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Indybay Feature

US Uncut Action at Bank of America in Berkeley

by Cynthia Papermaster
US Uncut targets B of A for not paying taxes of $1.5 billion on earnings of over $4.4 billion in 2009. Corporate tax dodgers are harming our economy and causing budget cuts to human services: education, health care, libraries, fire departments, police, child care. We pay our taxes; B of A has to pay its taxes too. Tax dodgers are unpatriotic!
US Uncut is a new movement that started in England as UK Uncut, targeting tax dodging corporations who are harming our economy and society by not paying their fair share of taxes on huge profits. Federal, state and local budgets are all suffering, yet these giant corporations with their giant profits get away with paying little or no taxes, and with sheltering profits offshore instead of paying into the communities where they make their money. B of A was the first US target; over 50 actions took place beginning on Feb. 26 ( see The Berkeley action at the B of A on Telegraph and Durant drew about 30 protesters who held signs calling for B of A to pay taxes, gave speeches, spoke with passersby to tell them that B of A earned over $4.4 billion in 2009 and paid ZERO taxes on that profit. A group of about 10 went inside the bank to cash faux checks for $1.5 billion, the amount B of A owes in 2009 taxes. The customers, tellers and managers were informed that B of A is dodging its tax obligations. The managers called the Berkeley Police, who were conveniently stationed just down the street. The police cleared the building, then the managers locked the doors, so we essentially closed the branch! A line of protesters stood in front of the doors, and customers were asked to bank elsewhere. Occasionally a customer was let inside, but we felt victorious in getting our message out that B of A needs to pay. Great action! Join US Uncut, US Uncut California, US Uncut Oakland, and/or US Uncut San Francisco:
§B of A, you must pay your taxes! Stop being a tax dodger!!
by Cynthia Papermaster
Check is for $1.5 billion in taxes B of A should have paid on profits of $4.4 billion in 2009.
§We closed the bank!
by Cynthia Papermaster
§Connect the dots: bring our war dollars home
by Cynthia Papermaster
Partial list of those at the action: US Uncut, Grandmothers Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Codepink, PDA, WDRC, Voting Rights Task Force, War Resisters League, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Grey Panthers, Berkeley No More Guantanamos
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by Hans B.
Aggressive Imperialist wars are the source of trashing the planet, and spending over half the federal budget by the Pentagon ( trillions gone missing with no paper trail).

Just ending the aggressive wars and bringing the troops home to re-tool the industrial revolution to wind, tidal, and solar power would end money shortfall that GoP Gov. Scott Walker has made his fixing short fall phoney bill out, as to cut out collective barganing from the organized and unorganized working classes in America.

Ending the war that the workers did not cause, would free up the missing seven trillion Pentagon dollars for thing such as full employment, free medicare, free education, and ending gender, race, and religio discrimination.

The path to liberation is the scrapping of the war machine and its manfactury, thereby setting the possibility of freeing the peoples.

Liberation is not on the banks mind, just the reconquest of the economics which brought the crisis on in the first place. Aggressive Wars are the cause of depressions, and shortfalls of money that ignorant conservatives claim they must cut out collective barganing, further inflaming the oppression of the peoples at home and abroad.

Mostly it is the Aggressive wars that are to blame for Americas' ills. The path to Americas liberation is still the need to scrap the war machine and its manufactury. 1st cdn. div. says that.

I would like to share the sentiment in this comment I made on the British Guardian story "Mervyn King: Bankers exploit gullible borrowers to pay for their bonuses". Our experience is the same and it needs to happen in the US too.

Standing outside Barclays Bank Colchester(UK) today with a placard in my hand saying

Barclays Taxed 1%
Nurses taxed 20%

That is the reality of one of the most divisive and unfair periods in British history. Mr King is right to say these things but why oh why hasn't anyone in the banking system or government, including Mr King, had the guts to take on this globalised band of brigands euphamisticaly referred to a s bankers before.

When our protests started there were just a handful now there are more every week. Ordinary people young and old see the injustice of what these people are doing and it offends our decency and sense of fair play.

Something is very wrong if these Banksters think they are doing no wrong.

Please consider joining in a protest, bring the kids, bring your granny and protest.

This is a very important time for us all. Protest, even if it is for ten or fifteen minutes.

Do what you can for all our sakes.

Bless you all.

by Konsider
I think it would be a great idea to have regular protests in front of the Bank of America on Telegraph. And everywhere. I don't agree with Cynthia about many things, such as "patriotism," but that's an argument for another time. The Bank of America on Telegraph is right near the Berkeley UC campus, and the financial coup d'etat enacted by the banks is directly related to educational issues. Further, the anti bank movement is growing throughout the country. It's taken awhile, but I think the general population is starting to wake up: there's a growing awareness, readably obvious, of the fact that they're being screwed by the rich and powerful. Berkeley is already starting to show signs of uniting with places like Wisconsin, and the rest of the world in saying NO!

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