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Urgent Action Alert: Support Approval of Klamath TMDL

by Dan Bacher
This is an urgent action alert from Craig Tucker, Klamath Coordinator for the Karuk Tribe, urging people to support approval of the Klamath TMDL by contacting the State Water Resources Control Board.

Photo of toxic algae at Iron Gate Reservoir by the Karuk Tribe.
Please support the approval of the Klamath TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) by the State Water Resources Control Board by contacting the Board by phone, fax and email.

The TDML is a limit on how much of different pollutants are allowed in a river. The water board will considers approving the Klamath TMDL on Tuesday September 7 at their meeting in Sacramento at the EPA building at 1001 I Street. The meeting is set from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The TMDL is the product of years of hard work by regional board staff with significant input from the Karuk Tribe as well as other Tribes in the basin, fishing and conservation groups. It is the Karuk’s position that the TMDL as recommended by staff improves protections for the river and holds polluters accountable – including PacifiCorp- owner of the Klamath dams.

In fact, a strong TMDL provides additional incentive to PacifiCorp to ‘stay the course’ on the dam removal agreement. However, PacifiCorp is urging the Board to reject the TMDL and send it back to staff for yet another re-write.

Please contact the Board members today and tell them to support the Klamath TMDL. The TMDL:
- Protects cold water refugial areas from gold miners
- Sets firm limits on Klamath water pollution
- Addresses blooms of toxic algae behind PacifiCorp dams
- Mandates that PacifiCorp reservoirs cannot affect water temperature. Currently the dams have a dramatic effect on water temperature and fish migration.
- Was peer reviewed for scientific credibility

The time has come to hold Klamath polluters accountable – urge the State Water Board to take a stand for clean water!

Contact info:

Call Board secretaries: 916 341-5615

Fax Board at 916 341-5620

Email Board members:

Art Baggett: abaggett [at]
Tam Doduc: TDoduc [at]
Charlie Hoppin: choppin [at]
Walt Petittit: wpettit [at]
Fran Spivy-Weber: fspivy-weber [at]

For more information, contact: S. Craig Tucker
Klamath Coordinator
Karuk Tribe
cell: 916-207-8294
home office: 707-839-1982
ctucker [at]
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Klamath dam and reservoir removal is not guaranteed and in any case one of the five PacifiCorp Klamath River dams will remain. Keno dam may be transferred to the Bureau of Reclamation; but that also is not a done deal.

PacifiCorp's Klamath River reservoirs make bad Klamath River water quality much worse. Keno Reservoir - which is likely to remain in place - has the worst water quality of all the reservoirs and regular fish kills. Poor quality water discharging from PC's Klamath Reservoirs is the number one cause of the epidemic levels of fish diseases present in the Klamath River below the dams. That was dramatically demonstrated this year. Because of late snow and heavy snowpack water quality in the Klamath River is the best it has been in 20 years or more. As a result, as per the latest report from the US FWS, disease levels this year are substantially reduced as compared to prior years.

We can not clean up the Klamath River and restore its beneficial uses unless we dramatically improve water quality in those reservoirs - including Keno. For that reason, because Keno will likely remain and because dam removal is not a done deal it is imperative that the SWRCB not grant PacifiCorp's desire to not have the TMDL and clean-up plan apply to them. Furthermore, the Water Board should condition approval of the Interim Measures - which were approved by the regional board as sufficient for PC compliance until the dam removal decision is made - upon actual improvement in water quality. This added condition is advisable because it is not clear that the Interim Measures approved by the regional board will be effective at improving water quality and because Coho Salmon and Pacific Lamprey could go extinct in the Klamath River Basin before dam removal takes place. We need improved water quality now and PacifiCorp's interim Measures must deliver some of that improvement.

Tell the SWRCB to require PacifiCorp and the North Coast Regional Water Board to report back in two years on the extent to which Interim Measures implemented by PC have improved Klamath River Water Quality and to make recommendations on whether additional or changed Interim Measures should be ordered.
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