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Will the 2020 Election be Stolen? Webinar October 25th

Sunday, October 25, 2020
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
Panel Discussion
Allan Rees
Location Details:
Online webinar with 4 election integrity experts will discuss how the 2020 Election could be stolen. You are invited to participate in the Q&A. 3 hours.

election 2020

DonkeyHotey   cc license

This Interactive WEBINAR Will Be LIVE STREAMED on Sunday, October 25, 2020 at: Noon Pacific * 3pm Eastern * 19:00 GMT (2-3 hours duration) (You will be able to participate in the Q&A) The entire event will be immediately archived afterwards so you can arrive late or watch it later or again.
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proud boys

DonkeyHotey   cc license

These are some of the questions our panel may address or the moderator may ask of our panelists along with any questions you may wish to ask live: Did the DNC knock out Bernie (again)? Could AG Barr stop the count of mail-in ballots? Could the Trump mega-donor Postmaster General DeJoy slow mail-in ballots? What if Trump's armed white militias show up at the polls with guns? Are the Democrats really banking on Vote-By-Mail fraud? Can state legislators pick electors against the voter's choice? Could Trump bully local election officials and secretary of states? What would "voter fraud" look like in Election 2020? If the counting is stopped could it go to the Congress to decide? Could the election be decided by the Supreme Court with Trump's new pick? Could Trump's armed white militias fight armed black militias in our streets? Could Trump enact the insurrection act, declare martial law & lockup protestors? If Trump loses could he stage a coup and refuse to leave office? Would the Secret Service or the Military cooperate in a coup? Could Trump start a war and declare a national emergency to stop the election? What is the forensic analysis of the poll data now as to who will win? Any chance the Democrats are going to join the rigging game? If Trump loses & refuses to leave the White House--what could we do about it? If Trump is no longer President could he be arrested for crimes he has committed? Could he resign and Pence pardon him? To avoid arrest could he move to a non-extradition country like Israel or Russia? Could the election results be altered by computer fraud? What is the history of stolen Presidential elections? What about Iran and China - are they batting for Biden? How can I safely vote in person or by mail and when? What organizations can I join to help with election integrity? How can we make a citizen firewall to protect the vote? How can I make sure that my vote and your vote- will be counted?
Did Trump’s 2016 presidential victory express the will of the electorate? Or was it based on the same tactics of rampant vote suppression and computerized vote-counting fraud—that have “elected” losing candidates since 2000, including Bush/Cheney and a multitude of other rightist politicians now controlling the Senate and statehouses from coast to coast. These urgent questions have been drowned out by the furor over “Russia-gate”—the story that it was Russia that rigged the 2016 presidential race. We need to focus on the overwhelming evidence that our elections have been stolen time and time again by operatives right here at home. Such criminal activity will certainly destroy American democracy -- unless we face it squarely, talk about it openly, and push for radical reform of our abysmal voting system, one of the worst in the developed world. The cause has taken on special urgency and complexity because 2020 is not an "ordinary" election. The impact of COVID and social distancing poses difficult challenges to both vote casting and vote counting. In this "pandemic election," voter suppression becomes an even greater menace, as Trump and the GOP strive to block the expansion of mail-in voting and throw every possible obstacle in the path of the voters whose votes would bring about their defeat. And there are ominous signs that the president will not accept an electoral defeat but will throw the country into post-election chaos to keep his grip on power. This minefield is the subject of this online panel, which includes four prominent election reform advocates. We will discuss what individual voters must do to protect their own right to vote and avoid falling victim to the suppression schemes. We will also look at what we can still do collectively to bolster the security and integrity of the election. And how to prepare to respond to several post-election scenarios that may well put our democracy to a very serious and dangerous test. Please join us in gaming it all out so we don't just repeat the disasters of the past.


  • Jonathan Simon -- on forensic evidence analysis as to who will win the election and his best forecast 10 days prior to election day. Analysis of computer election fraud in past elections.

    Jonathan Simon, author of CODE RED: Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy-Election 2020 Edition, was Executive Director of Election Defense Alliance from 2006 to 2016, and has published numerous papers on various aspects of election integrity since 2004. He has appeared in Stealing America Vote By Vote and Uncounted: The New Math Of American Elections, among other documentaries. See his website here.. Dr. Simon is a graduate of Harvard College and New York University School of Law.

  • Bennie Smith -- An insiders perspective as a county election commissioner.

    Bennie Smith is an Election commissioner in Shelby County, TN. He is a quantitative analyst, has worked with Bev Harris, uncovered "Fraction Magic" (franctionalized voting) and has an insider perspective.

  • Jennifer Cohn -- election integrity expert, on how to protect your vote and your health when voting in person or dropping your mail-in ballot. Organizations you can join to assist, becoming a poll worker, voter suppression, etc. See her Medium Article: Tips to Mitigate Threats to Our Votes and Voter Registrations Before November. And see her new videos: Remove the Modems and Unsuppress the Vote.

    Jennifer Cohn is an election integrity advocate, writer, and freelance journalist whose election-integrity articles have appeared in the New York Review of Books, Who What Why, TYT Investigates, The Brad Blog, and Salon. Since the 2016 election she has focused her professional efforts exclusively on investigating and exposing our country’s insecure computerized elections. Jennifer graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1989 and Hastings College of the Law in 1993. She was a law partner at Nielsen Haley & Abbott in Marin County for many years, where she specialized in insurance coverage and civil appeals. Before that she specialized in criminal appellate law.

  • Former Senator Timothy E. Wirth -- on possible created chaos at the polls, electoral college machinations, Trump's emergency powers to disrupt, etc. What the public, the press, elected officials can do to mitigate--street demonstrations, protests, General Strike? And the big question: "If Trump loses in 2020 and refuses to leave office--what can we do about it?" See Sen. Wirth's recent Newsweek articles: How Trump Could Lose the Election—And Still Remain President and Amid Trump’s Post-Election Chaos, Hold Lawyers To Account On The Vote Count

    Timothy E. Wirth is a former Congressman and Senator from Colorado. Recently, he and a group of similarly concerned citizens have been working to shed light on the potential dangers awaiting us in the 2020 election, as discussed in his Newsweek article, “How Trump Could Lose the Election – And Still Remain President.” Wirth began his political career as a White House Fellow under President Lyndon Johnson and served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Education in the Nixon Administration. In 1970, Wirth returned to his home state of Colorado and successfully ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1974. He represented Denver suburbs from 1975-1987. Wirth was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 where he focused on environmental issues, particularly global climate change and population stabilization. Following these two decades of elected politics, Wirth was national Co-chair of the Clinton-Gore campaign, and from 1993 to 1997 served in the U.S. Department of State as the first Undersecretary for Global Affairs.

  • THE WHOLE PANEL WILL ADDRESS: -- Practical ways that individuals can protect their own vote and how groups can join together to protect the integrity of the 2020 election and respond in real time to red flags and stunts.
  • Live Questions from the audience.

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel-- Moderator Jeremy Rothe-Kushel is an analyst, broadcaster & producer with a background in permaculture design, political organizing, and future-roots music production, performance and education. He co-hosts and produces The AnteDote and the KKFI Kansas City community radio show “Understanding Israel Palestine.”  
Live Video Streaming and Archiving for this important news event is provided by No Lies Radio News “The views expressed in this event are the sole responsibility of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements expressed therein.”
If you cannot afford to donate for a ticket please explain your situation. Email us at:    
Added to the calendar on Thu, Oct 22, 2020 12:40PM
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