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Indybay Feature

#BlackSpring Rally for Murdered Black Women and Girls & Black Futures Fest

by WTUL News and Views
News and Views speaks with Mwende Katwiwa about and upcoming #BlackSpring march uplifting the stories of black women, transgender women and girls that have suffered from structural, systemic, as well as overt violence doled out by various arms of the criminal justice system in communities around the country. We also spoke about the upcoming Black Futures Fest, which will celebrate the Black fantastic and will showcase the creative praxis of artists, writers, and cultural workers of color in New Orleans whose work engages around issues of Afrofuturism, Black science fiction, and the Black radical and speculative imagination—work exploring race, gender, class, social change, and the future of Black and Brown bodies and communities.
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News and Views speaks with Mwende Katwiwa about and upcoming #BlackSpring march uplifting the stories of black women, transgender women and girls that have suffered from structural, systemic, as well as overt violence doled out by various arms of the criminal justice system in communities around the country. We also spoke about the upcoming Black Futures Fest, which will celebrate the Black fantastic and will showcase the creative praxis of artists, writers, and cultural workers of color in New Orleans whose work engages around issues of Afrofuturism, Black science fiction, and the Black radical and speculative imagination—work exploring race, gender, class, social change, and the future of Black and Brown bodies and communities.
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