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Indybay Feature

Loose Associations: All In

by Sylvia Caras
Loose Associations: Tiny Homes in 18 Villages : A Framework

All In is a framework to end homelessness in Santa Cruz county and provide a model for other regions. As a framework, it provides a guiding goal and direction, an organizing principle, with details to be worked out by the people and agencies involved in its execution.
Loose Associations: All In

All In.
All sleepers, all organizations, every person, in.
All in or no deal.
All residents under a roof.
All residents with a door to shut.
All gain.
All together: proportional buy-in from every person, group, structure, system.
All sleepers, all organizations, neighborhoods, every person together to house all residents and provide desired supports.

Loose Associations: Tiny Homes in 18 Villages : A Framework

All In is a framework to end homelessness in Santa Cruz county and provide a model for other regions. As a framework, it provides a guiding goal and direction, an organizing principle, with details to be worked out by the people and agencies involved in its execution. The key elements of the framework are:

Distribute the responsibility for proving housing across jurisdictions.

Create one or more villages in each jurisdiction, responding to the unique needs of that community

Villages provide one house per person/family, following the tiny house design trend for green, sustainable, and affordable housing

Residents organize governance and upkeep of their village

Government and agencies work together to provide the tools needed for success: start-up and ongoing funding, social services, jobs.

Updates the message around homelessness. Emphasizes Santa Cruz’s innovative thinking, providing a high-technology, sustainable solution. And, because of our success, spread the concept to contiguous counties.

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by Sylvia Caras
I've known Robert and Linda for a long time and learned more about people who don't have stable housing at Occupy meetings and from Occupy attendees. I volunteered at a few Project Connect events. I went to the City of Santa Cruz Public Safety Task Force meetings. I joined the Smart Solutions to Homelessness Leadership Council. I attended the Strategic Planning meetings which developed the county 10 year plan to end homelessness. I read about Sanctuary Villages and Safe Parking and Warming Stations and watched videos and learned about the AFC's rotating shelter project. And I jotted down notes which, now that the Plan is approved and the PIT Census and Survey released, I felt compelled to share. Others have already been advocating parts of this, have worked out details and lobbied for support. This is what I've been thinking about. I am only wanting to start a conversation, and if there's traction, support others in moving forward.
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