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Indybay Feature

Not my problem

by Ted Rudow III, MA (Tedr77 [at]
I suppose they have the same attitude the German church leader, Martin Niemoeller, had when Hitler began to persecute the Jews!--"Well, it's not my problem!
The Jews weren't any good to us anyway, so it's not bothering us, and since they're not our religion they deserve it!" But soon he himself was in prison also! As Niemoeller said, that if you stand by without protest when the rights of others are being violated, soon these same evil forces will be violating your own!

The U.S. with the Japanese, of rounding up into concentration camps as potentially dangerous enemies of the State and a threat to national security under the pretext of some national emergency. The is why so many fascist takeovers happen. This is why Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and many others came to power. The rich are clever and smart and the best educated and the most influential, and they know how to pull the strings and ropes and how to engineer things.

Ted Rudow III, MA
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