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Scuttling Middle East Peace

by Stephen Lendman
Scuttling Middle East Peace

by Stephen Lendman

Washington abhors it. So does Israel. Policies assure measures to advance it fail. So-called Israeli/Palestinian peace talks are dead on arrival. They continue despite no chance for success.

Washington's war on Syria rages out-of-control. So-called US peace overtures ring hollow. American arms and munitions flow freely to insurgent invaders.

Efforts to normalize relations with Iran are rigged. They're manipulated to fail. Previous articles explained.

Iran's nuclear program is entirely legitimate. It has no military component. It's red herring cover for longstanding US/Israeli regime change plans. If Iran had no nuclear program, another pretext would be used.

France played bad cop in Geneva. Washington, Israel, its lobby, and overall Zionist influence bear full responsibility.

America wants unchallenged global dominance. It wants all independent governments eliminated. Israel's regional agenda is longstanding.

In 1982, Oded Yinon prepared "The Zionist Plan for the Middle East." The Association of Arab-American University Graduates called it "the most explicit, detailed and unambiguous statement to date of the Zionist strategy in the Middle East."

"Its importance...lies not in its historical value but in the nightmare which it represents."

It states for Israel to survive, it must dominate the region. It must become a world power.

Doing so requires balkanizing Arab nations along ethnic and sectarian lines. It involves making them Israeli satellites.

It's modeled after the Ottoman Empire's Millet system. Local authorities governed confessional communities with separate ethnic identities.

Israel wants all regional states weakened, fragmented, and reconfigured. Outspoken Israeli critic Israel Shahak (1933 - 2001) explained, saying:

Its "plan follows faithfully the geopolitical ideas current in Germany of 1890 - 1933, which were swallowed whole by Hitler and the Nazi movement, and determined their aims for East Europe."

A global alliance "prevented their consolidation." Yinon cited the "early stages of a new epoch. The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of (Israel) depend(s) upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs."

Achieving it requires securing its material needs through winnable resource wars. Divide and conquer is essential. According to Yinon:

"All the Arab States east of Israel are torn apart, broken up and riddled with inner conflicts even more than those of the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, and Western Sahara)."

Gulf states are "built upon a delicate house of sand in which there is only oil." Jordan is in reality Palestine. Amman is the same as Ramallah.

Other Muslim states are similar. Half of Iran's population is Persian speaking. Turkey is half Sunni Muslim. Shiite Alawis and Sunni Kurds comprise the rest.

Afghanistan includes Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks, Turkmen, and others. Pakistan is comprised of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Seraikis, Muhajirs, Balochs and others.

Israel exploits instability. "Today" said Yinon, "we suddenly face immense opportunities for transforming the situation thoroughly and this we must do in the coming decade. Otherwise we shall not survive as a state."

He called peacemaking a mistake. He said Egypt is inherently weak. He urged weakening it further. Doing so, he said, requires dividing it into distinct geographical regions.

He called Lebanese provinces an Arab world precedent. He urged dividing Syria into a Shiite Alawite coastal state, an Alleppo area Sunni one, another in Damascus, and one for the Druze.

At the time, he called Iraq Israel's greatest threat. He said the entire Arabian peninsula is vulnerable. Jordan, he believed, won't "continue to exist in its present structure."

He called for Palestinians to Jordan and "Jews to areas west of the river."

"Genuine coexistence and peace will reign over the land only when Arabs understand that without Jewish rule between Jordan and the sea they will have neither existence nor security."

He urged a greater Israel cleansed of Arabs. Otherwise, he said, "we shall cease to exist within any borders."

"Judea, Samaria and the Galilee are our sole guarantee for national existence."

"Rebalancing the country demographically, strategically and economically is the highest and most central aim today."

Israel has US backing, Yinon said. Its lobby exerts enormous influence. Israel operates freely "because the world wants to close its eyes." Western media offer full support.

Iran is Israel's main target today. Netanyahu exerted enormous pressure to scuttle last weekend's nuclear talks.

