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"Move Your Money Rally" Audio Report: 99% Spring from Bank of America event 4-28-12

by Brad (brad [at]
this is a Radio Interview from a protester at the BOA demo
check for 8 minute audio WAV file
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This is a 8 minute call in phone interview with someone who was at this event , check for audio clip.

Who:99% Spring Action
what: had a 'Move YOUR MONEY' action

Where : At the Bank of America branch at 3614 Mchenry ave here in Modesto!

Why: banks may own the Congress, but not the people. Help show the mega banks that we won't sit quietly while they ruin people's lives and the country.

Come to Bank of America and move YOUR MONEY.

Mega banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase and Citibank have wreaked our country with there Reckless lending, and financial tricks to make fat cats richer.
They have committed criminal fraud like robo signing home foreclosures.

They took trillions in our taxpayer bailouts,

then refused to make loans while giving bankers fat bonuses.

the 99% and Move Your Money and your company's money !

at the Bank of America branch at 3614 McHenry Ave. in Modesto.

Saturday April 28th From 11am to 1pm

You can help people,,, move YOUR money to credit unions and community banks.

Protest Signs provided. Sponsored by the 99% Spring Action Committee.

Contact: Steve 449-4861or steviefender [at]
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