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Animal Liberation Front Visits Scott Dean’s D&S Fox Farm in Elkton, Va.

by via Animal Liberation Front
On the night of August 5, the Animal Liberation Front visited the only known fur farm in the state of Virginia, Scott Dean’s D&S Fox Farm in Elkton.
Animal Liberation Front - Press Release

Monday - August 6, 2012 1:00 PM ET USA

On the night of August 5, the Animal Liberation Front visited the only known fur farm in the state of Virginia, Scott Dean’s D&S Fox Farm in Elkton. We opened every one of the few cages at D&S, giving thirteen beautiful foxes a chance at new lives in the nearby Shenandoah National Park. As we watched a few of them immediately scurry off to freedom, we damaged the machinery that allows Dean to continue his day-to-day operation confining and torturing these sensitive creatures. Dean, it appears that this is a hobby providing you only supplementary income – it is our commitment to free your prisoners and cost you more than you make until you shut down.

To those nationwide who also seek justice for the innocent, your nearest fur farm is at most a state away. Take action for the animals.

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