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IndyRadio Broadcasts The Shortwave Report and Remix

How the world views us, received via shortwave by Dan Roberts off the grid in Northern California and rebroadcast via IndyRadio. This week's remix for Friday the 13th, April 13, 2012 starts at 8:00am Pacific GMT -7 and repeats every 2 hours. Get the details, and tune in.

The Shortwave Remix on  includes the most recent 4 programs from Dan Roberts' Shortwave Report. Get the playlist optimized for Windows! -- get the playlist optimized for Apple iTunes!


We also have NEW programs from  Rustbelt Radio and  This Is Hell

Yet another Shortwave Remix! 2 hours of Ambient and Psychill from GayaTree becomes the background for the most recent 4 programs from Dan Roberts. You can find GayaTree on Soundcloud. Spiral Galaxies of My Mind is the mix used here. Each program starts with the launch sequence of Apollo 11 - an old favorite from the Rave era -:)

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Programs notes are from Dan Roberts at



This weeks show features stories from the Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

From SPAIN   In Tunisia, the forerunner of the so-called "Arab Spring," protestors are being beaten and not allowed to assemble. The new Spanish government is enacting strict laws to limit protests and place criminal charges on organizers. Greece has announced General elections on May 6th, the first since the debt crisis began. Iran says that it can survive for years without exporting its oil, and has ceased supplying Spain in advance of the EU sanctions.

From CUBA  Iran will not allow any preconditions to the nuclear talks with the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council scheduled for this weekend. The Syrian Foreign Minister accused Turkey of arming and assisting the opposition rebels. French Presidential candidate Hollande says he will renegotiate the new European Treaty and withdraw troops from Afghanistan. A Viewpoint on the 10th anniversary of a US-supported failed coup against Hugo Chavez. Representatives from American indigenous peoples gathered in Colombia to defend their rights and promote dialogue with their states.

From RUSSIA   This year marks the 40th anniversary of America's War on Drugs- a recap of the ineffectiveness of the operation and a preview of what Latin American leaders intend to tell President Obama at this weekend's Summit of the Americas in Colombia.

From GERMANY   As life expectancy surges in Europe, the age of retirement for workers has been raised and will continue to do so.

From JAPAN   An Insight on the growing opposition to nuclear power plants in China. China has 15 nuclear plants built and is working on 26 more.

"We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it means danger, revolution, anarchy." -- Henry Miller



This weeks show features stories from the Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

From SPAIN   Spain has proposed radical austerity measures in the face of massive demonstrations last weekend- nearly a million people took over the streets of both Barcelona and Madrid. The Colombian rebel group FARC has released 10 hostages they have held for more than a decade.

From GERMANY  This past week there has been a push to expand the 1999 international campaign to cease the use and manufacture of land mines. 80% of nations have signed the treaty, though Russia, China, and the US refuse to accept the terms.

From CUBA   A report on the upcoming Presidential election in Mexico, to be held on July 1st. Voting in the French Presidential election begins on April 22, and leading opposition candidate Francois Hollande has described his plan if elected. Nobel prize winning novelist Gunter Grass criticized Israel's policy against Iran in an infamous new poem. The Syrian government criticized the Friends of Syria conference held last weekend.

From RUSSIA   The BBC is airing an interview this week with "Curveball," an Iraqi defector who lied about mobile biological laboratories- Colin Powell repeated these lies to ensure the invasion of Iraq.

From JAPAN  North Korea says that the US and all other countries are invited to inspect the satellite launch scheduled for April 11. More waste water contaminated with strontium has leaked from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, further contaminating the Pacific Ocean. An Insight on the increase in Tibetan suicides done in protest of China's heavy handed control over the Tibetan people.



This weeks show features stories from the Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

From RUSSIA   A year ago there appeared top be a triumph of democracy in Libya, with significant assistance from months of NATO bombings. Today the country is seriously divided and many are accusing the West of abandonment.

From SPAIN  Kofi Annan announced that the Syrian government accepted the UN peace proposal for a ceasefire, but the Syrian opposition rejected it. Amnesty International reported a serious increase in the number of executions by governments last year. Israel has cut working relations with the United Nations Human Rights Council and has banned the organization from investigations within Israel. There was a 2-day summit in South Korea on global nuclear security with some talk of reducing nuclear arsenals.

From JAPAN   It has been revealed that the radiation levels are extremely high in one of the reactors at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. 53 of 54 nuclear reactors are now shut down in Japan. The Japanese Nuclear Safety agency wants a reassessment of all earthquake fault lines off the coast of Japan. Fishermen north of Fukushima prefecture are banned from catching sea bass as the radioactive contamination spreads. Fishermen are demanding research into the levels of radioactive contamination in the 20 km zone where fishing has been banned since the accident.

From CUBA  A Viewpoint on the US government's continual listing of Cuba as a nation that sponsors terrorists. A retired US Brigadier General has urged the US to drop Cuba from the list.

From GERMANY  World Water Day was observed last week with a summit in France. Here is a report about the declaration of the right to clean water and how it is being implemented in several regions of the world.


