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7-6-19 Julian Assange and Press Freedom forum
Wikileaks: the Global Fourth Estate author Nozomi Hayase and award winning reporter Ann Garrison defended Julian Assange at last Saturday's 'Suds, Snacks and Socialism' at the Starry Plough...(142 min.)
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"Julian Assange and Press Freedom" was sponsored by the Alameda Peace and Freedom Party, Oakland Greens, Task Force on the Americas, and Bay Area System Change, Not Climate Change...."I can't defend myself. You have to defend me"...said the Wikileaks founder and whistle blower Edward Snowden's rescuer...defending us all w/ anonymous drop boxes for Chelsea Manning's military snuff films, and other dirty secrets..."We are all Julian Assange"...concluded Nozomi...well...we might not be a genius...who could have been a tech billionaire...but instead our systems analyst set about encrypting the work of human rights activists...correcting an unaccountable system w/ war criminals at the helm and Mockingbird agents in the MSM ...2 local reporters cut through the lies...
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That's how the modern rules are and language expresses that need for elite rulers who pretend to represent us all. People such as Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are like a host of journalists who have and continue to revive the truth of the language especially so that we all are really served equally. That is what the Monarchists suppressed and with monopoly controlled the language to reflect the needs of the aristocracy while pretending to reflect us all. It is the Aggressive wars done by the empires globally who make and control all the Aggressive Wars under false words. They use the under class as cannon fodder, and to do that must glorify them, as the greatest living people. Etc. etc.
The workers commonwealth did not invent prisons (former slaveholder pens) and they did not create a criminal class. That is what is new sic since the end of the real commonwealth.