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US House Races 2016 : Know The Animal Rights Record Of Each Congressperson

by Tabulate
Vote animal abusers out of Congress
Hillary Clinton has argued for the bombing of many people and animals. However
on the congressional level, it appears that the Republican Party is the party of animal cruelty and animal slaughter.

Please vote out Don Young, Steve King, and any congressperson with a less than 67% vote for the animals, any congressperson who voted money for immoral illegal wars, or who voted to destroy the environment.

The number after each congressperson is the % of times that person voted for animal protection or rights. For more detail go to

Don Young, Republican congressman from Alaska
1. Facilitating elephant slaughter's ivory trade
2. attempting to sell off Alaskan animal sanctuaries to big oil
3. shooting a sleeping bear
4. selling off Alaska's polar bears
5. denying climate change
6. waving a walrus penis at a congressional hearing
7. Eating whale meat
8. calling the BP oil spill a "natural phenomena."

Steve King, Republican congressman representing an Iowa district
1. defending dog fighting
2. working to keep cockfighting going
3. fighting legislation to make factory farm cages larger
4. pushing puppy mills
5. supporting legislation to slaughter polar bears
6. supports the eating of the flesh of cats and dogs
7. advocates forcing any vegetarians in the closet to come out
8. campaigning against Meatless Mondays


Please vote out ALL Alabama congressperson, 5 Republicans and 2 Democrats.
5 of whom have a 0 rating and 2 of whom are at 33%

Aderholt, Robert (R-4th) 33%
Brooks, Mo (R-5th) 0%
Byrne, Bradley (R-1st) 0%
Palmer, Gary (R-6th) 0%
Roby, Martha (R-2nd) 0%
Rogers, Michael D. (R-3rd) 0%
Sewell, Terri (D-7th) 33%


Please vote out
Franks, Trent (R-8th) 11%
Gosar, Paul (R-4th) 0%
Kirkpatrick, Ann (D-1st 56%
Salmon, Matt (R-5th) 33%
Schweikert, David (R-6th) 44%
Sinema, Kyrsten (D-9th)

Please keep
Gallego, Ruben (D-7th)78%
Grijalva, Raúl (D-3rd) 100%
McSally, Martha (R-2nd) 89%
Sinema, Kyrsten (D-9th) 100%


Please vote out the 4 Republicans

Crawford, Rick (R-1st) 0%
Hill, French (R-2nd) 11%
Westerman, Bruce (R-4th) 0%
Womack, Steve (R-3rd) 11%


California Number is % of votes for animals
Aguilar, Pete (D-31st) 89
Bass, Karen (D-37th) 67
Becerra, Xavier (D-34th)22
Bera, Ami (D-7th) 100
Brownley, Julia (D-26th) 100
Calvert, Ken (R-42nd) 44
Capps, Lois (D-24th) 100
Cárdenas, Tony (D-29th) 100+
Chu, Judy (D-27th)100
Cook, Paul (R-8th) 22
Costa, Jim (D-16th) 33
Davis, Susan (D-53rd) 100+
Denham, Jeff (R-10th) 67
DeSaulnier, Mark (D-11th) 100
Eshoo, Anna (D-18th) 100
Farr, Sam (D-20th) 100+
Garamendi, John (D-3rd) 56
Hahn, Janice (D-44th) 56
Honda, Michael (D-17th) 100
Huffman, Jared (D-2nd) 100+
Hunter, Duncan (R-50th) 11
Issa, Darrell (R-49th) 11
Knight, Steve (R-25th) 11
LaMalfa, Doug (R-1st) 0
Lee, Barbara (D-13th) 100+
Lieu, Ted (D-33rd) 100
Lofgren, Zoe (D-19th) 56
Lowenthal, Alan (D-47th)100
Matsui, Doris (D-6th) 100
McCarthy, Kevin (R-23nd)11
McClintock, Tom (R-4th) 0
McNerney, Jerry (D-9th) 100
Napolitano, Grace (D-32nd) 89
Nunes, Devin (R-22nd) 11
Pelosi, Nancy (D-12th)    •• Pelosi has been hawkish re illegal immoral US wars
Peters, Scott (D-52nd) 100
Rohrabacher, Dana (R-48th) 0
Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D-40th) 100+
Royce, Ed (R-39th) 44
Ruiz, Raul (D-36th)78
Sánchez, Linda (D-38th) 89
Sanchez, Loretta (D-46th) 67
Schiff, Adam (D-28th) 100+
Sherman, Brad (D-30th) 100
Speier, Jackie (D-14th) 100
Swalwell, Eric (D-15th) 100
Takano, Mark (D-41st) 89
Thompson, Mike (D-5th) 44
Torres, Norma (D-35th) 67
Valadao, David (R-21st) 33
Vargas, Juan (D-51st) 100
Walters, Mimi (R-45th) 44
Waters, Maxine (D-43rd) 33