On November 10, he addressed the annual General Assembly of Jewish Federations of America. It was held in Jerusalem.

He was uncompromisingly hardline on Iran. He rallied North American Jews to support his anti-Iranian agenda.

He called the scuttled Iranian nuclear deal "bad and dangerous." He lied saying it threatens Israel's survival. He won't be silenced, he stressed.

He wants Iran's nuclear program entirely dismantled. He said nothing about Israel's formidable nuclear, chemical and biological weapons arsenal.

He wants tough sanctions maintained and stiffened. He lied about an Iranian threat. The Islamic Republic threatens no one.

"For decades we have been struggling mightily against a regime that calls for our destruction, and it pursues nuclear weapons in order to achieve our destruction," he claimed.

Geneva negotiations demanded major Iranian concessions. In return, temporary modest relief alone was offered. It's far less than what Iran deserves. Not according to Netanyahu. He lied again saying:

"Iran gets to keep tons of low enriched uranium, and they can take these centrifuges, which are not dismantled, in the halls, underground, which are not dismantled - using advanced centrifuges that they've already installed, some of them, that are not dismantled - and they can rush within a few weeks, maybe a couple of months, that's all, and create at the time of their choosing, the fissile material for a bomb."

"Iran does not give up any of that. It makes a minor concession that is meaningless in today's technology and in their current capacities."

"In other words, none of the demands of the Security Council resolutions, which the P5+1 powers passed are met. None of them! But what is given to them is the beginning of the rollback of sanctions."

"This means that the sanctions that took years to put in place are beginning to rollback with several billions of dollars of assets that are freed up."

"The automotive industry contracts that are central to Iran's economy are freed up. The petrochemical industry is freed up. Matters that involved gold and even petroleum revenues freed up some."

The deal is "dangerous because it keeps Iran as a nuclear threshold nation and it may very well bring about a situation where the sanctions are dissolved or collapsed."

"It's a bad and dangerous deal that deals with the thing that affects our survival. And when it comes to the question of Jewish survival and the survival of the Jewish state, I will not be silenced, ever. Not on my watch."

According to an unnamed senior US official, terms offered Iran were too tough. They were unacceptable. They were too much take and little give.

Freeing some Iranian assets alone was proposed. It was offered on a temporary basis. All other sanctions remain in place.

Industries Netanyahu mentioned remain targeted. Iran uses none of its fissile material for military purposes.

Tehran complies fully with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) provisions. Israel is a longstanding nuclear outlaw. It ignores virtually all international laws.

Netanyahu knows Iran's nuclear program is peaceful. It threatens no one. He lied claiming otherwise. He's like Obama. He's a serial liar. He menaces Jews and non-Jews alike.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif put a brave face on failure. At the same time, he said:

"It is a rule in the negotiations that (when) you haven't agreed on everything, you haven't agreed on anything." So-called progress short of resolution is none at all.

Geneva talks failed. On November 20, they'll resume. Things may be tougher, not easier.

Before talks began on November 7, an unnamed US official said the administration doesn't acknowledge Iran's "right" to enrich.

"The United States does not believe there is an inherent right to enrichment, and we have said that repeatedly to Iran," he stressed.

It might agree to permit it at a very low level under interim agreement terms. It demands tough overall constraints imposed. It wants what no government should accept.

President Rohani stressed Iran's "national interests." They're "our red line," he said. "Among those rights are nuclear rights within the framework of international law, including the right to enrich uranium on Iranian soil."

UK Foreign Minister William Hague hinted at what Iran can expect going forward. Talks are "formidably difficult," he said. "I can't say exactly when (they'll) conclude" or what may be accomplished.

Republican and Democrat Senate Banking Committee members intend to push for tougher sanctions. Legislation is being marked up for consideration.

In July, House members passed a similar measure. Longstanding US policy is militantly anti-Iranian.

Congressional members talk tough. Obama is duplicitous. His rhetoric is mixed. Occasional softer comments mask nearly five years of anti-Iranian hostility.

