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Please Work For The Defeat Of Brett Kavanaugh And Why

by Elect Supreme Court Justices
Brett Kavanaugh: warmonger, advocate of judicial murder, voted to deny an imprisoned teen immigrant an abortion, worked with G W Bush to steal the White House from the elected Gore, worked to violate the privacy of Bill Clinton's consensual sex life, helped Ken Starr spend 45 million dollars trying to impeach Clinton etc.
Please Work For The Defeat Of Brett Kavanaugh And Why

A stream of new information has come in in regards to Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. Therefore this article is an update.

A majority of Americans oppose Brett Kavanaugh and his record. He was nominated by Donald Trump for whom less than 1/4 of US eligible voters voted, a man whose campaign was studded with crimes of fraud. Why should citizens work to defeat his nomination?

1 Judge Brett Kavanaugh helped Bush steal the election in which the majority of voters vote d for Al Gore.

2a He helped Ken Starr spend 45 million dollars violating Bill Clinton's constitutional right o privacy in his consensual sex life. Starr chose him to write the final report in which Kavanaugh included unnecessarilly salacious details. Kavanaugh called for Clinton's impeachment, even though elsewhere he had said it is not good to indict a sitting president.

attempt to impeach Bill Clinton because he would not invade Iraq.

2b MSNBC reported that individual journalists have said Kavanaugh while working for Starr was a leaker. He broke the law which he claims to honor.

3 Kavanaugh thinks net neutrality violates the 1st amendment.

The truth is the opposite.

He is on the side of huge media companies who want to censor

and slow down freedom of speech on the internet.

4 Kavanaugh lied about Guantanamo detention. Both Senators Leahy and Durbin objected.

5 Kavanaugh is an opponent of presidential transparency.

6. He while on the circuit court voted to deny an immigrant teen in detention her right

to an abortion.

7. Kavanaugh is an advocate of unchecked presidential power, in essence of dictatorship Trump likes that.

8. Trump also likes the fact that Kavanaugh believes

a sitting president cannot be indicted.

9. Kavanaugh in 12 years on the Supreme Court has

almost always sided with big business.

10. He has almost always sided with employers ratter

than their employees.

11. Kavanaugh has a Scott Pruitt Charles Wheeler

approach to the environment and was opposed to

Obama's environmental protections.

12. On the basis of Kavanaugh's advice, Bush picked

John Roberts, judicial serial killer and torture advocate, as his nominee.

13. He has almost always opposed defendants in criminal cases, in keeping with his worship of wealth, power, and earthly authority.

14. Kavanaugh would continue the tyranny on SCOTUS of the 2 vivisection (animal torture) and war invested universities Harvard and Yale.

15. Kavanaugh in a complicated opinion ruled against Obamacare.

16. Brett Kavanaugh would put the cold violating hand of 5 Republican male justices as well as male legislators in states on a woman's body denying her the sovereign right to decide her own life. This is the more serious because millions or tens of millions of women have in the past died of placental abruptions, of bleeding to death, of breech births, of sepsis, of myriad causes of iatrogenic or physician error, of infections when forced to seek a nonlegal abortionist.

17. Senator Edward M Kennedy about Brett Kavanaugh: "(He is) the youngest, least experienced and most partisan candidate in years", Kavanaugh's nomination was stalled for 3 years because of his heinous record in helping steal the people's election from Al Gore as a member of Bush's team, his unconstitutional harassment of Bill Clinton whose impeachment was fueled by those angered that he would not invade Iraq etc.

18. Ashley Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh's wife was personal secretary to G W Bush in the White House and like Brett Kavanugh was in the White House on Sept 11, 2001. Brett Kavanaugh is part of the coverup of the truth of the World Trade Center explosion .

19. Donald Trump selected Brett Kavanaugh because of the 25 judges on the rightwing Federalist list of Leonard Leo, Kavanaugh is the one who most strongly has written that no one has a right to indict a sitting president. (Perhaps Kavanaugh thinks no one should b able to impeach a president.)

20. There are 300 written lawsuit opinions of Kavanaugh which will underline his worship of earthly authority such as employers, prison wardens, unelected presidents.

21. Kavanaugh has ruled that employers have the right to deny employee access to birth control.

22. Kavanaugh has ruled that the Consumer Financial Protecton Bureau was unconstitutional. Richard Cordray who ran that bureau and forced banksters and payday lenders to obey the law is now running as a Democrat for governor of Ohio.

23. PBS reported that Judge Kavanaugh if he were to become a justice, would be in favor of the judicial muder known as execution.

24. Kavanaugh has a reddish complexion indicating possible cholesterol and blood pressure problems.

25. Is it not inconsistent to call oneself prolife while favoring judicial murder and illegal war?

26. If Kavanaugh were to be come a Supreme Court justice, 22% of the population, Catholics, would control 66% of the court. US Catholic bishops have been willing to work to elect presidents who love war and execution as long as they have their way in forcing their male opinions onto women.

27. The Supreme Court, a recent author of a book upn it said, has given more power to the justices than any other court in the world. These Republican men are not elected by the people. They as of this time are assigned to lifetime terms. This antidemocratic institution is the dead hand of the past.

It has been reported that Senators Rand Paul and Tom Cotton oppose Kavanaugh's nominaton.


Senator Schumer wrote

'“From the notorious Starr report, to the Florida recount, to the President’s secrecy and privilege claims, to post-9/11 legislative battles including the Victims Compensation Fund, to ideological judicial nomination fights, if there has been a partisan political fight that needed a very bright legal foot soldier in the last decade, Brett Kavanaugh was probably there.”

A stream of new information has come in in regards to Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. Therefore

this article is an update.…/trump-top-picks-supreme-co……/bush-aide-on-court-nominees-faces……/bush-aide-on-court-nominees-faces……/trump-top-picks-supreme-co…


Please if you agree call 202 224 3121, the Senate and make your views known on talk shows, to friends, etc.
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