Buck, Ken (R-4th) 22
Coffman, Mike (R-6th) 44
DeGette, Diana (D-1st) 67
Lamborn, Doug (R-5th)11
Perlmutter, Ed (D-7th) 78
Polis, Jared (D-2nd) 89
Tipton, Scott (R-3rd) 11


Courtney, Joe (D-2nd) 100
DeLauro, Rosa (D-3rd)100+
Esty, Elizabeth (D-5th) 100
Himes, Jim (D-4th) 100
Larson, John (D-1st) 89


Carney, John (D-At Large) 44


Generally doesn't vote


Bilirakis, Gus (R-12th) 22
Brown, Corrine (D-5th) 44
Buchanan, Vern (R-16th) 100+
Castor, Kathy (D-14th) 78
Clawson, Curt (R-19th) 0
Crenshaw, Ander (R-4th) 33
Curbelo, Carlos (R-26th) 78
DeSantis, Ron (R-6th) 11
Deutch, Ted (D-21st)  SP 100
Diaz-Balart, Mario (R-25th) 33
Frankel, Lois (D-22nd) 100
Graham, Gwen (D-2nd) 44
Grayson, Alan (D-9th) 100
Hastings, Alcee (D-20th) 100+
Jolly, David (R-13th) SP 56
Mica, John (R-7th) 33
Miller, Jeff (R-1st) NV NV 0
Murphy, Patrick (D-18th) 100
Nugent, Richard (R-11th) 22
Posey, Bill (R-8th) 22
Rooney, Tom (R-17th)22
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-27th) SP 78
Ross, Dennis (R-15th) 44
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie (D-23rd) 100
Webster, Daniel (R-10th) 0
Wilson, Frederica (D-24th) 100
Yoho, Ted (R-3rd) 33


Allen, Rick (R-12th) 11
Bishop, Sanford (D-2nd) 44
Carter, Buddy (R-1st) 11
Collins, Doug (R-9th) 11
Graves, Tom (R-14th) 11
Hice, Jody (R-10th) 0
Johnson, Hank (D-4th) 89
Lewis, John (D-5th) 100
Loudermilk, Barry (R-11th) 11
Price, Tom (R-6th) 11
Scott, Austin (R-8th) 22
Scott, David (D-13th) 44
Westmoreland, Lynn (R-3rd) 11
Woodall, Rob (R-7th) 11


Gabbard, Tulsi (D-2nd) 100
Takai, Mark (D-1st) 78


Labrador, Raúl (R-1st) 0
Simpson, Mike (R-2nd) 11


Bost, Mike (R-12th) 11
Bustos, Cheri (D-17th) 56
Davis, Danny (D-7th) 89
Davis, Rodney (R-13th) 44
Dold, Robert (R-10th) 89
Duckworth, Tammy (D-8th) 100
Foster, Bill (D-11th) 100
Gutierrez, Luis (D-4th) 67
Hultgren, Randy (R-14th) 0
Kelly, Robin (D-2nd) 78
Kinzinger, Adam (R-16th) 11
LaHood, Darin (R-18th) not a full term.. dioes not have a good percentage
Lipinski, Daniel (D-3rd) 89
Quigley, Mike (D-5th) 100+
Roskam, Peter (R-6th) 56
Rush, Bobby (D-1st) 44
Schakowsky, Janice (D-9th) 100
Schock, Aaron (R-18th) resigned during term
Shimkus, John (R-15th) 22


Brooks, Susan (R-5th) 11
Bucshon, Larry (R-8th) 11
Carson, André (D-7th) 67
Messer, Luke (R-6th) 11
Rokita, Todd (R-4th) 11
Stutzman, Marlin (R-3rd) 0
Visclosky, Peter (D-1st) 56
Walorski, Jackie (R-2nd) 22
Young, Todd (R-9th) 0


