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Indybay Feature

Protest US/Israel Invasion & Massacre of Gaza

Sunday, July 20, 2014
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Ferry Building, Embarcadero BART Station, SF

As Israel launches ground invasion of Palestine...
2 Important Upcoming Actions in SF

Sunday, July 20, 3pm
March for Palestine
Ferry Building, Embarcadero BART Station, SF
(Contact the Arab Organizing & Resource Center at 415-861-7444)
Visit the Facebook Page at


PROTEST: End Israel's War on the Palestinian People!

Date: July 26, 2014
Time: 1pm
Location: United Nations Plaza
Civic Center BART Station
San Francisco, California
Contact: ANSWER Coalition at answer [at] or 805-704-6401

On July 17th, the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the Israeli military has launched a ground invasion of Gaza. We have been in the streets every day in cities around the country. What is needed now is a massive march from Coast to Coast demanding an end to the genocide.

On July 16th, Israeli Defense Forces deliberately targeted a group of children playing soccer on a Gaza beach, killing four from the same family and maiming the others—another war crime committed against the Palestinian people.

Stop US Aid to the Apartheid State of Israel!
Free all Palestinian political prisoners!
End the collective punishment of Palestinians!
End colonial occupation of Palestine!
Stop the massacre in Gaza! End the blockade of Gaza!

Israel receives $4 billion in “aid” from the United States each year. This money is being used to commit war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza. We are demanding that all U.S aid to Israel be ended now! More than 200 people in Gaza have been killed and more than 1,500 have been wounded from Israeli bombs and missiles. This has to end!

July 26th is being co-sponsored by many organizations, contact the ANSWER Coalition for more info or to endorse: answer [at], 415-821-6545

Report on July 12 demonstration in San Francisco with pictures at and following text:
July 12 San Francisco March says
Fifteen hundred people, mainly youth and students, marched through San Francisco today in opposition to genocidal Israeli airstrikes and military action against the Palestinian people. In a dramatic action, a dozen ANSWER San Francisco youth entered the Westfield shopping center on Market Street as the march passed, and unfurled a giant Palestinian flag from the atrium.

From: (Middle East Children's Alliance)
San Francisco, CA: All out for Palestine!
July 20, 2014
As Israel begins a ground invasion of Palestine...
2 Important Upcoming Actions in SF
Sunday, July 20th, 3pm
March for Palestine
Ferry Building, Embarcadero BART Station, SF
Contact the Arab Organizing & Resource Center at 415-861-7444,
Facebook Page

Saturday, July 26th, 1pm
End Israel's War on the Palestinian People!
United Nations Plaza, Civic Center BART Station, SF
Contact the ANSWER Coalition at, 415-821-6545

Protest for Palestine!

Stop the Attack on Gaza Now!
End Israeli Apartheid!
Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel!
Support the Palestinian People's Struggle for Liberation!

Join us in San Francisco.

Within the past couple weeks the illegal, terrorist, and apartheid state of Israel and their military have killed over 170 Palestinian, and thousands have been injured as the Israeli government has bombed Gaza.

Join us as we demand and end to US aid to Israel, stand against the attacks on Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and occupied 1948 Palestine, and honor the over 230 martyrs of the last 10 days.

Flags, kuffiehs, signs, banners, and voices are all welcome!

List of sponsors and endorsers:
American Muslim for Palestine
A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition
Arab Cultural Center East Bay
Coalition for Palestinian Rights
Free Palestine Movement
Middle East Children's Alliance
PAC Bay Area
SF Women In Black
WE NEED EVERYONE, YOUNG AND OLD TO JOIN US TO REACH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WITH THE TRUTH. The capitalist press is just promoting lies on the garbage TV and everywhere else. It is our tax dollars that is being used to maximize profits of the oil companies and munitions makers in the Middle East, with Israel as the foot soldier for US imperialism. At the July 12 demonstration, we had lots of children in strollers as well as lots of old people with canes. We are all generations, all colors, all religions and no religion, joining together to protest genocide and the theft of our tax dollars. There are 7 million people in the 9 counties of the SF Bay Area, and 856,000 people in San Francisco. We can certainly do better than 1500, although that was an excellent turnout for a pro-Palestinian demonstration, and better than most recent demonstrations for peace and justice. Bring your chants, your signs, your flyers and most importantly, yourself, to vote with your feet for the Palestinian liberation struggle so that, as we chant, FROM THE RIVER, TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!
Added to the calendar on Thu, Jul 17, 2014 8:37PM
§Sunday: Community Funeral Procession For Palestine
by Funeral Procession For Palestine
San Francisco Ferry Building
Embarcadero and Market St.

Sunday, July 20
3:00 - 5:00 pm
San Francisco Ferry Building

Join AROC - AYO and others in a symbolic funeral procession to honor the Palestinian martyrs who were killed by the ongoing attacks by Israeli Occupation Forces on Gaza.

Within the past couple weeks the illegal, terrorist, and apartheid state of Israel and their military have killed over 170 Palestinian, and thousands have been injured as the Israeli government has bombed Gaza.

It is going to be a symbolic procession that are similar to the funeral processions that happen in the streets of Palestine for over 60+ years!

Religious and community leaders will be invited to give prayers to honor those who have passed as we mourn the ongoing killings and stand up against the attacks on Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and occupied 1948 Palestine.


The San Francisco Bay Area says no to Zionism!
Stop US Aid to the Apartheid State of Israel!
Free all our political prisoners!
Support the Palestinian people's struggle for liberation!

Flags, kuffiehs, signs, banners, and voices are all welcome!

List of sponsors and endorsers:
Pac bay area
Acc east bay
Free Palestine Movement
American Muslim for Palestine
Coalition for Palestinian rights
A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition


We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

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