Nothing changed in Geneva. Expect business as usual ahead. Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Robert Menendez (D. NJ) want stiffer sanctions imposed.

"I think that the possibility of moving ahead with new sanctions, including wording it in such a way that if there is a deal that is acceptable that those sanctions could cease upon such a deal, is possible," he said.

"At the same time it's also an incentive to the Iranians to know what’s coming if you don’t strike a deal."

"So I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to move forward on a package that ultimately would send a very clear message where we intend to be if the Iranians don't strike a deal and stop their nuclear weapons program."

Menendez knows no such program exists. He lied claiming otherwise. Stiffer sanctions seem likely. Expect them.

Imposing them may entirely scuttle a possible deal. Washington wants confrontation. It wants regional instability.

It deplores conflict resolution. It bears repeating. It wants pro-Western puppet governance replacing sovereign Iranian independence.

Iran's legitimate nuclear program is red herring cover toward achieving it. What's ahead remains to be seen.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen [at]

His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity."

Visit his blog site at

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Here's the relevant text of Rep. Trent Franks' virtual AUMF Bill, HR3292, which along with growing support of his neocon warmonger nut-jobs would push toward nuclear war in the Middle East.


(a) Declaration of Policy- Congress declares that the United States
is wholly capable, willing, and ready to use military force to prevent
Iran from obtaining or developing a nuclear weapons capability.

(b) Congressional Consent-

(1) IN GENERAL- To maximize the Administration's diplomatic
leverage to achieve, consistent with the national security interests of
the United States and its allies and partners, a negotiated settlement
with the Government of Iran regarding Iran's nuclear weapons program,
and consistent with the President's authority under article II, section 2
of the Constitution and pursuant to the War Powers Resolution (50
U.S.C. 1541 et seq.), at such time when the President determines that--

(A) Iran is using the cover of diplomacy to
continue advancing its nuclear program to acquire a nuclear weapons

(B) diplomatic efforts have failed
to mitigate Iran's nuclear enrichment program in documented, inspected,
and verifiable ways, or

(C) Iran poses a threat to the national security interests of the United States and its allies and partners,

Congress hereby acknowledges that this Act constitutes current
consultation with the President on Iran in order to provide for swift
application of all options to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear
weapons capability and provides consent to the necessary and appropriate
USE OF FORCE against legitimate targets in Iran to achieve the
objectives described in paragraph (2).

(2) OBJECTIVES DESCRIBED- The objectives referred to in paragraph (1) are the following:

(A) Uphold and implement all relevant United Nations
Security Council resolutions regarding Iran's nuclear program.

(B) Deter Iran's development of nuclear weapons in order to
protect the national security interests of the United States and to
protect United States allies and partners against the development and
transfer of such weapons to rogue regimes and non-state actors.

(C) Degrade Iran's capacity to develop such weapons in the future.

I urge all sane Americans NOT to take this insanity lightly!

Best luck and love to the fast expanding 'Occupy the Empire'
educational and non-violent revolutionary movement against this
deceitful and Disguised Global EMPIRE, which can't so easily be identified as wearing Red Coats, Red Stars, nor funny looking **** helmets ---- quite

Liberty, democracy, justice, and equality
Violent ('Vichy' disguised dual-party)

Alan MacDonald
Sanford, Maine

We don't merely have a gun/fear problem, or an MIC problem, or an
'Austerity' problem, or an expanding wars problem, or a 'drone
assassinations' problem, or a vast income & wealth inequality
problem, or a Wall Street 'looting' problem, or a Global Warming and
environmental death-spiral problem, or a domestic tyranny FISA, NDAA,
and NSA SPYING problem, or the world's largest political prisoner problem,
or a coming STARVATION problem, or, or, or ... ad nauseam --- we have a
hidden VEMPIRE cancerous tumor which is the prime CAUSE of all these
underlying, related, and merely 'symptom problems'
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