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San Francisco Redevelopment Agency was NEVER invited into the Southeast Sector of SF.

by Francisco Da Costa
The SF Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) was NEVER invited into the Bayview Hunters Point. Never, ever. Over the years the SF Redevelopment Agency has raped the Bayview Hunters Point again and again. This is not the first time the SFRA has come uninvited to the Bayview Hunters Point - but, the fifth. This last time without any meaningful discussion, no minutes - a large area was expanded to a Survey Area and then just like that into a Project Area.
The San Francisco Redevelopment Agency is a farce. It must be sent packing out of our community. The SFRA has deceived and continues to deceive us - now taking over Federal Property, former Public Housing to build Gated Communities.

The poor it wants out - it is called gentrification.

Who is monster that we call the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA)?
It is actually a a quasi-State agency that has failed San Francisco, miserably. Again and again over the years it makes promises but shafts the constituents and it has now reached a saturation point - where it finds itself swimming and drowning, in a CESSPOOL of its own creation.

The present economy has hit the SFRA had and now is the time to act and send it packing away from the Southeast Sector. Together with its stakeholders - among them Lennar a Rogue Developer.

Over the years in the Bayview Hunters Point the SFRA has propped up the Advisory Committees - most of those on these bodies are sell outs and appointed by the Mayors of San Francisco - in this case Mayor, Gavin Newsom.

Sell outs are devious folks that pretend they serve the community while all the time fleecing the community - being on the take. In the past I have revealed names - suffice to say this time - let me stick to the history.

For the last fifteen years plus I have been following the Bayview Hunters Point Project Area Committee (BVHP PAC).

It is commonly called the PAC for short. The BVHP PAC has not kept its records straight and for years - I would attended the meetings to find - inept, uneducated folks pass resolutions and act on things, after the were already passed at the SFRA Commission.

Many time the SFRA Commission would pass on some issues and then it would come to the BVHP PAC. When you brought the matter to the PAC - they would look at you at if you were crazy - when it fact they were and the majority are. The PAC rubber stamped the actions of the SFRA Commission and continue to do so today in many - instances.

When Brother Leon Muhammad and a few others joined the BVHP PAC - the PAC could not stand the TRUTH. For a long time - some of us in the community tried to tell the PAC that we were dealing with large area - prone to liquefaction and flooding. The PAC would simply not believe us. So, we the community had to spent our own money to hold a community meeting with the experts - present.

So, Brother Leon and myself set out to go and visit the United States Geological Survey and invited an expert - who came at his own expense and stated the obvious. He told everyone, present, that if there was an earthquake the radiological elements that are now at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - would impact the entire City.

This was a victory for the community but the PAC seemed not to care. The majority of them are sell outs - they are on the take and foremost among them Agnelo King and Veronica Hunnicutt. Veronica is on her way completely, out - meaning she has been removed from any dealing in the Southeast Sector and now we have to do the same with Angelo King and his cronies.

Some years ago the BVHP PAC met and just like that they expanded the Survey Area to over 2568 acres - including the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, the old Schlage Area, Visitation Valley and beyond.

There is a process where a community meeting must be held and such deliberation explained and then acted upon. No one can just expand a large area into a Survey Area - fake the documents and then follow a secret process and created a Project Area and impact thousands of people. This is to say the least - disgusting.

History will not be kind to those members of the BVHP PAC that sold out the community and have contributed in destroying much of what was good.

Our community having learned from the past - had no business permitting Willie L. Brown Jr and someone like Lynette Sweet encouraging the SFRA to permit a Rogue Developer to do anything at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The best news that good people can hear - is the through defeat of Lynette Sweet as a District 10 Supervisor - a sell out.

In the year 2000 a Ballot Measure passed - it was Proposition P. Proposition P clearly mandated the entire Shipyard to be cleaned to the Highest Standards, that is the actual language.

Till today this has not been done. And when Pacel A, one of the many parcels on the Shipyard was conveyed to the the City and County of San Francisco who is turn gave it to the SFRA and who in turn quickly gave it to Lennar - a CRIME was committed.

A dirty, contaminated parcel was conveyed and it was dirty. Political pressure was applied and the Regulatory Agencies local, State, and Federal passed on the Record of Decision and this is a Crime.

Again, Willie L. Brown Jr with Sophie Maxwell, Linda Richardson, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein all went to Washington DC to put pressure on the Under Secretary of the Navy and force the United States Navy to hand over Parcel A.

Why would anyone is their right mind try to build 1600 homes on Parcel A - surrounded by contaminated parcel B, C, D, E, F, G, UC 1 and the other parcels carved and named - all polluted and contaminated. Why?

Why build 1600 in the middle of Chernobyl? Why? Why build on land that is prone to liquefaction and flooding. Over 95% of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is landfill.

Serpentine Rock when crushed release structures or fibers that are known as Asbestos fibers or structures. There was a hill and a Serpentine rock over 35 feet high on Parcel A and Lennar decided to grade rock and BOMBARDED the environment with millions of Abestos fibbers and structures - and this went of for over 9 months plus without the Regulatory Agencies doing anything.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District fined Lennar but after a long time and today nothing much has happened where this fine - is applied to the community to mitigate the adverse impacts. Shame on the BAAQMD.

Complaints were filed in and called in way back in 2004. I called in over twenty complaints, myself. During this time the entire population some 25,000 plus surrounding the area and beyond were adversely, impacted.

The Asbestos fibers, when they enter into your system - remain inside your body - over the years scars are formed and when scars are formed in your lungs, embedded where most of these fibers stay in place. The scars grow and expand and you cannot breathe and die a miserable death. What a legacy to leave - Willie L. Brown Jr., Sophie Maxwell, Gavin Newsom, other vermin without a conscience.