Blum, Rod (R-1st) 0
King, Steve (R-4th) 0 one of a handful of the very worst
Loebsack, Dave (D-2nd) 89
Young, David (R-3rd) 22


Huelskamp, Tim (R-1st) 0
Jenkins, Lynn (R-2nd) 33
Pompeo, Michael (R-4th) 11
Yoder, Kevin (R-3rd) 56


Barr, Andy (R-6th) 22
Guthrie, Brett (R-2nd) 11
Massie, Thomas (R-4th)0
Rogers, Harold (R-5th) 22
Whitfield, Edward (R-1st) 33
Yarmuth, John (D-3rd) 100


Abraham, Ralph (R-5th) 11
Boustany, Charles (R-3rd) 11
Fleming, John (R-4th) 0
Graves, Garret (R-6th) 0
Richmond, Cedric (D-2nd) 33
Scalise, Steve (R-1st) 11


Pingree, Chellie (D-1st) 100
Poliquin, Bruce (R-2nd) 22


Cummings, Elijah (D-7th) 100
Delaney, John (D-6th) 100
Edwards, Donna (D-4th) 100
Harris, Andy (R-1st) 0
Hoyer, Steny (D-5th) 33
Ruppersberger, C.A. "Dutch" (D-2nd) 56
Sarbanes, John (D-3rd) 100
Van Hollen, Chris (D-8th) 100


Capuano, Michael (D-7th) 100
Clark, Katherine (D-5th) SP 100+
Keating, William (D-9th) 100
Kennedy, Joseph (D-4th) 89
Lynch, Stephen (D-8th) 100
McGovern, James (D-2nd) 100+
Moulton, Seth (D-6th) 78
Neal, Richard (D-1st) 100
Tsongas, Niki (D-3rd) 100+


Amash, Justin (R-3rd) 0
Benishek, Daniel (R-1st) 11
Bishop, Mike (R-8th) 33
Conyers, John (D-13th) 100
Dingell, Debbie (D-12th)33
Huizenga, Bill (R-2nd) 11
Kildee, Dan (D-5th) 56
Lawrence, Brenda (D-14th) 100
Levin, Sander (D-9th) 100+
Miller, Candice (R-10th) 22
Moolenaar, John (R-4th) 11
Trott, Dave (R-11th) 11
Upton, Fred (R-6th) 33
Walberg, Tim (R-7th) 33


Ellison, Keith (D-5th) 44
Emmer, Tom (R-6th) 11
Kline, John (R-2nd) 11
McCollum, Betty (D-4th) 100
Nolan, Rick (D-8th) 67
Paulsen, Erik (R-3rd) 33
Peterson, Collin (D-7th) 22
Walz, Tim (D-1st) 44


Harper, Gregg (R-3rd) 11
Kelly, Trent (R-1st)
Nunnelee, Alan (R-1st)
Palazzo, Steven (R-4th) 11
Thompson, Bennie (D-2nd) 22


Clay, William Lacy (D-1st) 44
Cleaver, Emanuel (D-5th) 100
Graves, Sam (R-6th) 11
Hartzler, Vicky (R-4th) 11
Long, Billy (R-7th) 0
Luetkemeyer, Blaine (R-3rd) 11
Smith, Jason (R-8th) 0
Wagner, Ann (R-2nd) 22


Harper, Gregg (R-3rd) 11
Kelly, Trent (R-1st)
Nunnelee, Alan (R-1st)
Palazzo, Steven (R-4th) 11
Thompson, Bennie (D-2nd) 22


Clay, William Lacy (D-1st) 44
Cleaver, Emanuel (D-5th) 100
Graves, Sam (R-6th) 11
Hartzler, Vicky (R-4th) 11
Long, Billy (R-7th) 0
Luetkemeyer, Blaine (R-3rd) 11
Smith, Jason (R-8th) 0
Wagner, Ann (R-2nd) 22


Zinke, Ryan (R- At Large) 22


Ashford, Brad (D-2nd) 22
Fortenberry, Jeff (R-1st) 11
Smith, Adrian (R-3rd) 0


Amodei, Mark (R-2nd) 11
Hardy, Cresent (R-4th) 0
Heck, Joe (R-3rd) 56
Titus, Dina (D-1st) 100+


