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Indybay Feature

EBRPD BoD mtg - approve ALPRs, night vision & EBRCSA equip

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
East Bay Regional Park District Administration Building
2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland

If you own or rent the residence where you live, you pay property taxes. A portion of those taxes go to the East Bay Regional Park District. Because they have the ability to levy taxes, the State of California requires they must have an elected board. These representatives have placed the following very important items on the CONSENT portion of the agenda and have titled these items so as to reduce the seriousness of said items.

Read the following. Then contact the 7 elected ward board members, the general manager and the clerk/secretary and let them know that there are other priorities more important than spying on the residents of the East Bay -- the very people who pay for the EBRPD through both property taxes and fees at certain parks. Start here: Better yet, appear at the meeting and let them know in person. Like all of the "regional government" agencies, they rarely see the public and even more rarely hear them speak.

agenda packet link:


From page 56 of the pdf:
j. Authorization for a Sole Source Purchase with RECONYX for Security Cameras for Park Staging Areas: District-wide (Ragatz/O’Connor)

from the report ...
Sufficient funds of $120,000 were allocated to the Chief of Park Operations Supplies budget in the mid-year budget process to obtain 150 cameras for placement in District staging areas. This request encumbers $120,000 for District-wide security camera installation.
This action is designed to provide increased safety and security for the staging areas of the District. Approval of a sole source purchase is necessary to obtain the specialized cameras chosen by the District’s Public Safety Division. Staff found that the RECONYX Security Series Infrared camera is the most securable.
The camera equipment will record motion activated still shots. Cameras will be added to 53 key points of entry and staging areas of park facilities. These new cameras will enhance the current surveillance areas of the 41 remote sites that are already being monitored by both Public Safety and Park staff.
Two cameras will be installed in each staging area, one for wide-angle surveillance and one for the recording of license plates of autos arriving and leaving the staging areas. This equipment is an excellent choice for stand-alone surveillance situations where no power or communication lines exist. The license plate capture unit provides photo documenting of license plates of moving vehicles (up to 50 mph) day or night. The activities of the public will be recorded to provide a better understanding of the circumstances surrounding any events that transpire and help to identify the involved subjects of any incidences that occur.

From page 64 of the pdf:
l. Authorization to Enter into a Sole Source Purchase Agreement with Aviation Specialties Unlimited for AVS-9 Aviator Night Vision Imaging Systems: Public Safety Division (Probets/T. Anderson)

from the report ...
The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the sole source agreement with Aviation Specialties Unlimited, Boise, Idaho for the purchase of four (4) White Phosphor AVS-9 Aviator Night Vision Imaging Systems. This specific model is compatible with our airframe configuration and current Green Phosphor – Aviator Night Vision Imaging Systems models.
The cost of four (4) White Phosphor - Aviator Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) is $54,951.60 including sales tax. The funds are available in the 2015 Air Support Unit Account Supplies Budget.
They provided our existing four (4) sets of Green Phosphor - NVIS devices and conducted initial ground and flight training for all unit pilots in 2008. Aviation Specialties Unlimited is the sole vendor of the latest technology white phosphor model NVIS which is a significant improvement on the green phosphor display currently in use.
... Frequently there are only three units available for use while one unit is cycled through maintenance and calibration with Aviation Specialties Unlimited. Additionally, despite regular servicing, all units are displaying normal signs of wear and tear that are likely to increase the chances of failure and reduce availability. The addition of four additional sets of white phosphor devices will ensure availability of NVIS devices to fully equip a primary patrol aircraft and also a secondary flight-crew should it be necessary to dispatch the second District aircraft in support or search and rescue missions.

Critique: This is not primarily for rescue. Poverty continues to increase. Many homeless try to find shelter in the natural places within these parks. In addition, soon the Uber vehicles will prevent certain people from being transported to certain parks. Some people may have pre-2008 automobiles which will still allow people to travel somewhat freely assuming they don’t have a personal surveillance device and thus may be able to escape unnoticed from the settlement zones (PDAs) to the PCAs. The cameras and night vision equipment will make sure you are logged-in.

From page 94 of the pdf:
t. Authorization to Pay Activation Fees to the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCSA) for Twenty-Seven Radio Units Utilized by the Fire Department (Anderson/McCormick)

from the report ...
The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the payment of $43,200 for activation fees for twenty-seven (27) Fire Department portable radios to the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCSA).
... The EBRCSA radio system is necessary as District Police and Fire personnel interact through voice communications on a daily basis with counterpart agencies, and rely on interagency communications as a safety and public service necessity for personnel in the field.

Critique: This EBRCSA JPA is a parallel agency to the Urban Area Security Initiative that has been funneling funds from the Federales and the State for the militarization of municipal police and county sheriff. As it’s name suggests, the EBRCSA handles mostly communication issues. The City of Oakland was recently forced to replace recently purchased radios for those necessary to communicate with the other police and sheriff forces so as to more easily put-down civil disobedience. It cost the residents of Oakland over $20 million even though the other radios were also recently purchased. Apparently the EBRPD has already equipped their police forces (yes, they have their own police) and now want to include their fire suppression group. Notice which they equipped first.
Added to the calendar on Sat, Dec 12, 2015 8:27PM
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