"Soviet-style communism failed, not because it was intrinsically evil, but because it was flawed. It allowed too few people to usurp too much power. Twenty-first century market capitalism, American-style, will fail for the same reasons. Both are edifices constructed by human intelligence, undone by human nature."
--Arundhati Roy



From SPAIN  First, a press review from El Pais on the state of culture in an economic crisis. On the 9th anniversary of the start of the US invasion of Iraq, there were more than 30 bomb attacks across the country. Russia and the Red Cross are pushing for daily ceasefires in Syria while Saudi Arabia began delivering more military equipment to the rebel forces- Human Rights Watch accused rebels of human rights abuses. Amnesty International says that NATO has failed to investigate the civilian deaths its bombing raids in Libya caused.

From CUBA  The Syrian Foreign Minister denounced the foreign government support given to rebels in the country. Chilean student protests have extended around the country. Argentinian President Fernandez wants South America to unite to demilitarize the South Atlantic zone and defend natural resources of the region. Bolivian President Morales has threatened to close the US Embassy if espionage and interference continues.

From JAPAN The US is planning a major military shift out of Japan. Japan's Defense Ministry is considering using missiles against a N Korean satellite launch next month. An Insight segment on the rethinking of Japanese reliance on nuclear energy. The British government is lifting restrictions on the export of sheep meat, which have been in place since the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

From CHINA  In defense of its economic practices, China points out that it is the second largest importer of goods, and that it will soon be the largest. The Afghan government is renewing its offer of holding talks with the Taliban. A five year research project in China shows that traditional Chinese medicine has proven to be a cost-efficient HIV/AIDS treatment.

From RUSSIA  The US is fast tracking research into cyber-weapons, including using radio waves to infiltrate computer systems which are isolated from networks.

"Those who do not move, do not notice their chains."
--Rosa Luxemberg



From CHINA   Japan held memorials last Sunday, the first anniversary of the Fukushima tragedy. The Islamic jihad in Gaza is claiming victory in the now ended battle with Israel that saw 25 Palestinians killed. China is saying that it is not engaged in trade protectionism over its restricted sales of rare earth minerals.

From JAPAN  Japan, the US, and the EU will file complaints with the WTO over China's rare earth sales. The IAEA is concerned about the safety of all nuclear power plants over 20 years old. Prime Minister Noda wants to begin restarting Japan's nuclear power plants, but public sentiment is strongly opposed. Radiation levels at the Fukushima power plants are still too high for workers to inspect or repair. Next month Japan will enforce tougher limits on radiation present in food products.

From CUBA  Afghan students staged protests after an American soldier murdered 16 civilians and burned many of the bodies. More than 3/4's of Brits polled believe a victory in Afghanistan is impossible, and 55% want an immediate withdrawal of troops. The US is investigating the Afghan Air Force for transporting drugs and weapons. Argentina has formally declared that the Malvina Islands are theirs and not what the British claim as the Falklands. Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere in the country for a full decade before a review.

From SPAIN  Spanish researchers have shown the effectiveness of a molecule found in common Spanish forests for treating cancer. Bolivian President Morales wants to decriminalize the coca leaf. The European Parliament wants women to occupy 40% of the seats in boards of companies. Then three press reviews about popular protests in Spain.

From GERMANY  The new government of Spain is rapidly changing labor laws and meeting huge popular resistance- a massive strike is scheduled for the end of March.

"The capacity to combine commitment with skepticism is essential to democracy."
--Mary Catherine Bateson



From CHINA  China has lowered its GDP goal for this year, the lowest since 2005. A Chinese Army General suggests that the country should not give up on asserting itself in Asia. Tribal and political leaders in eastern Libya have declared the region autonomous. China has reiterated its views on the Syrian issue. Russia accused Libya of training Syrian rebels to overthrow Assad. China's President congratulated Vladimir Putin on his Presidential victory in Russia.

From SPAIN  First a press review on Putin's election as President of Russia. Then an analysis of the fairness of the election, Putin's viewpoint on the West, where his support comes from.

From JAPAN  Russian police detained 600 citizens protesting Putin's Presidential election. 4 solar power plants are to be built by a Japanese mobile phone carrier. A group of shareholders is suing TEPCO executives for $68 billion for damages over the Fukushima nuclear disaster. At the one year anniversary of the Fukushima catastrophe the Japanese government is planning public relations to silence overseas rumors about radiation contamination.

From Germany  A report on the lessons learned from Fukushima, focusing on how European nations have reacted to the radiation release and changed the course on their own nuclear development.

From CUBA In Santiago de Chile, workers went to strike to join the citizens protesting energy development in Patagonia. Peru and Colombia have agreed to speed up the elimination of anti-personnel mines in their region. Drug cartel violence in Mexico has caused the forced movement of people in at least 10 states. Central American leaders are meeting in Honduras and discussing the decriminalization of drugs to counter cartel violence. The White House moved the upcoming G-8 summit from Chicago to Camp David to avoid huge protests planned for May.




Brainwash from other parts of the world is different enough from our own that by lining up these reports together, you might derive a suggestion of the truth.

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