Guinta, Frank (R-1st) 33
Kuster, Ann McLane (D-2nd) 100


Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-11th) 33
Garrett, Scott (R-5th) 0
Lance, Leonard (R-7th) 67
LoBiondo, Frank (R-2nd) 89
MacArthur, Tom (R-3rd) 67
Norcross, Donald (D-1st) 100
Pallone, Frank (D-6th) 89
Pascrell, Bill (D-9th) 100
Payne, Donald (D-10th) 89
Sires, Albio (D-8th) 100
Smith, Chris (R-4th) 100
Watson Coleman, Bonnie (D-12th) 89


Lujan Grisham, Michelle (D-1st) 100+
Luján, Ben Ray (D-3rd) 100
Pearce, Steve (R-2nd) 11


Clarke, Yvette (D-9th) 100
Collins, Chris (R-27th) 22
Crowley, Joseph (D-14th) 89
Donovan, Daniel (R-11th)
Engel, Eliot (D-16th) 100+
Gibson, Chris (R-19th) 78
Hanna, Richard (R-22nd) 67
Higgins, Brian (D-26th) 100
Israel, Steve (D-3rd) 100+
Jeffries, Hakeem (D-8th) 44
Katko, John (R-24th) 78
King, Peter (R-2nd) 100
Lowey, Nita (D-17th) 100+
Maloney, Carolyn (D-12th) 100
Maloney, Sean Patrick (D-18th) 100
Meeks, Gregory (D-5th) 67
Meng, Grace (D-6th) 100+
Nadler, Jerrold (D-10th) 100
Rangel, Charles (D-13th) 100
Reed, Tom (R-23rd)22
Rice, Kathleen (D-4th) 89
Serrano, José (D-15th) 89
Slaughter, Louise (D-25th) 100
Stefanik, Elise (R-21st) 56
Tonko, Paul (D-20th) 100+
Velázquez, Nydia (D-7th) 100
Zeldin, Lee (R-1st) 44


Adams, Alma (D-12th)56
Butterfield, G. K. (D-1st) 67
Ellmers, Renee (R-2nd) 33
Foxx, Virginia (R-5th) 11
Holding, George (R-13th) 0
Hudson, Richard (R-8th) 11
Jones, Walter (R-3rd) 89
McHenry, Patrick (R-10th) 11
Meadows, Mark (R-11th) 11
Pittenger, Robert (R-9th) 11
Price, David (D-4th) 100+
Rouzer, David (R-7th) 11
Walker, Mark (R-6th) 11


Cramer, Kevin (R-At Large) 11


Beatty, Joyce (D-3rd) 89
Boehner, John (R-8th)
Chabot, Steve (R-1st)44
Fudge, Marcia (D-11th)33
Gibbs, Bob (R-7th) 0
Johnson, Bill (R-6th) 22
Jordan, Jim (R-4th) 0
Joyce, David (R-14th) 56
Kaptur, Marcy (D-9th) 100
Latta, Robert (R-5th) 0
Renacci, James (R-16th) 11
Ryan, Tim (D-13th) 67
Stivers, Steve (R-15th) 33
Tiberi, Patrick (R-12th) 11
Turner, Michael (R-10th) 33
Wenstrup, Brad (R-2nd) 11


Bridenstine, Jim (R-1st) 0
Cole, Tom (R-4th) 33
Lucas, Frank (R-3rd) 11
Mullin, Markwayne (R-2nd) 11
Russell, Steve (R-5th) 11


Blumenauer, Earl (D-3rd) 100+
Bonamici, Suzanne (D-1st) 100
DeFazio, Peter (D-4th) 100+
Schrader, Kurt (D-5th) 67
Walden, Greg (R-2nd) 11


Barletta, Louis (R-11th) 67
Boyle, Brendan (D-13th) 100
Brady, Robert (D-1st) 100
Cartwright, Matt (D-17th) 100
Costello, Ryan (R-6th) 100
Dent, Charles (R-15th) 67
Doyle, Mike (D-14th) 100+
Fattah, Chaka (D-2nd) 89
Fitzpatrick, Michael (R-8th) 100
Kelly, Mike (R-3rd) 33
Marino, Tom (R-10th) 78
Meehan, Patrick (R-7th) 67
Murphy, Timothy (R-18th) 22
Perry, Scott (R-4th) 11
Pitts, Joseph (R-16th) 22
Rothfus, Keith (R-12th) 22
Shuster, Bill (R-9th) 44
Thompson, Glenn (R-5th) 22


