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Rally-Speak Out Defend the Children and People Of Fukushima & Stop the Start-up of Nukes

Saturday, June 11, 2016
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
Event Type:
No Nukes Action Committee
Location Details:
Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco
Rally-Speak Out
6/11 Rally-Speak Out Defend The Children and People Of Fukushima and Stop the Start-up of More Nuclear Plants in Japan
Saturday 11, 2016 3:00 PM and March to Union Square at 3:30 PM
Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco
On Saturday June 11 at 3:00 PM , people will speak out at the San Francisco Japanese consulate to demand the closure of all nuclear plants in Japan including the Sendai nuclear plant and another nuclear plant in Kyushu. The Abe government continues to seek the restart of many nuclear plants despite the great dangers of another Fukushima melt-down.
The continued growth of Thyroid cancers in children and families both in Fukushima and in Japan is growing and the government using a recently passed secrecy law is attempting to prevent the people from knowing about these dangers. The subcontractor and plant workers continue be contaminated and the government which is running TEPCO refuses to properly train them and protect them from the dangerous plant. Nuclear plant whistleblower continue to be retaliated against.
We call for the evacuation of the children and families in Fukushima with compensation and oppose the propaganda that Fukushima has been "decontaminated" and that the Japanese people can
They need to speak out for the people of Fukushima and the world that the nuclear plants in Japan as well as the US need to be closed including Diablo Canyon which is also on an earthquake fault. We will also have report from Diablo Canyon and the dangers of the last operating nuclear plant in Japan. PG&E also want to continue to operate this plant despite the age and continued contamination of the community. There are cancer clusters in San Louis Obispo that are directly a result of this nuclear plant and the government refuses to protect nuclear plant whistleblowers who are concerned about the health and safety of workers and the community.
US sailors have also were in the area have also been contaminated and are now getting serious cases of cancer and other diseases. They are also suing TEPCO for damages.
We must continue to speak out against the danger of Fukushima and other nuclear plants to the people of Japan and the world of these dangerous nuclear plants and call for the closure of all nuclear plants around the world.
Speak Out and Rally initiated by
No Nukes Action Committee
For more information
(510) 495-5952
Woman breaks silence among Fukushima thyroid cancer patients
Jun. 7, 2016 3:42 AM EDT
KORIYAMA, Japan (AP) — She's 21, has thyroid cancer, and wants people in her prefecture in northeastern Japan to get screened for it. That statement might not seem provocative, but her prefecture is Fukushima, and of the 173 young people with confirmed or suspected cases since the 2011 nuclear meltdowns there, she is the first to speak out.
That near-silence highlights the fear Fukushima thyroid-cancer patients have about being the "nail that sticks out," and thus gets hammered.
The thyroid-cancer rate in the northern Japanese prefecture is many times higher than what is generally found, particularly among children, but the Japanese government says more cases are popping up because of rigorous screening, not the radiation that spewed from Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant.
To be seen as challenging that view carries consequences in this rigidly harmony-oriented society. Even just having cancer that might be related to radiation carries a stigma in the only country to be hit with atomic bombs.
"There aren't many people like me who will openly speak out," said the young woman, who requested anonymity because of fears about harassment. "That's why I'm speaking out so others can feel the same. I can speak out because I'm the kind of person who believes things will be OK."
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The woman who spoke to AP also expressed her views on video for a film in the works by independent American filmmaker Ian Thomas Ash.
She counts herself lucky. About 18,000 people were killed in the tsunami, and many more lost their homes to the natural disaster and the subsequent nuclear accident, but her family's home was unscathed.
When asked how she feels about nuclear power, she replied quietly that Japan doesn't need nuclear plants. Without them, she added, maybe she would not have gotten sick.
Ash's video interview:
Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at
Her work can be found at
Fukushima Flunks Decontamination & Living With A Disaster
Fukushima: Living with a Disaster
Published on Mar 10, 2016
Five years after the nuclear accident in Fukushima, an end to the disaster is not in sight.
This short documentary tells the story of the people from Fukushima, forced to leave their homes without knowing if they could ever return, and explores the work that Greenpeace has been doing in the region since 2011.
Sign the petition to end the nuclear nightmare and switch on renewables!
Fukushima Flunks Decontamination
MAY 20, 2016
Fukushima Flunks Decontamination
Japan’s Abe administration is pushing very hard to decontaminate land, roads, and buildings throughout Fukushima Prefecture, 105 cities, towns, and villages. Thousands of workers collect toxic material into enormous black one-ton bags, thereby accumulating gigantic geometric structures of bags throughout the landscape, looking evermore like the foreground of iconic ancient temples.
Here’s the big push: PM Abe committed to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which shall be a crowning achievement in the face of the Fukushima disaster. Hence, all stops are pulled to repopulate Fukushima Prefecture, especially with Olympic events held within Fukushima, where foodstuff will originate for Olympic attendees.
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Time to permanently shut down Japan Monju nuclear reactor
June 6, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology expert committee tasked with considering the future of the Monju experimental fast-breeder nuclear reactor in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, has put together its report.
