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Why Is Councilmember Kshama Sawant Siding With The Industrial Elite, ALEC, And The Chamber

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Why Is Councilmember Kshama Sawant Siding With The Industrial Elite, ALEC, And The Chambers Of Commerce, In This WAR On INJURED WORKERS In AMERICA Today? WHY? Why Is She Not Shining A Light On This War On Injured Workers?
Why Is Councilmember Kshama Sawant Siding With The Industrial Elite, ALEC, And The Chambers Of Commerce, In This WAR On INJURED WORKERS In AMERICA?
Fighting for the Grand Bargain and the rights of injured workers.
Fonzseau Darren

Why Is Councilmember Kshama Sawant Siding With The Industrial Elite, ALEC, And The Chambers Of Commerce, In This WAR On INJURED WORKERS In AMERICA Today? WHY? Why Is She Not Shining A Light On This War On Injured Workers? Those who remain silent about this war being waged upon injured workers and our laborers grand bargain, aid in this war upon labor with their arrogant silence.

Let me first say, that I love Kshama Sawant, and all she stands for, I just wish she would stand up for injured workers and report to the World and labor, about this war on injured workers. A War that we're having played out on us, across this country, and around the World today. I would like to hear her call for Minimum Federal Standards over our broken State workers compensation systems, so as to fix the inequality's that do exist for many injured workers across our Nation. Single payer health care will be nice one day, but until then, the injured workers need these disparities addressed now, on a Federal level.

I would like to know why Councilmember Kshama Sawant and the Socialist Alternative folks are not telling us about this war on labor? They tell me it's because their a small organization, and have a lot of other issues. A WAR ON INJURED WORKERS, Across our Nation, IS NOT WORTH THEIR TIME? Why? It costs them or Kshama Sawant nothing to speak up and out about this war on injured workers. I have been pleading with her and this group for over 3 years now, to please report this war on labor to labor and the World, but they have some reason there not doing it? WHY. IF SHE IS TO BE THE VOICE OF LABOR? WHY IS SHE NOT TELLING LABOR about the WAR ON INJURED WORKERS? It only takes a few words, and a posting here and there. I really want to know why the VOICE OF Labor, chooses not to tell us about this WAR ON INJURED WORKERS IN AMERICA and around the World today?

They tell me well she is just a city council women, she really cant address that issue. Yet she can fly to every major city in America, and speak on Democracy NOW, and other news outlets, about every other issue under the sun. Why can't she use her soap box as America's voice of labor, to tell labor and the World about this war on workers comp? That 10 US Senators including Senator Bernie Sanders, the US Labor Department, NPR, and many other main stream media news sources are telling us about.

Why is not our VOICE OF LABOR? TELLING US ABOUT THIS? Do the Socialist not care about injured workers?

See the WAR on Workers Comp here, that apparently our GREAT Labor leader does not want to talk about. WHY? The War On Workers'Comp

See what NPR has to say about it here. The Demolition of Workers’ Comp

See what The Ring Of Fire has to say about this war on injured workers here.

Workers are being cheated out of the Grand Bargain that our forefathers fought and died for, Yet our Great Labor leader and the Socialist Alternatives of Seattle folks, don't want to tell labor what's going on. Why? Ought not the Voice Of Labor, be telling labor about the war it's having waged upon it? Should not she be telling the World about this war on injured workers for a few to profit? Workers are being cheated out of the Grand Bargain on the non catastrophic on the job injuries. Our Repetitive stress injuries are no longer being covered, and if they are were having to fight long legal battles to make that happen. In a no fault system where we traded our rights to sue away, so as neither we nor our employers would be put through these long legal battles.

Here is a brief history of our GRAND BARGAIN that has been TAKE AWAY, that the GREAT VOICE OF LABOR seems to not want to tell us about. WHY? Is she really there for Labor, all of labor, even the injured workers? OR does she arrogantly ignore the war being waged upon us and our Grand Bargain?

Injured workers are having this war declared upon us through our State workers comp systems and the private equity hedge funds, with their private IME Dr. mills, rendering biased and wrongful opinions in our care to deny care and services. Omitting the objective medical evidence and intently violating State wc laws, knowing that their victims will take years to get justice, and that the perpetrators themselves will never be held accountable, for the harm they are intently are doing to patients, for profit. Dr.s who have a duty to do no harm, harming intently for the bottom line of the State, and insurance carriers.

Here is one of many claims that prove this. State by State this is happening to injured workers and why we need Federal oversight, where our State work comp and med tort laws have been bought out by industry. Why is our Voice of Labor not telling us about this abuse to patients and labor?

Injured workers are being made worse by the industry's deny, delay, and defend, cost containment strategies. Then no one being held to account when more harm to the injured workers is done, by this strategy. We're being injured on the job, then having even more injuries add to our original injuries with this broken system. See one WA Corrections Officers story here. and know, that his story is not unique. Corrections officer faces recovery roadblocks after inmate attack

We have injured workers committing suicides from coast to coast and worse over this abuse in our care. Yet our Great Voice of Labor, remains silent about the abuse. Why?

Our Great Labor leader say's she cares about the homeless, yet wont tell us how workers comp insures are creating a large part of the homelessness we have going on.

Injured workers are being cheated out of the grand bargain right here in her own back yard, yet she does not say a word to labor about this abuse going on. WHY?

