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Kill The Canal - New SWN Video

by Dan Bacher
It seems that Governor Jerry Brown is intent on making the peripheral canal a reality."It won't surprise you that Salmon Water Now, and many other groups concerned about the fiscal and environmental health of California, think building a canal or tunnel isn't such a great idea," said Bruce Tokars of Salmon Water Now. "We think it is important that people understand what is going on, who it benefits, and what it means if it gets built. So to help focus debate on the subject we offer a three-minute video, Kill the Canal. The information about the video is below."

As is always the case, sharing and embedding is encouraged. Please, join us in making some noise about this important subject.

Watch Kill the Canal here:

Photo: In his State of the State address, Governor Jerry Brown went out of his way to promote the construction of the peripheral canal to export more water to corporate agribusiness and southern California. Brown is continuing the abysmal environmental policies of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on the peripheral canal and the privately funded Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative to create so-called "marine protected areas." Photo by the Governor's Office.
Kill the Canal (3:11)

The march to build a system to move massive amounts of water around the Delta continues. The goal is to build a “peripheral canal” (also referred to as a tunnel or conveyance) so that fresh water will be available to meet the seemingly never-ending needs of big agriculture and Southern California real estate interests.

Governor Jerry Brown, in his recent State of the State address, seemed to go out of his way to justify building a peripheral canal. He emphasized his commitment to fast-tracking its construction.

The Governor even personalized the pitch by saying that “this is something my father worked on and then I worked on—decades ago. We know more now and are committed to the dual goals of restoring the Delta ecosystem and ensuring a reliable water supply.”

Dan Bacher, who has been reporting on water, fish, and ecosystem issues for years, pointed out in a recent story that “ironically, the theme of (Brown’s) speech was "California on the Mend.” Delta advocates oppose the construction of the peripheral canal because it will, among other things, lead to the extinction of Central Valley fish species including Sacramento River Chinook salmon and many others.

Salmon Water Now agrees with Bacher that the canal won't “mend” imperiled Central Valley salmon and Delta fish populations. It is very hard to see how it would not exacerbate the ecosystem collapse caused by record water exports from the Delta in recent years.

But those pushing for ever more amounts of water want what they want.

Kill the Canal, a new video from Salmon Water Now, is a three-minute look at the canal and what we believe are very good reasons to stop it from being built.

The canal would be a massively expensive construction project at a time when California is suffering from huge budget problems. It does not seem that the current plans will help the Delta or help the people and communities who depend on having healthy runs of wild salmon. But it will help the Westlands Water District, billionaire “farmer” Stewart Resnick, and plenty of real estate developers. If they get their way, they’ll be very happy.

A little sarcasm never hurts.

Salmon Water Now is one of many voices that would like to put the brakes on the march to build a peripheral canal. We’d like to see a spirited discussion about this issue and there is plenty to talk about. We encourage the sharing of our Kill the Canal video as a way to stimulate a lively debate.

Watch Kill the Canal here:


Bruce Tokars
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by Unity Jack
Solar Energy pipeline from the Ocean to the Irrigation Agricultural Organic Commune, can do it all. Save the planet Re-tool to solar power by putting suction into the Ocean and taking salt water and pumping it through a saline plant, then into a fresh water pipeline completely lined by solar panels into the Irrigation area can supply all the fresh water needed for the salmon and the organic agricultural organic community. That way the rivers could become home to the fish and no exploitation of their habitat would be allowed. Workers of the world, unite!! You yet have a world to win!!
by Beeline
There is already a peripheral system of sorts called the Yolo and Sutter bypasses. They could serve as surrogate secondary flood plains in which young salmon would grow faster and retain more fat and energy for their trip back out to sea, like they used to when the Sacramento River was still a real river. These areas would have to be flooded for about 60 days. I don't think that more technology is the answer because technology is what caused the problems in the first place.

All ecosystems have limitations. And in California most all of its natural ecosystems have been violated if not totally erased. It has been a vicious cycle of destroying wildlands for grazing and agriculture and in turn destroying these for urban development. The peripheral canal is an attempt to cure a symptom of a sick system of management. We should insist that the state deal with the cause and not just the symptoms.

More people should also heed the words of our Native American prophets and medicine people. This is the last year of the Mayan calendar and we sit on the razors edge of survival. We will not have many more chances if any to get it right. Government has been operating on the letter of the law far too long- We must renew the spirit of the law and recognize that the earth deserves to be treated as an equal. Do something good and positive for Grandmother Earth and she will have a vested interest in keeping you around longer. Do the opposite and perish.
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