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constitutional showdown between the president and the judiciary: Hedges v. Obama

by wexit
Obama has taken extraordinary steps to retain the power to arrest and imprison American citizens without evidence or trial, "freezing" a recent court injunction against "Homeland Battlefield" provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Pulitzer-winning journalist Chris Hedges' lawsuit claims that the power of indefinite detention stifles his right to free speech by making him fearful that communicating with people on both sides of a military conflict might cause his imprisonment. Click on the link below for the full story.

Attorney Carl Mayer charges "the Obama administration is doubling down in their effort to chill civil liberties, reporter activities and activists in the United States by hyper aggressively trying to overturn an opinion by a federal judge."

The battle resumes with a full appeal hearing before the Second Circuit scheduled for September 28. The outcome of this case has critical implications for all of us, and our work to STOP the crimes of this government.

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