Corporations forcing workers to work in unsafe working conditions, then not wanting to take care of us once were injured.

Why is our labor leader not speaking up and out about this abuse, and for the need of Federal Intervention over State and Federal work comp systems?

Injured workers are America's largest minority group, yet even our GREAT LABOR LEADER shuns us and our plight. WHY?

All this harm being done to injured workers, for a few private equity hedge funds, and IME company's to profit off all the abuse. While small employers and injured workers are getting fleeced out of the goods n services paid for through premiums, and our grand bargain. See Private Equity Firms Profiting Off The Misery Of Injured Workers

Why is our Great Labor Leader, not telling us about this war on injured workers? Does she think just like many of the Corporate Democrats do, that all this abuse needs to go on so all those good jobs will just trickle down to us? Is this why she ignores the WAR ON INJURED WORKERS? See

Our great labor leader say's she fights against inequality. Yet even when our own US Labor Department is telling us workers comp is leading to inequality. She still remains silent about the war and the abuse being waged upon injured laborers for a few elites to profit. See Adding Inequality To Injury OHSA

Workers Comp lawyers across the country are telling us the workers comp systems are broken and one sided. YET our Labor Leader does not say a word. WHY?

Workers Compensation Judges across the country are telling us its a class war being waged by the industrial elite unto labor. Yet NOT A WORD from our Great Labor Leader. WHY? See what the judges are saying here. Here Comes The Judge!

Fire fighters, police, and nurse's, along with all the other professions, are being harmed by this abuse in our care and theft of our Grand Bargain. Yet our leader is saying and doing nothing about it. WHY? See No Back Up: Injured first responders say Workers Compensation failed them

Where is our Labor Leaders Voice, while she has the National spot light and a soap box to preach from? Why is she only able to preach about the need for a Federal Minimum Wage, but not about the need for Federal Minimum Standers into our broken workers comp systems? Injured workers have a petition out, where over 5000 injured workers across this country are begging for some Federal oversight, and for our Leaders to speak up and out about this abuse. Not for folks who claim to be for labor, for the sick, for the poor, to be turning their blind arrogant eyes away, as this WAR is WAGED UPON INJURED WORKERS and our GRAND BARGAIN.

We can not have a conversation in this country about ineqaultiy and not talk about our broken State workers compensation systems. Why is she not telling us about this gender bias in our workers comp systems? It's not just in CA but every State.

Why Is Councilmember Kshama Sawant Siding With The Industrial Elite, ALEC, And The Chambers Of Commerce, In This WAR On INJURED WORKERS In AMERICA Today? WHY? Why Is She Not Shining A Light On This War On Injured Workers?

I really would like to know? Why she and many corporate Democrats, who claim to be for labor, and the poor, and infirm, are not all telling us about this war being waged upon injured workers? For a few industrial elites and their friends to profit off the abuse to patients and injured workers harmed on or by our jobs. Just asking.
by Stop Trump Now
This psychobabble article, perhaps from someone who had too much New Year's cheer, is yet another attack on women. The Workers' Compensation crisis is many decades old and is the direct result of the fact that labor is only 10% organized. It has nothing to do with a city council person and everyone knows it. Therefore, this article is in keeping with rapist Trump's attacks on women. In case anyone has forgotten, women are 51% of the population.

The news we need to hear urgently is the necessity of a general strike to stop the Nazi, rapist, racist, warmonger, billionaire business crook, election frauding, organized crime mouthpiece Donald Trump from taking office. His many conflicts of interest make him impeachable the day he is sworn in. He can hardly wait to press the nuclear button, eliminating all life on earth. If you cannot call in sick or take a vacation day on January 20, you can work to rule (which you always should do) or just slow down the work. The 80% of Americans who sell our labor for less than $80,000 a year need to carry out a general strike to shut down the private profit system that makes billionaires like Donald Trump and millionaires like Hillary Clinton. It is labor who creates all wealth.
by Darren Fonzseau
Sawant has time to go around the World speaking on every issue under the SUN, not just her all the 3rd party candidates. We have a war on labor and patients rights, that is harming women and men. Period. OUR LABOR LEADERS need to SPEAK UP. The FED say our STATES are FAILING injured workers, and our labor leaders need to be telling us about it, not covering it up with their SILENCE.

Please go here and listen to what Injured workers, and YES many of them women, who are also begging Sawant and Jill Stein to speak up, as this war is being waged upon all of labor not just women. Yet it's these two women, we all need to come to our rescue, and their not. Single payer will be half the answer, but bad state med tort laws still will need to be addressed, and our leaders need to be telling us this, whether their women or not. These ladies are not being singled out for being women. They are being singled out for they say the represent labor and poor folks yet are not telling labor and poor folks about this war that is being waged upon them, and what they as leaders, be the women or men, plan to do about it. Not a war on women, it's a war on labor and poor patients rights, that these leaders, be as great as they are, are not telling us all about. It simple, they need to speak up for INJURED workers and POOR patients rights being violated by bad ALEC made state med tort and work comp laws. Why can Sen. Sanders tell us we need Federal Intervention into State workers comp and single payer too, yet these other leaders say and do nothing?

IF these folks, weather women or men, are to be the VOICE of LABOR and POOR Patients, then why are they not speaking up about this war? Not part of a war on women, but very much a part of the war on labor as a whole. That these folks are not telling us about. WHY?
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