Murder at Kent State: 40-Year Coverup Exposed
Oscar Grant Committee
Against Police Brutality and State Repression
Murder at Kent State:
40-Year Coverup Exposed
Over 40 years ago, on May 4, 1970, National Guardsmen opened fire on unarmed students at Kent State University in Ohio who were protesting the escalation of the Vietnam war. Many students were injured and 4 were killed. Several high-level government commissions held investigations and absolved the Guard, its commanders, and the FBI of all wrongdoing. Now new forensic evidence has emerged that explodes this coverup.
Speakers Include:
Mickey Huff - KPFA Morning Mix show host, Professor at Diablo Valley College, Director of Project Censored and expert on the history of the Kent State massacre.
Laurel Krause - Sister of Allison Krause, one of the students slain at Kent State, and founder of the Kent State Truth Tribunal
A representative of the Oscar Grant Committee will speak on the lesser-known murder of 2 Black students at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi just 10 days after the Kent State killings.
Tuesday, June 26, 2011 7:00 PM
Niebyl-Proctor Library
6501 Telegraph Avenue
(near Alcatraz Avenue)
in (North) Oakland)
For more info, call 925-798-3698.
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