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Indybay Feature

Environmental Racism in West Fresno

by Mike Rhodes (editor [at]
A coalition in West Fresno is seeking justice in their community. A hearing at the Fresno City Council to get a meat rendering plant, located next to a residential neighborhood, to get a Conditional Use Permit was held last week. Photo below: Mary Curry with Concerned Citizens of West Fresno is speaking at a press conference held before the hearing.
For decades, West Fresno residents have endured health and safety hazards created by corporate giant Darling International Inc.’s meat rendering plant. Though sited within yards of West Fresno residences, Darling International’s plant has long operated under a de facto, unrestricted license for its meat rendering and processing activities.

On Thursday, April 14, a coalition that includes the Concerned Citizens of West Fresno, the Fresno Metro Ministry, California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), and Communities for a New California presented their concerns to the Fresno City Council, asking them to force Darling to apply for a Conditional Use Permit. They provided background and history of the issues related to Darling’s health and environmental threats to the community.

One speaker before the City Council was the Rev. B.T. Lewis, pastor of the Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church. Here is what Rev. Lewis said:

"We need your help in ensuring that Darling International is held to comply with the laws and regulations that govern the operation of businesses in our city. Please require them to get a conditional use permit appropriate for their business.

In 1979 my family moved into the house on 440 West North, just across the street and around the corner from the Darling plant. This became our family home for over 20 years. During our stay there we were plagued by unbearable odors, swarming flies, and gatherings of stray dogs attracted to the odor and residue around the plant. The odor often became so pungent that picnics were impossible and spending time in the yard was insufferable.

Imagine not only to have to endure the stench of dead animal carcasses in your yard, but having the same intolerable odor passing through the ventilation system of your home presenting a nuisance as you eat your dinner or as you sleep in the evening. This is an experience reflected in many homes and families in Southwest Fresno.

It is ironic that directly across the street from the darling plant that the city re-developed a garbage dump into a park. Directly south of Hyde Park we have a fenced area that we are not allowed to go into. The fact is that we have no idea what’s buried behind Hyde Park.

West Fresno has been inundated for years with the dumps, slaughterhouses, waste processing plants and dairies necessary to support life in our community. These businesses have been planted in our community more than any other area of our city. It is an unfortunate and horrendous fact that our city has continued to approve and allow housing schools and other community projects to be developed in such close proximity to the Darling plant.

The sickening odor travels across Southwest Fresno like a plague, a sweltering plague in the heat of the summer. Some of us have witnessed trucks traveling through our neighborhood dripping with run off from the waste being transported. These are the same streets that our children and citizens use daily.

We need your help in ensuring that Darling International is held to comply with the law and regulations that govern the operation of businesses in our city. Please require them to get Conditional Use Permits appropriate for the business they do in our city."

After listening to public testimony, the Fresno City Council went into closed session to discuss Darling International. They did not come to a decision and scheduled another closed session for April 28.

Kara Brodfuehrer, an attorney with California Rural Legal Assistance, commented that "we hope the City Council is taking the time to consider yesterday's powerful testimony regarding the last
40 years of injustice in West Fresno and to ensure that every person in the City is afforded the same rights and protections. No one business is above the law and the abatement agreement is not the answer.”

For more information, contact Mary Curry with Concerned Citizens of West Fresno at (559) 233-9348.
§3:27 minute audio of B. T. Lewis
by Mike Rhodes
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3:27 minute audio of B. T. Lewis, pastor at the Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church speaking before the Fresno City Council.
§Pastor B. T. Lewis
by Mike Rhodes
Photos and audio by Mike Rhodes
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