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Tiffany Bohee continues to LIE for LENNAR while LENNAR is LAND BANKING - HPS on the side.

by Francisco Da Costa
LENNAR is that lying dog full of fleas. However, when Tiffany Bohee lies for LENNAR and paints a rosy picture of Hunters Point Shipyard (HPS) and Candlestick Point - we must take notice and expose this woman who has no clue what so ever. LENNAR will fail just because LENNAR has no intention what so ever to deliver a quality product. The SF Planning, the SF Redevelopment Agency, the Mayor and the Mayor Office of Economic Development and Workforce - know this but keep lying with a straight face. No good will ever come at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
Tiffany Bohee recently appeared before the SF Planning Commission and kept on lying about Proposition G, and the other benefits that Lennar a Rogue Developer would deliver. Lennar is a lying dog, full of fleas, and has adversely affected thousands of innocent people - all over this Nation.

Tiffany Bohee promised the constituents of Alice Griffith the world - but in the end there will be much suffering, bluffing, and desperation that has never, ever been witnessed in San Francisco. Never, ever trust some that first does not have the best intention of poor folks, less indigent folks, knows they are ignorant - and with INTENT misguides them. Time will tell.

At every meeting held before the SF Redevelopment Commission and SF Planning Commission - people are bused to San Francisco City Hall - fed and paid - and told to say something in general like: " we want jobs" and " the project must go forward" - without these ignorant folks having a clue what is really happening to their community and knowing little about the PROCESS.

Some of us have been on the forefront for years - trying to help the less fortunate. Only, to be told now that the constituents are NOT thankful for what we have done for this unfortunate folks. Shame of those that try to represent Alice Griffith but misrepresent.

It is shocking that in the last six months or so - some misinformed tenants that live in Public Housing and have no stake what so ever - because Public Housing is just that - interim housing.

The land belongs to the the Federal entity - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - was leased to SF Housing Authority - who is turn has made a pact with the City and County of San Francisco - the Mayor's Housing and Community Development - to implement SF HOPE - that believes in GENTRIFICATION - gated communities - that the ignorant Alice Griffith constituents that bring themselves to represent LENNAR - and its evil ploys and machinations - have no clue about.

Right now, most of the folks living in the Alice Griffith Housing are living in conditions that are pathetic.

But, not once do these fools call upon the SF Housing Authority and the Mayor, Gavin Newsom to do something about this situation. Not once do they mention Amos Brown who is the Chair of the SF Housing Authority and has NOT lifted a finger to help the miserable folks , and many of indigent living in Public Housing because they are poor or fallen on very bad times.

None of these folks can own the housing. No one can purchase Federal Land at the Alice Griffith site - you can lease it but not purchase it - and especially in this case where there is liability linked to extreme pollution and adverse impacts.

All these will be revealed in the Environmental Impact Report that is out and can be got from SF Planning at 1650 Mission Street on the fourth floor. The ignorant folks have not read much - because they cannot comprehend technical and legal terms - and therefore are called - ignorant - not as a put down but because this is the TRUTH and a FACT.

When you do not go to school to learn. When you make yourself depend on the Government. When you are indigent and beg the Government to help you for everything. When you do not own anything but decide to own Government Land or Federal Land - that is Public Housing - there is something fundamentally wrong with the populace that thinks like this - they always want something on the platter for free.

The same scenario that will befall Alice Griffith is unfolding at Huntersview up all the Hill - right now. The John Stewart Company is not fulfilling its obligations. Workers from outside are working at Huntersview - while those that want work, have skills, are left high and dry.

With Alice Griffith the population must be temporarily settled elsewhere and then brought back to the site - after the site has been cleaned, the development done, and so on.

The area is polluted and some heavy duty clean up, abatement, and mitigation is in order. Right now we have had reports of many still born children, many suffering from cancer and other very chronic diseases - that the fools that back LENNAR are making a fool of themselves - on TV 26 and TV 78. We have their stupid statement as proof and they do not know it. Time will tell.

All these fools were not to be found when some of us fought for the ignorant and selfish Alice Griffith constituents that were kept in the dark.

Had it not been for Espanola Jackson and myself the matter that was being discussed before the SF Board of Supervisors without going to Committee would have been passed - without the Alice Griffith constituents having their say. We fought for one for one replacement and bring the tenants back to live - without any repercussions. Now we have to hear nonsense - biting the hand that fed these miserable folks that come and speak utter - nonsense.

We brought the matter back to the Committee, linked to Alice Griffith, and saw that legal language was introduced and passed to give rights to the constituents of Alice Griffith. Because, first they were NOT informed, secondly they were ignorant of the facts, thirdly they did not comprehend the process, fourthly they do not still attend the meetings at City Hall on a regular basis - expect when they get paid and fed - which is not the democratic way - to say stuff that has been told to them.

If you are free then you must exercise your freedom on your own accord.

You must know when Tiffany Bohee lies and the rest of the folks behind the scenes like Community of Opportunities and Dwayne Jones, Angelo King, who will do anything for money.

