous Huxley warned us about decades ago.

Politicians also give real estate developers the right to buy former farms or wildlife habitats and squeeze as many row homes (‘townhouses’ a more saleable name) and endless shopping centers as they can in these areas, no matter the acreage. If a politician promises to protect open space, please know, that is all smoke and mirrors, concrete and asphalt.

Understand: These tightly built row homes create densely populated areas i.e., cities, which breed viral pandemics. Also, the ruling elite want shopping centers in every backyard of America… GREAT AGAIN…I think not. This makes no sense at all since many consumers are now shopping online. There is no need for the number of brick-and-mortar shopping centers existing today. Unless you want more pandemics and a very hot planet…a literal Hell on earth.

Townships across the U.S. hold annual Community Day events which are sponsored by developers, land development associations, realtors and, naturally, politicians. During these events, politicians promise a better America to unwitting voters who are unaware that these politicians have already committed their support to developers who will inevitably infringe on their neighborhoods. (One important note: no matter what is said, neither party is truly taking serious environmental action).

It was once joyful to drive through the countryside’s’ of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, and regions beyond. Gone are the beautiful landscapes now replaced with row homes and endless shopping centers, and sign after sign “Land for Sale”. What is the point of taking a road trip today, when you will see the same thing you now see from your own front- or backyard? And the traffic!

Creeks are now surrounded by shopping centers, industrial parks, and/or squeezed by row homes which only pollute the streams with plastic, Styrofoam, glyphosate, and much more.

When states are given federal funds to improve infrastructure, they use it to further destroy the natural world again with more shopping centers and row homes. This intensifies traffic and negates improvements to the infrastructure and increases the need for additional roads which must also be maintained. Thus, more open spaces are senselessly lost.

It’s just a name…for show

You would think so-called environmental groups will help prevent senseless loss of ecosystems? You are wrong! I know from frustrating experience.

Greenpeace is not interested in saving the world from concrete and asphalt, global warming, nor preserving ecosystems. They’d rather do shocking, mostly inane stunts, such as climbing the Eiffel Tower to put up a banner reading “Resist”. or

NRDC, EPA, Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club, WWF, Deep Green Resistance, The Nature Conservancy, Greenpeace, are just a few so-called environmental organizations that are worthless. When contacted for assistance in protecting natural wildlife habitats in the United States, these so-called environmental groups will refer callers to other environmental groups who will continue the referral process. Each so-called environmental group will recommend that callers contact their local townships or create petitions…it may make you feel as if you were making a difference -- for a while.

Experience has taught me that speaking with local township officials and creating petitions simply does not help, because local township officials have already pledged their allegiance to developers and the ruling elite. I spoke with a local Senator who was more concerned about traffic patterns than heating the planet, protecting wildlife and preventing pandemics. (Naturally, I didn’t vote for her; but that’s another topic entirely.) And beware, if a politician suggests you run for office, it is only meant to make you feel important and proves that they don’t want to do their job.

The EPA, who works closely with the NRDC, is controlled by the very politicians who reside in the pockets of developers. When contacted to help save the Eastern Box Turtle from imminent extinction due to over development, NRDC has instructed callers to take pictures of the turtles and post the pictures online. This does not help the Eastern Box Turtle. The Eastern Box Turtle is one of the last left-overs of the prehistoric era. All these centuries these gentle creatures have managed to survive…regretfully they are unable to withstand the greed of men. Oh, how my heart breaks…
It took a meteor to kill off most of the dinosaurs; it will be the ruling elite to destroy the rest of life on the planet…and they are doing a fine job.

The Nature Conservancy, a group that is praised on Outside Online, has accepted donations for decades under the guise of protecting the rainforest; yet the rainforest shrinks more and more each year. Where exactly do their donations go? If asked to help prevent overdevelopment, they simply refuse to get involved. They truly are the best environmental con-game going on.

If you investigate any so-called environmental group you will discover that there are large corporations, developers and realtors on their boards; which gives one cause to reflect.

Everyone (mothers, fathers, and anyone concerned with the health of the planet for future generations), needs politicians who will seriously protect the environment without lip service or greenwash. Democrats give the impression that they want to slow climate change, but they continue to allow the acts that exacerbate it to continue. During political campaigns democrats will promise to protect open spaces, but their definition of open spaces includes asphalt and concrete. Republicans simply brag about a healthy economy not considering the¬ long-term effects done to achieve it.

The economy and technology owe ecology an apology.

Eyes wide open

Each summer the earth grows hotter and hotter. The Midwest and western half of the nation have also borne witness to more and more wildfires and floods; a direct result of global warming. Developers, with the support of politicians, continue to pave and build on natural wildlife habitats or on land that was once farmed. Or, as in Texas, build on swamp land.