We had our children suffer from all sorts of ailments from the toxic dust, the particulates, the radiological element from Parcel A that was handed over but not cleaned. And of course the Abestos fibers and structures. Our children and elders suffered, continue to suffer and this Mayor, Gavin Newsom, Sophie Maxwell, Angelo King, other dubious so called leaders like Calvin Jones, Aurealious Wallker, Doris Vincent, others have not defended our children and elders.

The SFRA will not admit they did wrong. The Director of SF Health Department Mitch Katz - produced a leaflet that said that the air at Hunters Point was cleaner then the air anywhere else in the City. If that is so why does Mitch Katz not live at Hunters Point on Parcel A - he and his cronies. Mitch Katz is now jumping ship to go to Los Angeles.

Michael Cohen fought hard to give Lennar what they wanted because he was pressured by Mayor Gavin Newsom and the Pacific Heights Mafia. Michael Cohen has jumped ship.

All those involved with Lennar and Parcel A are suffering. Sophie Maxwell does not have peace of mind and will not have any peace of mind. Nancy Pelosi is crazy and has been demoted and is the laughing stock of the Nation. The same with Diane Feinstein.

Michael Cohen has jumped ship and formed his own Real Estate Company with the former Director of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development Jesse Blout. Time will tell.

Mayor Gavin Newsom has left a legacy as the most immoral man - who slept with his best friend's wife, has lied, had to get out of the Gubernatorial Race because we followed him around and exposed his ass - he is now going to Sacramento to play second fiddle - good riddance of very bad rubbish.

Sophie Maxwell will be termed out and her legacy is simply she has the BLOOD of our children on her hands. I respect her mother Enola Maxwell and knew her - but, Sophie is a pathetic fool who raked in the money and sold out her community.

I am giving you the above history because the above helps you to comprehend how the community was divided. Imagine having over 22 candidates running for District 10 and the process really is still being continued and will be until November 30, 2010.

Lennar early in 2002 brought in Roy Wills who went around - buying support. The "thugs" he chose were mostly Black and some of them are still around but are now turning against Lennar - because the well is dry.

Behind the scenes and behind close door SFRA - folks like Jesse Blout, Dwayne Jones, the BVHP PAC Chair made deals and bluffed the community. But, all is not over - nothing good will come at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Nothing good.

Dwayne Jones is now in the Bayview at Young Community Developers doing his dirty deed. Prior to that is did it at the Communities of Opportunity where millions went missing and this was even reported in the SF Chronicle. Prior to that he was the Director of the Mayor's Office of Community Development and before that Young Community Developers. He has made a complete circle. He does not live in the community and so do some of the Directors that are on the YCD Board - one in particular who lives in Oakland and sells out our community.

All these outsiders come into the Bayview directing the Community Based Organizations, the BVHP PAC, the Citizens Advisory Committee to the Shipyard to commit atrocities and adversely harm the community. We do not have one single leader who can take on these vermin and expose them. I have been doing it for years - for one simple reason to keep a paper trail.

With the election of a New District 10 Supervisor we need a clean slate.

We need a Representation on the SFRA now - and if not the community must stop all the activities of the SFRA all over Bayview Hunters Point, Potrero Hill, Sunnydale and elsewhere. We have the numbers - and we can do it.

No one invited the SFRA into the Bayview Hunters Point community - so, what does it take to send them packing.

This manta of affordable housing is a joke. All the hundreds of so called affordable housing are vacant and some IDIOTS are bluffing us and telling us that they are going to build over 30,000 units in the next ten years. Some 12,000 in the next three years. Who is going to buy them? Not in this economy that is not going to improve for at least another five years.

Go to Executive Park and find out - if those brand new units are selling?

Go to Third Street by Carroll and ask those folks if their brand new units are selling?

Ask SFRA how many units they have that they cannot sell - and are now renting? Why?

Find out how many homes are in fore-closure in the Bayview and what is the SFRA doing about this situation?

Now find out how many of those homes belong to Blacks? I say Black because all of the sell outs in position working for the SFRA are Black - taking money from Lennar and selling out the community.

San Francisco Redevelopment Agency was NEVER invited into our community and must be told to pack off and go somewhere else.

The blood of our suffering children and elders is upon SFRA and the sell outs and this includes Mayor Gavin Newsom, Sophie Maxwell, Angelo King, Veronica Hunnicutt, and the many that I have mentioned before.

Malia Cohne and the other candidates that I heared you speak at the many forums - now is your time to show your worth. Anyone can talk the talk but it is something else to walk the walk.

To my Samoan Sisters and Brothers do not listen to the fluff - screw that.

Time to organize and take charge. We must send SFRA packing - the first demand is a Samoan Community Center in a central place. Millions of dollars of Tax Increment money is going outside the community, everyone has a center the Filipinos, Latinos a Museum, Jews a Museum, - so how about something for the USOS?. Want to take us on - bring it on.

If the Black are not united that is on them. If the Samoans and the Polynesians are united we can take a lead and send the devil fleeing.

If must organize the Latinos and Asians too and do the right thing.

The SFRA do not believe in Quality of Life Issues - and now is the time to make demands.

It is time to elect a new Mayor - but not one that City Hall thinks they can play us with - we want one that will listen and act.

For too long - have too many people suffered - and now it the time for drastic - action.

SCREW the MACHINE, the SF County Democratic Committee and such mundane entities - and those that screw the innocent people again and again.

All is take is some UNITY to take on the devils and send them fleeing. We have done it before and we can do it - now.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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