Santa Cruz IMC
Santa Cruz IMC
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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Occupy Santa Cruz: General Assembly

Saturday, October 08, 2011
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
occupy santa cruz
Location Details:
Santa Cruz County Courthouse
On the steps facing Water Street

We will gather and discuss a number of pressing issues relating to the occupation. Last night, 12 Sheriff Deputies came and threatened arrest of anyone with camping equipment. We will discuss moving location, dealing with police encounters, and hear proposals from the different working groups. Please come and bring your ideas, excitement, and friends!
Added to the calendar on Sat, Oct 8, 2011 11:58AM
§Recap of October 8th General Assembly
by via Occupy Santa Cruz
Esta mensaje se repite en español.

Approximately 100 people appeared at today’s GA at the Water Street entrance to the courthouse which started at 4:00pm, so the entire meeting lasted in the daylight!

Here are the main points from today’s GA (in chronological order):

-The Philosophy & Strategy work group will post (and we’ll get on this website as soon as it is available) the updated nonviolence statement to be discussed at the next GA, which is tomorrow, Sunday October 9th at 2:00pm at the courthouse. Weekday GA’s will be held at 6:00pm at the location, which remains undetermined.

-Three new working groups! The Process group will work to make GA’s and consensus more efficient and streamlined, and will meet one hour before a GA (tomorrow at 1:00pm). The Treasury group will work to handle any monetary donations received, they will hold applications that any working group or person can fill requesting how the money is spent which will then be brought to a GA for a consensus. The No-name group will deal with communication within Occupy Santa Cruz (such as work groups) as well as have access to information about OSC and the resources to fill in for a group when it is lacking representation.

-A consensus was made that for tonight the encampment will be in San Lorenzo Park for those who wish to sleep, and the courthouse steps/lawn on Water Street will remain occupied for those who stay awake. We will be speaking with the head pastor from the Red Church downtown on Wednesday to discuss a potential occupation there, since it is private land.


Aproximadamente 100 personas asistieron la AG hoy en la entrada del palacio de justicia (courthouse) en Water Street a las 4:00pm, y toda la asamblea fue de día!

Aquí son las puntas importantes de la asamblea:

-El grupo Philosophy & Strategy va a anunciar la declaración de no violencia actualizada (que va a ser publicado en esta website cuanto antes) que va a ser discutido en la AG próxima, mañana, 9 Octubre a las 2:00pm en el palacio de justicia (courthouse). Las AG durante la semana están a las 6:00pm en el lugar, que todavía está indeterminado.

-Tres grupos nuevos! El grupo Process trabaja para mantener las AG y concenso más eficiente, y va a reunir una hora antes de una AG (a la 1:00pm mañana). El grupo Treasury se encarga para mantener cualquier donaciónes recibidos, va a tener aplicaciónes en que cualquier grupo o persona puede pedir como usar el dinero que será llevado a la AG para consenso. El grupo Sin Nombre se encarga para la comunicación dentro de Occupy Santa Cruz (como los grupos) y también información sobre OSC y los recursos para ayudar un grupo cuando no tiene bastante representación.

-Se hizo un consenso que el campamento va a estar en San Lorenzo Para las personas que quieren dormir, y el palacio de justicia (courthouse) permanece ocupado en Water Street para las personas que no duerman. Vamos hablar con el pastor del Red Church el miércoles para discutir una ocupación allá porque es tierra privada.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$170.00 donated
in the past month

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