6/11 Rally-Speak Out Defend The Children and People Of Fukushima and Stop the Start-up of More Nuclear Plants in Japan
Saturday 11, 2016 3:00 PM and March to Union Square at 3:30 PM
Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco
On Saturday June 11 at 3:00 PM , people will speak out at the San Francisco Japanese consulate to demand the closure of all nuclear plants in Japan including the Sendai nuclear plant and another nuclear plant in Kyushu. The Abe government continues to seek the restart of many nuclear plants despite the great dangers of another Fukushima melt-down.
The continued growth of Thyroid cancers in children and families both in Fukushima and in Japan is growing and the government using a recently passed secrecy law is attempting to prevent the people from knowing about these dangers. The subcontractor and plant workers continue be contaminated and the government which is running TEPCO refuses to properly train them and protect them from the dangerous plant. Nuclear plant whistleblower continue to be retaliated against.
We call for the evacuation of the children and families in Fukushima with compensation and oppose the propaganda that Fukushima has been "decontaminated" and that the Japanese people can
They need to speak out for the people of Fukushima and the world that the nuclear plants in Japan as well as the US need to be closed including Diablo Canyon which is also on an earthquake fault. We will also have report from Diablo Canyon and the dangers of the last operating nuclear plant in Japan. PG&E also want to continue to operate this plant despite the age and continued contamination of the community. There are cancer clusters in San Louis Obispo that are directly a result of this nuclear plant and the government refuses to protect nuclear plant whistleblowers who are concerned about the health and safety of workers and the community.
US sailors have also were in the area have also been contaminated and are now getting serious cases of cancer and other diseases. They are also suing TEPCO for damages.
We must continue to speak out against the danger of Fukushima and other nuclear plants to the people of Japan and the world of these dangerous nuclear plants and call for the closure of all nuclear plants around the world.
Speak Out and Rally initiated by
No Nukes Action Committee
For more information
(510) 495-5952
Woman breaks silence among Fukushima thyroid cancer patients
Jun. 7, 2016 3:42 AM EDT
KORIYAMA, Japan (AP) — She's 21, has thyroid cancer, and wants people in her prefecture in northeastern Japan to get screened for it. That statement might not seem provocative, but her prefecture is Fukushima, and of the 173 young people with confirmed or suspected cases since the 2011 nuclear meltdowns there, she is the first to speak out.
That near-silence highlights the fear Fukushima thyroid-cancer patients have about being the "nail that sticks out," and thus gets hammered.
The thyroid-cancer rate in the northern Japanese prefecture is many times higher than what is generally found, particularly among children, but the Japanese government says more cases are popping up because of rigorous screening, not the radiation that spewed from Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant.
To be seen as challenging that view carries consequences in this rigidly harmony-oriented society. Even just having cancer that might be related to radiation carries a stigma in the only country to be hit with atomic bombs.
"There aren't many people like me who will openly speak out," said the young woman, who requested anonymity because of fears about harassment. "That's why I'm speaking out so others can feel the same. I can speak out because I'm the kind of person who believes things will be OK."
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The woman who spoke to AP also expressed her views on video for a film in the works by independent American filmmaker Ian Thomas Ash.
She counts herself lucky. About 18,000 people were killed in the tsunami, and many more lost their homes to the natural disaster and the subsequent nuclear accident, but her family's home was unscathed.
When asked how she feels about nuclear power, she replied quietly that Japan doesn't need nuclear plants. Without them, she added, maybe she would not have gotten sick.
Ash's video interview:
Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at
Her work can be found at
Fukushima Flunks Decontamination & Living With A Disaster
Fukushima: Living with a Disaster
Published on Mar 10, 2016
Five years after the nuclear accident in Fukushima, an end to the disaster is not in sight.
This short documentary tells the story of the people from Fukushima, forced to leave their homes without knowing if they could ever return, and explores the work that Greenpeace has been doing in the region since 2011.
Sign the petition to end the nuclear nightmare and switch on renewables!
Fukushima Flunks Decontamination
MAY 20, 2016
Fukushima Flunks Decontamination
Japan’s Abe administration is pushing very hard to decontaminate land, roads, and buildings throughout Fukushima Prefecture, 105 cities, towns, and villages. Thousands of workers collect toxic material into enormous black one-ton bags, thereby accumulating gigantic geometric structures of bags throughout the landscape, looking evermore like the foreground of iconic ancient temples.
Here’s the big push: PM Abe committed to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which shall be a crowning achievement in the face of the Fukushima disaster. Hence, all stops are pulled to repopulate Fukushima Prefecture, especially with Olympic events held within Fukushima, where foodstuff will originate for Olympic attendees.
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Time to permanently shut down Japan Monju nuclear reactor
June 6, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology expert committee tasked with considering the future of the Monju experimental fast-breeder nuclear reactor in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, has put together its report.
For more information:
Added to the calendar on Tue, Jun 7, 2016 10:19PM
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