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Eric Cantor Engineered House Vote To Allow Hunting In Our National Parks

by S shriver
see below

Eric Cantor engineered the House vote to allow hunting in national parks, endangering of course the animals who have been historically protected by the US Government ever since Teddy Roosevelt after slaughtering a mother bear agreed to adopt
her orphaned cub who wandered into the hunting camp. That was
the origin of 'teddy bear'. Roosevelt is remembered not for the hundreds of bears he slaughtered (some of whose skins still adorn the walls of his home) but for the one cub on whom he had compassion. In addition this action if passed by the Senate and signed by the president would
endanger the human children and adults who visit the park.
Hunters often trip over fences or fall in the mud, discharging their lethal weapons. When drunk or angry they often shoot fellow hunters. Hunting for sport is forbidden in Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism. Jesus threw the butchers out of the temple. They were the same men who were the moneychangers, selling the innocent mammals and birds for sacrifice.

Co-Chair: Sen. Jon Tester (MT) Co-Chair: Sen. John Thune (SD) Co-Chair: Rep. Jeff Miller (FL) Co-Chair: Rep. Mike Ross (AR)
Vice-Chair: Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) Vice-Chair: Rep. Robert Latta (R-OH)
Vice-Chair: Sen. James Risch (R-ID) Vice-Chair: Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC)
Sen. Jeff Sessions
Sen. Richard Shelby
Rep. Robert Aderholt
Rep. Spencer Bachus
Rep. Jo Bonner
Rep. Mo Brooks
Rep. Martha Roby
Rep. Mike Rogers
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Sen. John McCain
Rep. Paul Gosar
Rep. Ed Pastor
Sen. John Boozman
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Rep. Tim Griffin
Rep. Mike Ross
Rep. Steve Womack
Rep. Joe Baca
Rep. Brian Bilbray
Rep. Ken Calvert
Rep. Dennis Cardoza
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Rep. John Mica
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North Dakota
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by Post traumatic stress
Now where will I go and others like me looking for quiet safe sanctuary? I have post traumatic stress..i would go to parks for quiet ..away from the urban sounds of fighting...and I'm sure many soldiers returning from war do too...the ONE place every citizen should be able to go and feel safe from gunfire is to a national park any park....not any more if these IDIOTS have their way. It will cost Govmt more to protect these lands from lawbreaking hunters as well..if no one is allowed to shoot it makes it simpler to manage land use....a handful of out of touch elected citizens are taking away the small amount of land left for quiet sanctuary and safety from our children and stressed out where will they go? At a minimum a family, a citizen ,our children should be able to expect to go to our parks and not worry about getting SHOT or hear it!!! Hunters have millions of acres available to them already they DON'T need our PARKS Too.
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