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#NoDAPL Day of Action 11-15-2016 In solidarity With Standing Rock Santa Cruz, Ca

by AutumnSun (sunclan007 [at]
People in Santa Cruz again turned out for justice at Standing Rock!
Many water protectors stood at the town clock and marched down Pacific Ave. Chanting all the way. "You can't drink oil"
Another event for #NoDPAL witll be taking place again soon. We can not just stand by, we have to Stand Up For Standing Rock!
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
by AutumnSun
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by Elise Casby
Blessed Unrest, Blessed Protest.

I could not be there so thank you, in solidarity, and please remember that locally we are still waiting for the results of Measure D.

How is Measure D related to the protest at Standing Rock?

Our insane car driving here that burns fossil fuels and supports big box stores and highway-sprawls of congestion, exploitation, as well as addiction to big homes, and more homes and lawns are activities that are all related to the planned pipeline through native lands and the spillage is already here.

Stop the polluting of the water there by becoming more aware here of how much pavement we have and what we burn, use and do here, and which is really happening all around us in Santa Cruz. We all do it all. We can find out how what we do here and do not do here relates to there; Standing Rock.

We need more collectivity, like bees.

We need to think more about what we are replicating, what postures, patterns and plans, not to mention prognostications.

I managed to not watch Donald, mostly, except for about 1 minute, when he was on reality TV, unfortunately many other people replicated him into a new role, having watched him a lot on TV, apparently. Too much D.T., darn it. Now they have replicated him into an actual person while he still seems like a blimp in the seat of the Presidency. But this manifested state of consciousness is all too real, material is what I mean here, when I say, "all too real"= material.

Our designs, the ones I am referring to as, "of the 60's and '70's" were all about re-configuring the material into patterns that reflected a new consciousness. We thought.

We were once working on the new designs of and for communities, and bringing about new exciting and healthier, yes, "sustainable" pathways, (see Christopher Alexander, his book, "A Pattern Language", and maybe also, Peter Rabbit the junk artist turned communal-home designer, poet and father, and so many more presentations, books to consult, and designs to see, movies and other forms of recordings.

Look it up, Bucky Fuller and his ideas and there is another book, called, "Small Is Beautiful" and so many more...we were changing the way we all think about ourselves, each other and everything, how we related, and with our very real and material human needs, and work and energy use and facilitation, in the 60's, 70's, and in the 80's, 90's, and by then..the '80's and the '90's, so many of the so called, new designs had been submerged by corporate and oil, racist propaganda and tricky deals, or flat out Cointelpro propaganda, and of course the usual violences, killings and dominations. Then, by well, recently, like about 2003 or so, it became apparent that the visions and manifestations of the 60's went out.

Then, with the advent of the second millennium, came the ultimate Oil, Big oil takeover with the George W. Bush, and John Yoo takeovers of the Supreme Court, such as with Antonin Scalia's reactionary and fascistic decisions in that court, happened under the Bush administration's coup d'eta, also deadly force was used sometimes, until on...into now and present times, until the corporate person-hood that we have is so monolithic and the so called new and "sustainable" visions springing from the soft, living, earth- the more organic energetic urge had been largely repressed unto death-like comatose or synthetic facsimiles. MOre gadgets, more robots on the way, more pavement, less earth, wiped away.

But the visionary manifestations were largely stamped out. These new designs continued in smaller strands of community and threads of smaller groups, like communes, appearing in some intentional communities. Or sometimes in massive co-opted bands of thought-forms, the new designs appeared but in a revved up way as with the likes of a Tesla or a Google, in larger, massive forms by corporate co-optation, the visionary designs continued, but they were morphed, up until the present moment, in varied states, sometimes in buried states of boomer aging, or younger bodies of fascistic Zuckerman zeal. They often resemble in their various forms of replication, fiber optic bundles.

