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Car Pooling to SC Protest: Free Julian Assange and Bradley Manning!

by Steven Argue (steveargue2 [at]
Gather at east side parking lot 9:15 AM
Leave to Santa Cruz @ 9:30AM SHARP
Call Frank for more info [925] 435 -9906

Gather at south east corner of parking lot, @ 9:15 AM
Leave to Santa Cruz @ 9:30 AM SHARP
Call Frank [925] 435-9906, Jim C. [510]566-4105 or
Richard T.[510]452-1138 for more info

Free Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange and Bradley Manning!

U.S. Troops and Mercenaries Out of Iraq , Afghanistan , and Pakistan Now!

Meet at the Clock Tower on Pacific Avenue
Saturday January 8th
Starting at 1:00 PM
There will be speakers and a march

Frank Runninghorse
Organizer in Students for a Democratic Society, the Peace and Freedom Party, and the Oscar Grant Coalition

James Cosner
Professor of History

Bob Meola
From the Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission

Robert Norse
Activist in Homeless United For Friendship and Freedom and Freak Radio Santa Cruz DJ

Steve Pleich
Activist for the homeless, harm reduction, feeding the poor, and City Council candidate in past and future elections

Steven Argue
Activist with the Revolutionary League for a Workers’ Party and writer for Liberation News

Organized by the Santa Cruz Coalition to free Julian Assange and Bradley Manning, Endorsed by the Peace and Freedom Party, Students for a Democratic Society, the Bolshevik Tendency, the Oscar Grant Coalition, the League for a Revolutionary Workers' Party, and MDS.

There will be car pooling from Oakland and Concord:

Gather at east side parking lot 9:15 AM
Leave to Santa Cruz @ 9:30AM SHARP
Call Frank for more info [925] 435 -9906

Gather at south east corner of parking lot, @ 9:15 AM
Leave to Santa Cruz @ 9:30 AM SHARP
Call Frank [925] 435-9906, Jim C. [510]566-4105 or
Richard T.[510]452-1138 for more info

Protest: Free Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange and Bradley Manning!

(Photo: Private First Class Bradley Manning: in military custody. Photograph: AP)

Free Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange and Bradley Manning!
U.S. Troops and Mercenaries Out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan Now!

Private First Class Bradley Manning is facing up to 60 years in prison for allegedly leaking information through WikiLeaks that expose U.S. war crimes. Among these is helicopter gunship video that shows U.S. troops nonchalantly mowing down two journalists, first aid respondents, and children with machine gun fire. The perpetrators of these crimes are not being punished, even with video proof of the cold blooded murders. Instead, the military brass are prosecuting Bradley Manning. We say exposing the truth about war crimes is no crime. Free Bradley Manning Now!

The leaked documents come from the Internet investigative site, Wikileaks. Editor and chief of this site is Julian Assange. WikkiLeaks has released 90,000 documents on the war in Afghanistan and 350,000 on the war in Iraq. These documents detail executions at U.S. checkpoints, the torture of detainees, the sectarian carnage unleashed by the occupation of Iraq, and the U.S. “Task Force 373”, a team of professional assassins responsible for numerous massacres in Afghanistan. These atrocities started under Bush and have continued, without respite, under Barack Obama, including Obama’s “reduced” occupation force in Iraq.

Faced with its war crimes being exposed, the U.S. government and its allies are seeking to discredit the source to make it appear as bad as they are. To do so, they have accused (but not charged) Julian Assange of rape in Sweden. Under Swedish law, consensual sex without a condom is falsely labeled rape and carries up to four years in prison. There is no evidence of any violence or coercion. One of the accusers, Anna Ardin, gushed about what a great guy Julian Assange was on two separate tweets after having consensual sex with him. Later she tried to delete those tweets before accusing Julian Assange of “rape”, but despite that attempt at a cover-up, the tweets were later found in Google caches.

The first Swedish prosecutor who looked at these charges threw them out within 24 hours. Later, when WikiLeaks released more documents, the Swedish government directed another prosecutor to take up the case. Due to public pressure, Assange has been released on $360,000 bail, but this is not over.

