9/11 Reclaiming the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future

Will reason, love, and concern triumph over panic, fear and despair? Will we end war, or will war end humanity? Is there an alternative to the fusion of corporate and government power that trumps local, regional and national sovereignty and threatens every facet of our lives?
Join us as we explore such questions, as well as the myths and realities that surround this watershed moment in our history.
This year The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will hold our 7th annual 9/11 truth film festival at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland Thursday September 8, 2011, beginning at 1 pm, and at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco Sunday, September 11, 2011, beginning at 1 pm. We will also also gather at the Gandhi Statue, near the Ferry Building, in San Francisco at 10 am, Sunday, September 11th, for our tenth annual 9/11 Truth March/Parade, which will pass by Justin Herman Plaza, Hallidie Plaza, UN Plaza, to the Civic Center, close to the San Francisco War Memorial Veterans Building, where the Herbst Theater is located at 401 Van Ness Avenue (at McAllister).
In 2004, the Herbst Theatre hosted the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9/11 in solidarity with the Toronto International Citizens Inquiry into 9/11 and a 9/11 Citizens Commission in New York. This year we will include live streaming of some of the Toronto hearings, and the event in Seattle that is being organized by Erik Lawyer, founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. ONE: The Event - Shifting from Fear to Love in Seattle, Washington, will include a “Global Synchronized Moment of Love" at 3:46 pm on September 11, 2011 harnessing our collective intention to shift to love-based, collaborative solutions for our planetary thriving.”
The films-
Hypothesis, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup, 9/11: Explosive Evidence- Experts Speak Out, We Were Also Killed on 9/11: First Responders, You, Me and the SPP- Trading Democracy for Corporate Rule, Satyagraha: 100 Years of Nonviolence, Psywar, Earth Into Property
Speakers Include -
Film maker Ken Jenkins, Mickey Huff; Director of Project Censored, Professor Anthony J. Hall; author of Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonization, and Capitalism: The Bowl with One Spoon, Part II and The American Empire and the Fourth World, The Bowl with One Spoon Part I, former Senator Mike Gravel, Professor Peter Phillips; President of the Media Freedom Foundation, Professor Paul Rea; author of Mounting Evidence: Why We Need a New Investigation of 9/11, Joanna Macy; author of World As Lover, World As Self - Courage for Global Justice and Ecological Renewal and others.
The film festival at the Grand Lake Theater will be hosted by Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter and at the Herbst Theatre by comedian Sherry Glaser-Love, the star and author of Off-Broadway’s longest-running one-woman show, “Family Secrets.”
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