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Indybay Feature

Earth Day Action for Environmental and Climate Justice

Monday, April 22, 2013
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
U.S. EPA Region IX Office
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA


Join Idle No More, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, Communities for a Better Environment, and over 60 other environmental and climate justice groups on Earth Day as we gather at the San Francisco office of the EPA to make them listen to communities hardest hit by fossil fuel and toxic industries. We will demand the EPA do their job and protect our climate, health & communities, not polluters--and senior EPA officials will be there to listen.

>From the EPA, we'll march to the State Department at One Market Plaza. In addition to Earth Day, it's also the last day for public comment on the Keystone XL Pipeline’s Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), written in part by a TransCanada (pipeline company) consultant. We'll give them our comments loud and clear, just in case they don’t hear the hundreds of thousands of comments being emailed or the outrage of people forced from their from their homes by the Arkansas oil pipeline spill.

All actions will be peaceful and non-violent.

MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2013
12 noon: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 75 Hawthorne St., SF (between 2nd/3rd & Howard/Folsom St, near Montgomery BART/MUNI)
1:45pm: March to State Department: NO KEYSTONE XL!
2:15pm: State Department, One Market Plaza

Earth Day Coalition

Keystone XL Nonviolent Direct Action
NextStepAction2013 [at]

Participating Organizations:
350 Bay Area, Amazon Watch, American Indian Movement West, ANSWER Coalition-Bay Area, Arc Ecology, Asamblea de Poder Popular de Gonzales, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Bay Area Environmental Health Collaborative, Bay Localize, Bay Native Circle, Breast Cancer Action, California Indian Environmental Alliance, Californians for Pesticide Reform, Center for Environmental Health, Central California Environmental Justice Network, Center for Biological Diversity, Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment, Chevron Watch, Chinese Progressive Association, Communities for a Better Environment, Community Food and Justice Coalition, EBASE (East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy), El Pueblo Para El Aire y Agua Limpio/People for Clean Air & Water of Kettleman City, Environmental Justice Air Quality Coalition, Environment California, Equal Justice Society, FACES (Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity), Fresno Brown Berets, Friends of the Earth, Gathering Tribes, Gila River Alliance for a Clean Environment, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, Global Community Monitor, Global Exchange, Grayson Neighborhood Council, Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice, Healthy 880 Communities, Huntersview Mothers & Fathers Committee for Health & Environmental Justice, Indigenous Environmental Network, International Forum on Globalization, MAPA (Mexican American Political Association), Movement Generation, No Nukes Action, Occupy Oakland Environmental Justice Committee, Occupy San Francisco Environmental Justice Work Group, PODER, Rainforest Action Network, Richmond Progressive Alliance, SF-Bay Area Chapter, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Rising Tide, San Francisco Green Party, Sierra Club, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, SSP&RIT (Sacred Site Protection & Rights of Indigenous Tribes), The Ruckus Society, Tri-Valley CAREs, United Native Americans, Valley Improvement Project, Wild Equity Institute, West Berkeley Alliance for Clean Air & Safe Jobs, West County Toxics Coalition West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project, Workers & Students United, Youth in Action, Youth United for Community Action

Please comment on Keystone XL at:

Added to the calendar on Wed, Mar 20, 2013 6:00PM

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First, I'm glad to see the support for this but we need to go further. I'm a 60's child growing up in Bezerkeley where if a simple boycott could have stop the War in Viet Nam like Stop Driving (org) Global Warming, it would have been done. We always in Amerikkklan lie to ourselves that it is not me it's the oil companies and the corrupt politicians (Obombma Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Yemen) while we keep driving we call this the cake and it crew or hypocrites. We need to get out of our cars and support the Indigenous non-movement on 9-11 (Inside Job) and stop driving for four days. If we cannot show that we can get out of our cars then we are just pissing in the wind and the KKKorporate oligarchy are just going to continue.
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