The Covid pandemic did not stop this destruction. Development continued (I know this on a personal level). You find miles of row homes surrounded by asphalt and concrete, skyscrapers and rarely a blade of grass in cities. And as ridicules as it may seem, because of the Covid pandemic, city dwellers around the world now want to move out of the cities. Where will they go…what will they destroy?

In 2019, New Jersey and Pennsylvania reported 40 tornadoes!

Furthermore, who will be financially responsible when homes are damaged by floods, tornadoes, wildfires, or hurricanes, all which could have been prevented, by our elected officials. Will the developers or politicians be responsible? Of course not. It will be the homeowners. Just as consumers are now responsible for paying to have old electronics recycled, citizens will be responsible for what ravenously greedy developers and politicians are allowing to happen to the planet. However, to be fair, WE ARE ALL responsible because WE, as a nation, did nothing to prevent the environmental exploitation by these monsters. We simply stuck our heads in the sand and ignored it.

Deforestation is a worldwide problem as is extinction of numbers of wildlife. As underdeveloped nations grow, global warming will increase. Again, there is no reason to have endless miles of row homes and shopping centers surrounded by unending pavement merely for profit. This is not a way to make a GREAT AMERICA, it is a way to make America fascist and dying. This is something that forward thinking and caring citizens can prevent.

Many people will tell you that everyone needs a place to live, thus a need for new homes (“row’ seems to be the fashionable style and they come with totalitarian HOAs), which brings us to the topic of overpopulation. In the 70’s, when China had limited couples to one child, many were outraged. However, today many see the logic and believe that it is now selfish to bring children into a dying planet. In the Bible, Adam and Eve were told to be fruitful…Adam and Eve were told this! Not you nor I. Personally, I don’t want to live in a dying world. Why bring others into it?

Going back to Stephen Hawking, it makes one wonder what our leaders want for their children and their offspring? Is this what Christians mean by ‘those left behind” or “the meek shall inherit the earth”? If so, woe to those left behind and the meek. Anyone with children or grandchildren should take the health of the planet very seriously. Their future is in your hands.

Sadly, I have spoken to parents who simply don’t care about the future. They tell me that they won’t be here when Earth is no longer habitable. I’ve been told dozens of times that ‘it is their children’s problem’…talk about selfish… So, again, my question is: why have children?

To look at the cross-section of any plan of a big city is to look at something like the section of a fibrous tumor. --Frank Lloyd Wright

It seems that the puppets of the ruling elite, regardless of party, are determined to make the U.S. (and the rest of the world) into one huge tumor. Mr. Wright must be rolling in his grave…

War has been waged against nature and wildlife.
Developers are true terrorists. Politicians and bankers their henchmen.
Bulldozers are real weapons of mass destruction. – NWC Rose

I hope this writing has encouraged you to take action for future generations. Write to your local, state, and federal politicians and follow up; because they won’t. It’s time to be a squeaky wheel. Organize protests at construction sites. STOP buying things you don’t need, which is exactly what the ruling elite, those who are remaking the world into one huge fibrous tumor, (endless shopping centers and city row homes) want you to do. I cannot encourage you enough to look up the links that I provided here. Don’t allow the ruling elite and their puppets destroy your children’s future. We are well beyond the 7th hour.

Gardens bring life; Cities bring pandemics, global warming and death.

Suggested reading and viewing
“The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History” is a 2014 non-fiction book written by Elizabeth Kolbert and published by Henry Holt and Company. The book argues that the Earth is in the midst of a modern, man-made, sixth extinction. In the book, Kolbert chronicles previous mass extinction events, and compares them to the accelerated, widespread extinctions during our present time. She also describes specific species extinguished by humans, as well as the ecologies surrounding prehistoric and near-present extinction events. The author received the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction for the book in 2015.

“The End of Nature” is a book written by Bill McKibben, published by Anchor in 1989. It has been called the first book on global warming written for a general audience, McKibben had thought that simply stating the problem would provoke people to action. The ruling elite have their own agenda.

“Last Child in the Woods Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder” written by Richard Louv. In this influential work about the staggering divide between children and the outdoors, child advocacy expert Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today’s wired generation-- he calls it nature-deficit-to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as the rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression.

“I Don’t Believe in Atheists” by Chris Hedges, 2000 – uncovers truths on religion and science, environment, political corruption and much more.

“Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser, which uncovers the fast-food industry's greed, unsanitary conditions, and almost criminally low wages.

“The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair. The most famous, influential, and enduring of all muckraking novels, The Jungle was an exposé of conditions in the Chicago stockyards. Because of the public response, the U.S. Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906. It is difficult to read, so I suggest you start on page 355 to the end of the book.

“The Jungle” a drama by Anthony MacMahon and Thomas McKechnie. There are no living, wild animals in “The Jungle”, just a fabulous beast called capitalism. Get on its wrong side and it will slowly tear you to pieces. Learn how to harness it and you could succeed – although likely at the expense of others.
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