Julian Assange’s accuser, Anna Ardin, has connections with the Swedish secret police, the CIA, anti-Cuban terrorists, and the Swedish social democratic government. The Swedish social democratic government has been cooperating with these U.S. wars by sending troops to Afghanistan, allowing CIA rendition flights, and by sending asylum seekers to Egypt where they were imprisoned, beaten, and tortured. The Swedish government, like the U.S., has a stake in trying to silence Julian Assange, but the people of the world deserve freedom of speech.

You are invited to join us in demanding freedom for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning:

Protest with speakers and a march starting at the Clock Tower on January 8th at 1:00 PM.
Organized by the Santa Cruz Coalition to free Julian Assange and Bradley Manning
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by freedom fighter
Why would anybody go from Oakland all the way to Santa Cruz to hear these phony Marxists, and other boring crazies when on Wednesday 1/12 at 11:30am they can go up to Berkeley (1 bus or BART) in front of Old City Hall at MLK + Center Sts. for a rally and action with Daniel Ellsberg, Code Pink, and Courage to Resist. These are people with real history, who are the top people in the movement to free Bradley Manning now, as compared to second rate activists who talk but don't act.
by keep it real
This is really pathetic. Where to begin? Sigh...

The Santa Cruz Coalition to free Julian Assange and Bradley Manning is anything but a coalition. How many local Santa Cruz organizations were contacted about joining this coalition? Let's see, no WILPF, no RCNV, no Women In Black, no Veterans for Peace, et al. The list is very telling by who wasn't contacted or included.

The list of endorsers misrepresents several organizations:

--The State Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party has not endorsed this event, and neither has the P&F Party Santa Cruz County Council. Neither of the above were approached for an endorsement. If anything, it should read, Contra Costa County Council of the Peace & Freedom Party.
--The Students for a Democratic Society should read Diablo Valley College chapter of SDS.

Both of the above endorsements were provided by Frank Runninghorse and do not accurately reflect any endorsement by the parent organizations. Frank Runninghorse's problematic history has already been addressed in previous posts.

--The League for a Revolutionary Party sounds like the Revolutionary League for a Workers’ Party, and is most likely Steve forgetting what he named his organization, membership of one.

As to the rest of the speakers...

James Cosner, a professor of history. Uh-huh... An adventuristic activist prone to solo actions that serve to discredit the causes he champions. Last sightings in Santa Cruz ... arrested for illegal postering in support of Mumia, and briefly ran a speaker's group at the Vet's Hall featuring ex-BLA, ex-AIM, and other 'overthrow the government' types.

Don't know Bob Meola. Perhaps Berkeley folks can enlighten us?

Everyone in Santa Cruz knows Robert Norse, and he, like Cosner, also engages in actions that serve to discredit the causes he champions. (I'm being very polite here.)

Steve Pleich, recently ran for SC City Council, with a decent platform. Possibly the least discredited activist on the speaker line-up, but if he hangs with the rest of these guys any longer, all bets are off.

Steven Argue is the Revolutionary League for a Workers’ Party and Liberation News. To portray himself as a mere member of these so-called organizations is blatant chicanery. They are Steve and Steve respectively, and nothing more.

MDS is the Movement for a Democratic Society, and the parent organization was not contacted for an endorsement. Probably another Frank Runninghorse chapter and endorsement.

And, finally, where is the supposed march going? In this time of heightened tension downtown, Steve proposes a march to where? The "Coalition" doesn't say. Irresponsible, at the very least. In a flier sent out, there is mention of buses of people coming in from San Francisco and Oakland. My prediction is that there will be no buses, but the police will have a beefed up presence nevertheless, and crack down due to the un-permitted nature of the event. (Correct me if cop puncher Steve applied for a permit from the SCPD for his march, hah!)

If folks really want to support Bradley Manning, (and you should), then go to the official Bradley Manning support site and join their efforts. Also helping out with Manning's defense are Courage to Resist . These two organizations both have mailing lists and further info on how to get involved and are giving actual support. It is telling that neither of these organizations have endorsed the Santa Cruz event. Bradley Manning & Julian Assange deserve real support, not posturing from pseudo-revolutionaries.

If you want to go to the event, then by all means do so, but please do not donate any money at the event. There is absolutely no accountability with the individuals involved. Send your money to the above two legitimate organizations.

Stay informed and stay aware...
by Sacerdotti
I am attending both events. Saturday in Santa Cruz an Wednesday in Berkeley, trying to build connections across cities. Nothing mysterious.
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