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Indybay Feature

Mayor Newsom fails on all fronts, fake appointments, vain verbosity fall by the wayside

by Francisco Da Costa
Mayor Gavin Newsom is losing on all fronts. Even as he thinks he will occupy a position in Sacramento as a side kick to the new Governor. Most San Franciscans welcome Newsom's departure - good riddance of very bad rubbish. In Sacramento, if at all he makes it - the man will be put in his place. Queer folks know how he had played them and others knew before that not to trust - this slimy, weasel of a character. In recent times to placate some, Newsom - has in a hurry made appointments as commissioners and other - most of whom are NOT worth their salt.
Gavin Newsom as the saying goes: " is not a man to be trusted".

Again and again constituents that are decent have found this man, opening his mouth and shoving his foot. Much of the division in our City and County of San Francisco has been caused by Mayor Gavin Newsom. This man has ruined a lot and the sooner he leaves the better.

In the Bayview Hunters Point he has invited rogue developers some very large and some small - all to do his bidding. If they fill his campaign coffers all of them win favors. If this is not CORRUPTION of the highest order - I do not know what is.

He has carved our Potrero Hill to Bridge Developers, Mercy Housing gets all of Sunnydale Public Housing, and the dubious John Stewart Company gets Huntersview.

Of course we all know about LENNAR, the rogue developer that has poisoned our children and elders - they have Parcel A and are looking forward to getting the rest of the parcels B, C, D, E, F, G and the other newly carved out parcels - more to do Land Banking then anything, else.

Lennar has no money and is busy trying to entice some investors to take off their shoddy list of polluted properties - the land the have amassed using machinations and ploys all very dubious in nature. The partner that have invested in Lennar like Ross Periot Jr. want a write off - these slimy weasels are still ripping off our system and exploiting - tax breaks.

No one ever questions why would Lennar focus at getting the State Park by Candlestick Point using Senator Mark Leno and SB 792 - to acquire 23 acres more - when LENNAR already has 800 acres plus at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard? Well , it is all about GREED and greed will bring LENNAR down.

No one should be able to easily acquire Public Trust Land and a State Park in San Francisco - and give it to Lennar of all people. The most corrupt developer in the Nation. But this is happening in San Francisco - under the watch of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Jackie Spier, George Miller and those that are supposed to represent us. Shame on them all.

Lennar is leveraging Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, with the extra 23 acres to dump this acquired land of other corrupt developers - divide the land using Land Banking tactics. Then, try to focus on Treasure Island that is also very polluted and what is more a man made island that is sinking - and prone to serious liquefaction and flooding. All in good time.

The plan at Treasure Island is to built tall buildings - never mind that the man made island is prone to liquefaction and flooding.

In the mean time at Huntersview, in the Bayview there is utter confusion.

The John Stewart Company has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. The John Stewart Company has failed the community and there is no much hatred - that soon things will turn - nasty. Our elders are put in housing that is polluted - removed from housing and their units - demolished to make room for a new Gated Community.

This is called gentrification. What a though - now that July 4, 2010 is upon us - and most of us will enjoy the fireworks - and few think about the millions with job, no food, stressed out because of folks that created sub-prime loans - folks like Bernie Madoff and Lennar. Goldman Sachs, AIG and what not.

The Young Community Developers and its inept Board of Directors from the Bayview - all of them, and I know, all of them have FIRED Mr. Derrick Toliver a decent, hardworking, and respectable constituent of the Bayview Hunters Point who was recently appointed the Director. It has hardly been five months.

Mr. Toliver's parents have been in the Bayview for a long time and Mr. Toliver a product of Standford University, well respected in all of his prior jobs prior to working for Young Community Developers. Mr Toliver was aiming to bring about change and serve our youth - but the YCD, Board of Directors would have none of that.

The YCD Board of Directors have an affinity to do wrong by the people, have let down the Bayview community and must go.Young Community Developers (YCD) Board of Director lead by Claude - bring in new Directors and fire them at will. This crap must stop at once.

In the past past eight years - this bunch of no good jackasses have fired 6 Directors.

Leading the pack a man who lives in the Oakland Hills but makes his faulty decisions messing in our affairs - one Claude who is pain in the ass and connected to Jalani House in the Bayview. Joining him Toye Moses from the Southeast Commission and Michael Theirault from the SF Trade Council. One worse then other. If the clarion call is sounded - this time all of them - will be removed. We can ask the non-profit to audit their books - and the world will find out about the corrupt from the days of Dwayne Jones.

