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Counter-Protest the Walk for "Life" - Stand Up for Abortion Rights!

Saturday, January 25, 2014
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Powell & Market

In 2013, 22 states implemented 70 abortion restrictions, and over 80 abortion clinics were shut down across the country. It was a record year for the dismantling of women's reproductive rights.

2013 was also a year that saw some resistance emerge against the assault on abortion rights and the war on women. See The Progressive's "Top 5 Moments" of resistance at:

Thousands were involved in different ways in getting the message "Abortion On Demand and Without Apology" out far and wide in opposition to the continued and escalating assault on this basic right.

On Saturday January 25, the Walk for "Life" will be coming back to San Francisco to protest the right to abortion and to celebrate the recent success of the anti-abortion movement. They will march down Market Street, where lampposts currently sport the slogan "Abortion Hurts Women."

Stop Patriarchy is calling on everyone who refuse to sit idly by while women across the country are reduced to the role of mere breeders and forced into motherhood or criminalized if they choose otherwise, to STAND UP in uncompromising opposition to the Walk for "Life" West Coast at 1:30pm on Saturday, January 25, 2014.

If you would like to contribute in any way to making this a massive day of resistance against the escalating war on women, please contact Alex at 510-593-0319

More on the Walk for "Life" West Coast:

The Walk for "Life" West Coast is a mass mobilization of anti-abortion activists from around the country that will descend for the 10th time on San Francisco (what they refer to as "Sin City" and "Sodom") and fill the streets with their doctored photos of stillborns, dehumanizing polarization of women as either incubators or murderers, and all the messages of objectification, enslavement, shame, and condemnation that typifies this front of the War on Women. On January 25, 2014 this mob will go out in the style of the March for "Life" to protest the dwindling right to abortion in the US, and they will go completely unopposed unless we unite to RESIST.

And this anti-abortion movement truly has the system on their side. The war on women rages, and it is winning. To quote the article Abortion: Stigmatized and Endangered, Time for Massive, Uncompromising Struggle by Sunsara Taylor, writer for Revolution Newspaper and initiator of End Pornography & Patriarchy: The Enslavement & Degradation of Women:

"More than one in four poor women who seek abortions cannot afford one and end up burdened with a child against their will. Women who are able to scrounge up the money must run a gauntlet of extreme and medically unnecessary restrictions from mandatory waiting periods to parental notification laws to being forced to endure a probe inserted into their vaginas, and more. Today, 97% of rural counties do not have an abortion provider. And whole generations have grown up never having heard anyone speak of abortion as something positive and moral."

Women and men who are fed up with this dangerous dynamic need to SHOW UP on one coast or the other to say, actually ABORTION IS NOT MURDER, because FETUSES ARE NOT BABIES, and WOMEN ARE NOT INCUBATORS, or objects, or property, to strip of this basic right of controlling their own reproduction, their own futures, and their own lives.

And to the debilitated "pro choice" movement and the Democrats who are always talking about not taking abortion lightly, not using it as birth control, no late term abortions, only in the case of rape or incest or underage pregnancy, and so on, and so forth: The minute you accepted the terms of the right wing, you lost your credibility. Abortion is NOT even "justifiable" homicide.
It isn't homicide at all. Your context for the issue of abortion access should be the larger economic, political, and ideological war on women, and then your knee jerk reaction to the issue itself will never be to apologize for your position as your opening line! While they continue to apologize, women's lives are in peril!

Abortion just isn't murder! Contribute TODAY to planting a new pole -- mobilizing through a movement that is bold, unapologetic, and determined to win -- in any of many ways.

Abortion on Demand and Without Apology!
DEFEAT the War on Women!
Added to the calendar on Sat, Jan 11, 2014 4:49PM
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