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Indybay Feature

MAY DAY #SHUTITDOWN! Flying Picket Against Clorox!

Friday, May 01, 2015
5:30 AM - 7:30 AM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Broadway and Telegraph ave. - Oakland - CA

MAY DAY #SHUTITDOWN! Flying Picket Against Clorox!

Facebook event:

We will rise early in the morning on May Day, gathering 5:30 AM at Broadway and Telegraph, to picket the Clorox company in response to:

1. Union Busting:
- The Clorox Headquarters is using Scab Carpenters -
There is a labor dispute at Clorox because the company is refusing to use the labor of the Carpenters Local 405.

- Worker led Clorox Factory Takeover in Venezuela -
In September Clorox illegally closed its factory locking out 475 workers leaving a voicemail stating 'we are leaving Venezuela, we deposited your liquidation package in your account ... The factory will not operate anymore'," The workers responded by occupying and reactivating the factory under the control of the workers.

2 . Gentrification and Colonialism
Clorox is funding the proposed Oakland Zoo non-union "California Trail" expansion on Knowland Park that would cut down 70+ trees, including a 600 year old heritage tree, and gentrifying the working class neighborhood and seizing Ohlone territory. Study's have shown that 75% of voters in Oakland oppose the the zoo expansion and now there is a community led direct action campaign to stop the development. The “Clorox Outdoor Over-night Experience” is part of the privatization of the most scenic and beautiful parks in Oakland and it must be stopped.

3. Racism:
Clorox recently tweeted a racially insensitive comment sparking controversy when they said "the new emojis are alright but where's the bleach. " in response to new I-phone emojis depicting black and brown people.

4. Animal Testing: Clorox has been practicing animal testing for years. Some of the methods that the Clorox Company uses include: dripping the ingredients and completed products onto the animals (in eyes and in lab made incisions), and ingredients and finished products are fed to the animals.

We demand that Clorox uses union labor and respects its workers, that they pull out of the Oakland Zoo's "California Trail" Development, that they financially support grassroots projects led by black and brown people from Oakland, and stop all animal testing in their facilities.

After the picket we will join other May Day #shutitdown activities!
so·cial strike [soh-shuh strahyk]
A mass strike with socio-political demands such as a living wage, clean water, or a city-wide rent freeze.
fly·ing pick·et [flahy-ing pik-it]
A picket traveling from place to place to support local pickets, where needed, during any strike; the purpose is to combat all forms of class betrayal or collaboration by preventing scabs from crossing picket lines.
Our Diversity of Tactics/Time or Space Agreement:
1. Our solidarity will be based on respect for a diversity of tactics and the plans of other affinity groups.
2. The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space.
3. Any debates or criticisms will stay internal to the movement, avoiding any public or media denunciations of fellow activists and events.
4. We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others.
Added to the calendar on Wed, Apr 29, 2015 3:09PM
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