It is a shame to dole out money, and make ignorant folks say something in general and not speak to the fake facts that are being SPEWED by a liar like Tiffany Bohee from the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce. I knew Tiffany Bohee when she first worked for the SF Public Utilities Commission as a peon - years ago. She does not live in San Francisco and does not have the better interests of the constituents of San Francisco.

When the presentations on Hunters Point Shipyard are made - NO mention is made of Parcel F. Parcel F is the Bay and is very polluted.

Toxic material of the worst order lies everywhere and there are studies done about this - the most famous by the University of Stanford. Of course ignorant folks would not know about this - and to come to the podium and denounce Bayview Hunters Point long time Environmental Advocates - is a shame - that all this time worked for Alice Griffith constituents. Biting the hand that fed these miserable folks.

If ignorant folks truly want to wallow in a cesspool without putting the SF Housing Authority on NOTICE first and whoever develops Alice Griffith which is Federal Property on notice to do the right thing - if you ignorant folks - want to live with the adverse impacts - it is on you.

Many of us understand your frustration - but many of you lead a life style that is not the norm. Selling drugs and participating in many nefarious activities is what SOME of you do daily, what you all call, street smarts.

Well, the process involved with legislation, policy making, ordinances, understanding Environmental Reports has little to do with selling drugs, prostitution, and other such nefarious activities - that are mundane and bring the worst elements to the table. That is why in a civilized world you cannot have wild, ignorant folks backed by Dwayne Jones and Angelo King make any impact at all. They lack credibility and whatever they touch is rotten to say the least. I have watched them for a long, long time.

Remember when Angelo King backed and wanted the Olympic Village to be built on the Superfund Site that is Hunters Point Naval Shipyard?

Remember the article in the Chronicle that spelled in details the millions wasted by Dwayne Jones and Communities Of Opportunity, who does not live in San Francisco but is a King Pimp - mostly taking poor, ignorant folks for a ride. Such scumbags must be ashamed of themselves and the fools that follow them - will lose big time. Ask Dwayne Jones what happened to Eloise from YCD?

Lennar is working behind the scenes to Land Bank - transfer its polluted assets to the Partners that is has made a pact with - and flee. No one is their right mind should believe that they will get to live in brand new housing - without paying for it and adhering to very strict conditions. No drugs, no guns, no loud nose, no littering, and so on. Think about that. You shout and scream and you will be removed.

Lennar will make you wait while they take their time to build - and while you wait and sell drugs or commit any crime you will be cited and incarcerated. Others, that linger at Alice Griffith while the initial grading and digging goes on - will be suffer from the toxic dust and other such adverse impacts that will affect the health of those whose health is already - compromised.

Less then five percent of those living there now - will be accommodated. Just go to Huntersview and talk to the folks there. The folks form Hunterview were promised and Tessy was their spokesman. The folks from Huntersviews were moved from one site to the other.

Many suffer from the move because the units they were moved had Asbestos, more those that can work and have skills are not offered jobs by the John Stewart Company.

The community is divided and Tessy who was speaking in favor of the John Stewart Company has now changed her mind and singing another tune. Tessy has seen the WRITING on the wall. Pathetic.

Remember, you do not have to live in pathetic conditions at Alice Griffith with Raw Sewage all over the place and more on Caroll Street covered with tree scraps - that evaporates and all of you breathe day in and day out.

Just go the border of Alice Griffith on Caroll Street and see the nonsense for yourself. This nonsense would NOT be tolerated in any other community.

Public Housing was never meant for permanent living. It is mind boggling when fools call Public Housing and Projects their permanent home. Anyway, you look at it - no one will own the units - they will make you sign papers, that is LENNAR - and get your ass on some minor infringement - in the short or long run.

The only thing saving Alice Griffith constituents to think about the future and make other better plans - is the present economy and Lennar having no money but thinking they can bluff us and rob our City and County of San Francisco all the time - has to wait to HOODWINK.

Soon, Gavin Newsom will jump ship and once he jumps ship Dwayne Jones, Rhonda Simmons, all those that pander to him - will flee faster then you blink your eye.

Do not trust less believe in people that feed you stale bread crumbs and make you speak for them. This is slavery of the worst kind - and believe me you folks that follow such EVIL folks continue to keep SLAVERY alive today. Shame on you and it time you first repent and then educate yourself to do the right thing.

Do not for one second think that this Racist City cares for you and most of all Gavin Newsom and his ploys.

Mandate the clean up and first form a sound Tenant Association that can sit on the table and make decision in writing. Learn to build bridges with Advocates that know the TRUTH and cannot be bought and have your better - interest.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way.

Fine tune your moral compass and learn to take your Elders, your children to a better place.

Do not pander to those that do not have your better interest - folks like Angelo King, Veronica Hunnicutt, Aurelious Walker, Lola Whittle, Tiffany Bohee, Sophie Maxwell, Gavin Newsom, Amos Brown - and those lackey from Alice Griffith that do not own any land but want to own Federal Land and cannot.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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