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Egyptian President Morsi orders dissolved parliament to resume work

by Kerry Lauerman
Egypt’s newly elected President Mohamed Morsi has ordered the country’s dissolved parliament to resume work.
Egypt’s newly elected President Mohamed Morsi has ordered the country’s dissolved parliament to resume work.

"President Morsi issued a presidential decree setting aside the ruling made June 15, 2012, to dissolve the People's Assembly and invited the Chamber to reconvene and to exercise its prerogatives," said MENA.

The Egyptian president also called for holding new parliamentary elections within 60 days of the ratification of the new constitution for the state.

Mursi's decision means the return of legislative power to parliament after it being temporarily in the hands of the military council.

Therefore, Egypt’s military council held an emergency meeting on Sunday to discuss a presidential decree ordering the dissolved parliament to reconvene, MENA reported.

"The generals met to “study and discuss the repercussions of President Mohamed Morsi’s decision to reconvene parliament."

It is worth mentioning that last month, Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court ordered the dissolution of the parliament, ruling that one third of the parliamentary seats were illegitimate. Hence, Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, head of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces, officially confirmed the constitutional court’s decision to dissolve the assembly.

Meanwhile, Morsi will visit Saudi Arabia July 11, his first foreign visit since being elected as the head of the state, reported MENA. During his visit, Morsi will hold talks with King Abdullah Ben Abdul Aziz on ways to strengthen relations between the two countries, the Saudi ambassador to Cairo, Ahmad al-Qattan, said Saturday.

Moreover,the U.S. President Barack Obama has invited Morsi to visit the United States in September, the announcement came in Cairo Sunday after president Morsi wound up talks with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns.

In related news, U.S. Secretary of State said in a statement that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit Egypt on July 14 to negotiate with Morsi, and then she will head to Israel to seek efforts of the peace process in the Middle East.

In my opinion, it seems that if Morsi did not co-ordinate with the military council so as to return the Egyptian assembly, which is led by Muslim Brotherhood, then we should expect the possibility of military coup soon. The other point, that Morsi, with his new decision, is starting a war with the Egyptian Judiciary that was respected by all previous presidents since the revolution in July of 1952.

It seems that,we are going to be hearing a lot of news from Egypt relating to troubles between Morsi and the military council.

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