Pierluisi, Pedro (D-At Large)


Cicilline, David (D-1st) 100+
Langevin, James (D-2nd) 100


Clyburn, James (D-6th) 33
Duncan, Jeff (R-3rd) 0
Gowdy, Trey (R-4th) 0
Mulvaney, John "Mick" (R-5th) 11
Rice, Tom (R-7th) 11
Sanford, Mark (R-1st) 11
Wilson, Joe (R-2nd) 22


Noem, Kristi (R-At Large) 22


Black, Diane (R-6th) 0
Blackburn, Marsha (R-7th)0
Cohen, Steve (D-9th)100+
Cooper, Jim (D-5th) 33
DesJarlais, Scott (R-4th) 11
Duncan, John (R-2nd) 0
Fincher, Stephen (R-8th) 0
Fleischmann, Charles (R-3rd) 11
Roe, Phil (R-1st) 0


Babin, Brian (R-36th) 0
Barton, Joe (R-6th) 11
Brady, Kevin (R-8th) 11
Burgess, Michael (R-26th) 11
Carter, John (R-31st) 11
Castro, Joaquin (D-20th) 100
Conaway, Mike (R-11th) 11
Cuellar, Henry (D-28th) 11
Culberson, John (R-7th) 22
Doggett, Lloyd (D-35th) 33
Farenthold, Blake (R-27th) 22
Flores, Bill (R-17th) 22
Gohmert, Louie (R-1st) 0
Granger, Kay (R-12th) 22
Green, Al (D-9th) 44
Green, Gene (D-29th) 78
Hensarling, Jeb (R-5th)22
Hinojosa, Rubén (D-15th) 67
Hurd, Will (R-23rd) 22
Jackson Lee, Sheila (D-18th) 100+
Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-30th) 89
Johnson, Sam (R-3rd) 0
Marchant, Kenny (R-24th) 11
McCaul, Michael (R-10th) 11
Neugebauer, Randy (R-19th) 11
Olson, Pete (R-22nd) 11
O'Rourke, Beto (D-16th) 100
Poe, Ted (R-2nd) 11
Ratcliffe, John (R-4th) 0
Sessions, Pete (R-32nd) 11
Smith, Lamar (R-21st) SP 44
Thornberry, William "Mac" (R-13th) 11
Veasey, Marc (D-33rd) 44
Vela, Filemon (D-34th) 89
Weber, Randy (R-14th) 22
Williams, Roger (R-25th) 11


Bishop, Rob (R-1st) 11
Chaffetz, Jason (R-3rd) 11
Love, Mia (R-4th) 11
Stewart, Chris (R-2nd) 11


Welch, Peter (D-At Large) 78


Beyer, Don (D-8th) 100+
Brat, Dave (R-7th) 11
Comstock, Barbara (R-10th) 44
Connolly, Gerald (D-11th) 100
Forbes, Randy (R-4th) 11
Goodlatte, Bob (R-6th) 0
Griffith, Morgan (R-9th) 11
Hurt, Robert (R-5th) 0
Rigell, Scott (R-2nd) 11
Scott, Bobby (D-3rd) 100
Wittman, Robert (R-1st) 44


DelBene, Suzan (D-1st) 100
Heck, Denny (D-10th) 100
Herrera Beutler, Jaime (R-3rd) 33
Kilmer, Derek (D-6th) 100
Larsen, Rick (D-2nd) 67
McDermott, Jim (D-7th) 89
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy (R-5th) 11
Newhouse, Dan (R-4th) 11
Reichert, Dave (R-8th) 11
Smith, Adam (D-9th) 100


Jenkins, Evan (R-3rd) 11
McKinley, David (R-1st) 0
Mooney, Alex (R-2nd) 0


Duffy, Sean (R-7th) 11
Grothman, Glenn (R-6th) 11
Kind, Ron (D-3rd)33
Moore, Gwen (D-4th) 89
Pocan, Mark (D-2nd) 89
Ribble, Reid (R-8th) 22
Ryan, Paul (R-1st) 11
Sensenbrenner, James (R-5th) 11


Lummis, Cynthia (R-At Large) 0
See also:
by Tabulate
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