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Emergency Actions-Stop The Secrecy Laws In Japan No More Nuclear Start-ups And Fukushima C

Wednesday, December 11, 2013
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Event Type:
No Nukes Action Committee
Location Details:
Japanese Consulate
50 Fremont St./Mission St.
San Francisco, CA

12/11 Emergency Actions-Stop The Secrecy Laws In Japan No More Nuclear Start-ups And Fukushima Cover-ups
Stop The Secrecy Laws In Japan!
No More Nuclear Start-ups And Fukushima Cover-ups!

All Out Wednesday December 11, 2013 3:00 PM
Japanese Consulate 50 Fremont St./Mission St.
San Francisco
West Coast And Hawaii Day Of Action At Japanese Consulates in Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Honolulu

Sponsored by No Nukes Action Committee

Bring your banners and posters "Stop The Abe Repressive Secrecy Laws And Attacks On Human And Democratic Rights In Japan"
No Restart Of Nuclear Power Plants In Japan
Evacuate The Children and People Of Fukushima Now!

The Japanese government and it's LDP prime minister Abe is seeking to push through a "Secrecy Law" that could be used to silence
not only people reporting on what is going on at Fukushima but even those who are trying to find out what is happening in Fukushima.
This is an open flagrant effort to silence anti-nuclear activists and human rights activists who are fighting to defend the children and people of Fukushima.
National newspapers in Japan and even the New York Times have opposed these repressive secrecy laws since they would also prevent the media from investigating and reporting not only on Fukushima but many other issues of critical importance to the public in Japan and around the world.
This is not just a Japanese issue but of great importance for the world. Already anti-nuclear activists such as Osaka Professor Shimoji have been jailed for leafleting against the burning of nuclear rubble.
A leader of the Liberal Democratic Party even accused protesters against the bill of being "terrorists". This fascistic type of law and
repressive attacks is a dangerous escalation of threats to free speech and human and democratic rights.
Fukushima, Nuclear Power and Repression With Osaka Professor Masaki Shimoji
LDP bigwig apologizes for 'terrorism' comment over protests against secrets bill

Please get your organization to endorse this rally and speak out against the secrecy laws and to stop the start-ups of the nuclear plants in Japan and around
the world.

For more information contact
call 510-495-5952 or nonukesactioncommittee(at)

The Japanese people need the support of the US people to help stop these reactionary laws and defend the people of Fukushima. Please Join This Action

Fukushima residents furious at lower house passage of contentious secrecy bill-They voiced fear that information related to the Fukushima nuclear disaster could be designated as "special secrets."
Fukushima residents furious at lower house passage of contentious secrecy bill

Women march through Tokyo's Ginza shopping street to protest against a state secrets protection bill on Nov. 26. (Mainichi)
FUKUSHIMA -- Residents here are angry over the ruling bloc's railroading of a highly controversial state secrets protection bill through the House of Representatives on the evening of Nov. 26 -- just one day after voicing strong opposition to the legislation at a public hearing.

At the lower house special committee's public hearing on the legislation held in Fukushima on Nov. 25, all of the seven local residents who were invited to state their opinions voiced opposition to or concerns about the government-sponsored secrecy bill. They voiced fear that information related to the Fukushima nuclear disaster could be designated as "special secrets." Their opinions, however, were not reflected in Diet deliberations. Therefore, they became infuriated at the quick-and-dirty passage of the bill through the lower house. One of the residents angrily said, "How far are they going to go in fooling us?"

Tamotsu Baba, mayor of Namie near the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, who had stated his opinion at the public hearing, said on Nov. 26, "I was surprised because the public hearing was held yesterday, and the bill was passed today. What was the public hearing for? What did I attend the public hearing for? I don't have the faintest idea." He then raised his voice and said, "That was too hasty. There should be much more discussion."

Mitsugi Araki, a lawyer who stated his opinion at the public hearing, also said furiously, "That trampled on the sentiments of the Fukushima people." He went on to say, "We were feeling that our opinions could be used as an excuse. But still, all of us spoke up with our utmost efforts. But our thoughts were ignored." However, the bill has not been enacted yet. Araki added, "I want legislators to discuss it carefully."

Saki Okawara, a 61-year-old resident of Miharu, said, "The public hearing was something like a sneak attack. Okawara went to the venue for the public hearing, but was not able to sit in on the hearing. Tickets to the hearing were distributed to political parties and many people who have no connections with political parties did not even know the public hearing had been planned, Okawara said. "Fukushima was nothing but one of the pieces leading up to the vote. Even if we raise our voice, it would never be heard. It is sad that politicians don't have any intention to accept our opinions," Okawara said.

Kazue Morizono, a 51-year-old housewife from Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, who could not sit in on the hearing, raised her voice and said, "I was sort of hoping that the frank opinions of the speakers would put on the brakes. But how far are they going to go and try to fool Fukushima?" She went on to say, "Because our relationship of trust with the government has crumbled this far, it would affect not only the bill but also every piece of reconstruction work."

Reiko Hachisuka, 61, who had served as a member of the Diet's investigation committee on the Fukushima nuclear disaster, said, "I hope information involving the lives of residents will not be made secret. The government must have learned lessons from the accident. I want the government to distinguish between information it needs to safeguard and information involving people's lives and handle such information in good faith."

Meanwhile, about 300 members of women's groups marched through the Ginza shopping street in central Tokyo to protest against the secrecy bill on Nov. 26. Members of women's groups from around the country took part in the rally proposed by writer Karin Amamiya. Carrying placards, some of which read: "What is secret?" and "That is secret," they shouted, "We will never tolerate forcible passage (of the bill)." The rally started after the bill was railroaded through the lower house special panel on security. Yuri Horie, president of the Japan Federation of Women's Organizations (Fudanren), said, "We must not allow for a repeat of the mistake that lead to the war with women's eyes, ears and mouths shut off."

A separate protest rally was also held near the Diet building in Tokyo's Nagatacho district until around 9 p.m. on Nov. 26. When protesters heard the news that the lower house plenary session had just passed the bill, they shouted, "No!" and "Kill the bill!"

November 27, 2013(Mainichi Japan)


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Added to the calendar on Tue, Dec 3, 2013 9:27PM
§Japan Mass Protest Against Nuclear Power
by No Nukes Action Committee
Despite mass protests of hundreds of thousands of people, the Japanese government is moving ahead with the restart of nuclear power plants and the export of nuclear power as well as repressive legislation to silence anti-nuclear activists and the media.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

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