These idiots, the Directors of YCD - all of them should resign and go fish in some other water.

Corrupt to the core - they have decimated the community and reduced Young Community Developers to the lowest denominator. Who do these vermin think they are? These folks have NOT had one single public meeting - yet, think they represent the community at large.

The same day, Mr. Toliver was removed from office - we found that another weasel resigned - Dwayne Jones from Communities of Opportunity to join Lennar.

Of course the world knows about Dwayne Jones - he has jumped from the frying pan to the fire. His day is coming and is round the corner.

Dwayne Jones has wasted millions - all private donations given to Communities of Opportunity (COO).

You call COO now and some one will try to give you vague answers - about their organization. Over $20 million was gathered by Communities of Opportunity (COO) - but now less then $5 million remain. Where has all the money gone?

In the article written by the SF Chronicle some time ago - Mayor Gavin Newsom tapped into the COO funds to organize some conference. More money was spent on extra-curricula activities. It is shame that such activities are tolerated by the constituents of San Francisco.

COO now says in some drab public statement that the Community is in charge.

In charge of what?

And can we get an audit of the funds spent?

Dwayne Jones tapped into the COO funds but he was also on the City's payroll! Go figure.

So what are our SF Board of Supervisors doing? What is Sophie Maxwell, a prominent sell out doing about this situation in District 10?

What is the City Attorney doing about this dubious situation? Is this corruption or what? Where is the Controller in all of this? What about the District Attorney office? Or should we call in the Federal Bureau of Investigation?

In the Bayview there is no leadership what so ever. I waited for sometime after putting it out there about Dwayne Jones. It is business as usual - and the community really does not care - they are so numb that they act like zombies. They are the living - dead. What a pathetic situation.

All the while - Gavin Newsom is having a good time - and has reduced the operations of the City and County of San Francisco to shambles.

This fiscal year hundreds of Community Based Organizations volunteers and employees that do essential and good work - will be forced to seek opportunities some where else.

The funding of many hard working Community Based Organizations - have been cut to the bone.

The Mayor, Gavin Newsom does not care and to some extent - the SF Board of Supervisor enjoy the "dog and pony show" - having thousands of folks testify in front of them for hours on end - the same pathetic, sorrow stories - year in and year out at Budget Time. Then, just like that - they favor some and those that need help most are sent packing to the wolves.

How can we call this government and how can we call this a real democracy? Where is the Representation of the people from the Districts? What is the point of having District Supervisors?

In the meantime oblivious to the suffering of the people - Mayor Gavin Newsom is having fun - appointing mostly ass holes to certain positions as Commissioners, and other positions - lackeys that will do his bidding.

When it comes to good people like the Planning Commission - he will prod - Air-head Alioto-Pier to take on some good Planning Commissioner and give him a hard time.

Air-head Alioto, has been termed out but some how wants to remain in office. You are termed out - get out of office and vanish into oblivion. What have you done good in all the time you have been in office - wheeling and dealing and accepting bribes - even from Lennar.

Yet you Air-head - you, want to pontificate and pretend that you have some decency when you are corrupt to the core.

Yes, corrupt to the core - Alioto-Pier.

The same goes to the others that pander to the Mayor - and vote for the Mayor's fake policies - each and every time. Among them Carmen Chu - who is busy collecting money from all quarters - backed by the former "thug" Mayor, Willie L. Brown Jr. and his consulting firm. Shame of you all - scumbags. Begging for donations when you really do not need them.

San Francisco the City that knows how - has suffered for too long and mostly from the inept, not trustworthy Mayor Gavin Newsom. We are all waiting for the JERK to leave City Hall and spare us the nonsense that oozes from his filthy pores.

As to you SF Supervisors, now with you salary reduced - we hope you get a bit saner, wiser, and what is more learn to represent the people.

On June 13, 2010 in Room 250 at City Hall at 2 pm - you can take a stand for the people and deny Lennar the right to the fake Environmental Impact Report (EIR). At least do one good act and redeem yourselves. Three appeals have been filed against the fake EIR linked to Hunters Point Shipyard and Candlestick Point.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy


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