Light in bundles, but for what use, really, to drown out the light of the water, the sacred, pure clear beautiful water? These revved up synthesized, super-sized forms took from us, did not revive us. Water in which the bright moon is reflected? Replace it, this beautiful substance of God, with plastic rotting in landfills from all too impure synthetic fiber bundles? Native, indigenous consciousness of sacred earth is so life-giving here and in Standing Rock. We have so much to learn from that point of view of Earth = sacred, water is life, I think. The light of the stars waits for us to notice it, recognize it, send it back love and appreciation. We have gratitude for water, most of us, this is so fundamental.

From this appreciation for water we can move into more light filled manifestations.

It would be nice to find a happy sustainable middle, instead of this muddle we are in, muck of spillage, and repression; an unhealthy hegemony where pavement and construction companies who build boring roads for obligatory cars and drivers who replicate their behavior on and on, go on and on. We develop more cancers.

However, the changes for the new designs and radical new visions were largely stamped out by the oil and car companies as they habitually have done and continue to do. Many others do also, such as, but not limited to, the Regents of California, Big Box Store Corporations, some unions that lack vision for real change, all oil companies, big TV networks and big media, big Pharma, big Ag, big Donald, construction companies that employ mostly men whether they are big or not in this case is irrelevant.

No to highway widening foisted on an unripe community that needs a more full discussion and real democratic development of ideas, and material needs to be met, including meaningful jobs, housing and shelters for all people while respecting habitats of animals and plants, and earth soil in Santa Cruz.

Measure D was NOT actually about trans-port-ation, in a way that supported the good news, sacred life, way of design that is wholistic and helpful for all of us, workers, included and everybody else, too. It was a dirty package dressed up in half-baked phony environmentalism by corporate and construction magnate design, supported by unions lacking in vision and true new-consciousness thought. Then it was rammed down our collective throats with guile, big-money, bullying, and a total refusal by these big Interests to talk about real solutions that would mean including altering our behavior and consciousness, such as the community benefits program that Liz Levy writes about in her letters to the editor of the Santa Cruz Good Times and The Sentinel.

Big phony environmentalism is usually supported financially by corporations, like P.G. & E., such is Ecology Action, partly funded by the big Piggy.

Let's build strong towers of steel, that spiral though the lower space on up into the higher reaches of our sky, and arrange it in a way though, so that we may be housing many, maybe multitudes of people. If we want to do "big", supporting strong and resilient "branches" emanating out from the trunk, angled at the higher sky, steel towers perhaps, but not Trump towers. In our new "towers" or "trees made of steel", we will house people, instead of dry goods, so that our people may sleep comfortably as a new towel for sale, folded up upon a shelf, now "sleeps" until it is purchased.

These tree-like towers that seem to sprout sleeping pods like leaves and use space the way the redwood trees do. We can go upwards, in ways that allow light and are not boxes, flat upon flat upon flat. Yet, simplify and collectivize our areas, inside the "leaves" where we would rest comfortably in our sleeping pods for sleeps, in spiraling arrangements of comfortable sleeping pods of cozy comfort, resting on the branches of strong steel girders, perhaps, centered in a trunk of immense strength wherein the elevators would be, and/or steps. This is just one idea, why do we always build in boxes?

Then we drive around one person to a whole car, we incessantly drive around all these boxes getting into jams, as if we have no hearts connected to our minds. It is as if we think our legs are just for walking to our cars and getting in and out of boxes. Let's take some time to think and breathe it, the ideas of what is trans-port-ation and how does it, "it", transportation, connect us to our work and our homes- this is what I mean by "think it through" -more and imagine anew. Let's take a drink of water and appreciate the light we could bring into our discussions, the compassion for life and one another, instead of all this mean-ramrodding, and then forcing with big money.

Let's model our arrangements after trees and build more like the bees.

Are we not as intelligent as bees?

We can do this, let's keep coming together, standing in the light of solidarity for Standing Rock.

Blessed be, blessed bees... blessed unrest for water, clean unpolluted sacred and wonderful water.



(aka) Elise Casby

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